Search and Rate US Trucking Companies
About Us
RateTrucker is a portal for US trucking companies. It is designed to collect and publish crowd-sourced reviews about trucking businesses.
RateTrucker connects individuals and businesses with local trucking companies. Businesses can also update contact information, hours, and other basic listing information.
In trucking industry we are the most powerful review platform, free and open to all.
Because RateTrucker relies on its members' experiences, reviews aren't submitted anonymously. Members' information is kept confidential on RateTrucker, but reviews are made available to the companies who have been reviewed.
Finally, all reviews submitted by members go through a team of RateTrucker staff who look for any irregularities or red flags. Occasionally, if we catch trucking companies reporting on their own businesses, we act. Those companies are reprimanded and the reports are promptly and permanently removed from the portal.