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Trucking Companies in Connecticut
Trucking companies in Connecticut are one of the top contributions to the state’s economy. With thousands of truck drivers employed, you can see why many people are interested in the trucking industry.
Are you planning to start a trucking company in Connecticut or want to work as a truck driver? Whatever the reason, learn more about local trucking companies and frequently asked questions about the industry and processes for starting a business.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Connecticut
What are the best Connecticut trucking companies to hire or work for? These are the top 10 trucking companies in Connecticut known for their excellent services, years of experience, and fair rates:
The Anastasio Group
Almost 44 years ago, The Anastasio Group began with just one truck as a small family business. With excellent work ethics and a set of values, it has driven the company to grow with a whole fleet of more than 70 new trailers and tractors.
Bulk Connection
Bulk Connection was founded in 1987, a licensed and insured freight broker that ensures reliability and safety for any shipment and customer. As one of the top trucking and shipping companies offer reputable services, such as bulk freight, logistics, among others.
Dalton Rigging and Transport, Inc.
This trucking company offers complete services for both domestic and international rigging and/or transportation. They ensure that they have experienced truck drivers to provide the world-class service clients deserve.
Red Line Freight Systems
This trucking company provides a wide variety of trucking services to ensure all your transportation needs are set. RLFS has professional truck drivers that accommodate whatever shipping solutions you require.
RTM Lines
Founded in 1980, RTM Lines has over 40 years of experience and grew to be one of the top trucking companies in Connecticut. They can handle shipments of all sizes with their wide fleet of trucks and transportation available.
Drivv (powered by Courierboard)
Drivv ensures quick access to various courier service providers with competitive prices. They are best known for their 24/7 service and an entire fleet with complete offerings.
Industrial Riggers, Inc.
Industrial Riggers, Inc. focuses more on crane and rigging devices, heavy hauling, transport, as well as warehousing and crating services. They are suitable for those who require a fleet for heavy construction and jobs.
JR Cristoni, Inc.
Located in Wallingford, Connecticut, this trucking company offers all the shipping services with over 70 years of experience. They can ship and provide their services worldwide, ensuring safety and reliability.
JRC Transportation, Inc.
JRC Transportation, Inc. is a big company with a 300 + flatbed trucking fleet, offering heavy hail and dry van trucking services as well. They’ve been in the trucking industry for over 35 years and are open for all clients AND those looking for a truck driver job.
Ocean Air Transportation
This Connecticut trucking company is popular for its competitive rates and responsive planning, focusing on its strategy behind the moves and shipments. They don’t only offer trucking services, but the ship and plane shipments as well!
Frequently Asked Questions about Connecticut Trucking Companies
Do you want to learn more about local trucking companies in Connecticut? Here are frequently asked question on the process of getting into the industry:
You will need to report to the DOT yearly for registration purposes or each time your company purchases a new commercial vehicle.
According to Thomas Industry Update, there are seven companies that offer heavy haul trucking services.
In Connecticut, a motor carrier is an owner operator that manages a fleet of commercial vehicles for various transportation services. Such services are paid for and require registration for both trucks and drivers.
You can get a motor carrier number in Connecticut by heading to your city’s local DMV or fill up an online application form. Pay the fees and submit the necessary requirements and wait until approval to begin services.
You can become a transportation provider in Connecticut by filling up the appropriate forms from the state’s Medicaid. Make sure that both the truck driver (with a commercial driver's license) and motor vehicle can perform medical transportation services.
When beginning a trucking company in Connecticut, you will first need to prepare a capital investment of at least $200,000 for a small business.
Before hiring company drivers, you also need a solid and detailed business plan and timeline of when you will invest in your assets and complete registrations for your business and vehicles.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Connecticut
Before your commercial trucks can go out to perform a shipment and trucking service, you will need to register them. An owner operator can register their trucks on their own, or hire a company to do so for a minimal fee.
In Connecticut, the commercial registration fees depend on the size and type of truck used. It is based on the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
It can range from $47 for vehicles less than 3,000 pounds, to $1,546 for vehicles between 79,001 to 80,000 pounds. You can refer to the Connecticut DMV chart for specific rates based on your trucks’ weights.
On average, these are the fees you’ll need to pay besides the Commercial Fee:
- $5 for the plate fee
- $25 for the title fee
- $10 for the administrative fee
- $5 for the clean air act fee
- $10 for the lien flee, only if applicable
There may also be additional costs, such as:
- $40 emissions exemption fee for vehicles over four years old
- $5 greenhouse gas fee
Insurance Costs for Connecticut Trucking Companies
On average, the costs from insurance companies for Connecticut trucking companies varies between $9,000 to $12,000 per truck annually, depending on how large your company is. This already includes the following:
- Primary liability coverage
- General liability
- Physical damage (or basic coverage)
- Occupational accident coverage
- Bobtail insurance
You can save up on insurance by ensuring your truck drivers have better driving histories, availing bundle packages, and selecting the right insurance company that offers competitive rates.
While it may be quite pricey in the state, it’s better than to pay hundreds of thousands in case of a truck accident, which could have been used to better use (like an insurance for more trucks).
Browse trucking companies in Connecticut
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- 41 Woodridge Dr
- Amston
- Andover
- Ansonia
- Ashford
- Avon
- Baltic
- Bantam
- Barkhamstead
- Barkhamsted
- Beacon Falls
- Behtlehem
- Berlin
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Bethelhem
- Bethlehem
- Bloofield
- Bloomfeild
- Bloomfield
- Bolton
- Botsford
- Bozrah
- Bpt
- Branford
- Bridgeport
- Bridgewater
- Brightwater
- Bristol
- Bristol Ct
- Broad Brook
- Broadbrook
- Brookfield
- Brookflied
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Ct
- Brooksfield
- Brushy Hill Road
- Burlington
- Canaan
- Canterbury
- Canton
- Canton Center
- Canton Ct
- Centerbrook
- Central Village
- Chalpin
- Chaplin
- Cheshire
- Chester
- Cholchester
- Clinton
- Cobalt
- Colchester
- Colebrook
- Collinsville
- Columbia
- Cornwall
- Cornwall Brg
- Cornwall Bridge
- Cos Cob
- Coventry
- Cromwell
- Danbury
- Danbury Ct
- Danielson
- Darien
- Dayville
- Deep River
- Derby
- Durham
- Durhan
- E Granby
- E Hampton
- E Hartford
- E Haven
- E Htfd
- E Hurtford
- E Killingly
- E Litchfield
- E Lyme
- E Windsor
- E Woodstock
- East Hartford
- East Berlin
- East Canaan
- East Granby
- East Haddam
- East Haddan
- East Hampton
- East Harford
- East Hartford
- East Hartfurd
- East Hartland
- East Have
- East Haven
- East Killingly
- East Lyme
- East Norwalk
- East Windsor
- East Winsor
- East Woodstock
- Eastford
- Easthartford
- Easton
- Ellington
- Ellington Ct
- Enfield
- Essex
- Fairfield
- Fairifield
- Falls Village
- Fallsville
- Farmington
- Ffld
- Forestville
- Forrestville
- Franklin
- Gales Ferry
- Galesferry
- Gaylordsville
- Gaylordville
- Georgetown
- Gilman
- Glastonbury
- Goshen
- Granby
- Green
- Greenwich
- Greewich
- Grenich
- Griswold
- Grosvenordale
- Groton
- Guilford
- Gullford
- Haddam
- Haddam Neck
- Hadem
- Hamden
- Hamdeni
- Hampton
- Hanover
- Harford
- Hartford
- Hartford Ct
- Harwinter
- Harwinton
- Hebron
- Higganum
- Hmaden
- Htfd
- Huntington
- Ivoryton
- Jewett City
- Kensignton
- Kensington
- Kent
- Killingly
- Killingworth
- Lakeville
- Lebanon
- Ledyard
- Lisbon
- Litchfield
- Lyme
- Madison
- Manchester
- Mansfield
- Mansfield Center
- Mansfield Ctr
- Mansfield Depot
- Marion
- Marlborough
- Mashantucket
- Meridan
- Meriden
- Meriden Ct
- Middle Haddam
- Middlebury
- Middlefield
- Middleton
- Middletown
- Middletownn
- Middletownportland
- Miford
- Milford
- Milldale
- Monroe
- Montville
- Moodus
- Moosup
- Morris
- Mossup
- Mystic
- N Branford
- N Franklin
- N Granby
- N Grosv
- N Grosvenordale
- N Grosvenordl
- N Stonington
- N Stunington
- N Windham
- Naugatuck
- New Britain
- New Haven
- New Bratain
- New Britain
- New Britan
- New Britian
- New Britin
- New Canaan
- New Cannan
- New Canoon
- New Fairfield
- New Hardford
- New Hartford
- New Haven
- New London
- New Milford
- New Preston
- New Town
- Newbritain
- Newfairfield
- Newhaven
- Newington
- Newinton
- Newlondon
- Newmilford
- Newton
- Newtown
- Niantic
- No Branford
- No Franklin
- No Haven
- No Stonington
- No Windham
- Noank
- Norfolk
- North Branford
- North Bfd
- North Bradford
- North Branford
- North Canaan
- North Franklin
- North Granby
- North Grosvenordale
- North Have
- North Haven
- North Stonington
- North Windham
- Northbranford
- Northfield
- Northford
- Norwal
- Norwalk
- Norwalk Ct
- Norwark
- Norwich
- Nwe London
- Oakdale
- Oakville
- Old Greenwich
- Old Lyme
- Old Mystic
- Old Saybook
- Old Saybrook
- Oldsaybrook
- Oneco
- Orange
- Oxford
- Pawcatuck
- Peaquabuck
- Pequabuck
- Pine Meadow
- Plainfeild
- Plainfield
- Plainfiled
- Plaintsville
- Plainvil009735le
- Plainville
- Plantsville
- Pleasant Valley
- Plymouth
- Pomfret
- Pomfret Center
- Pomfret Ctr
- Poquonock
- Portland
- Preston
- Prospect
- Putman
- Putnam
- Putnum
- Quaker Hil
- Quaker Hill
- Quakerhill
- Quinebaug
- Redding
- Redding Center
- Ridgefield
- Riverside
- Riverton
- Rockfall
- Rockville
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Hills
- Rockyhill
- Rowayton
- Roxbuey
- Roxbury
- S Gianstonbury
- S Glastonbury
- S Kent
- S Windham
- S Windsor
- Salem
- Salisbury
- Sandy Hook
- Sandyhook
- Scotland
- Seymour
- Sharon
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Simsbury
- So Norwalk
- Somers
- Somersville
- Soth Windsor
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- South Glastonbury
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- Southinton
- Southngton
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- Sprague
- Stafford
- Stafford Spgs
- Stafford Spr
- Stafford Spring
- Stafford Springs
- Stamdford
- Stamford
- Standford
- Stanford
- Startford
- Sterling
- Stonington
- Storrs
- Storrs Manfld
- Strafford
- Strartford
- Stratford
- Stratford Road
- Stratfort
- Suffeild
- Suffield
- Taconic
- Taftville
- Tariffville
- Tattville
- Terrville
- Terryville
- Thomastin
- Thomaston
- Thompson
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- Tolland Ct
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- Torrington
- Trubull
- Trumball
- Trumbull
- Uncasville
- Union
- Unionvile
- Unionville
- Vernon
- Vernon Rockville
- Vernon Rockvl
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- Voluntown
- W Cornwall
- W Hartford
- W Suffield
- Walling Ford
- Wallingford
- Wallingford Ct
- Wallingfrod
- Wallingord
- Warehouse Point
- Warren
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- Washington Dt
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- Waterbery
- Waterbury
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- Watertown
- Wauregan
- Weathersfield
- Weatogue
- Wehtersfield
- Wesport
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- West Granby
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- West Hartford
- West Hartland
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- West Haven Ct
- West Heaven
- West Redding
- West Simsbry
- West Simsbury
- West Suffield
- West Willington
- Westbrook
- Westbrook Ct
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- Westport
- Wethersdfield
- Wethersfiel8602059816d
- Wethersfield
- Willimantic
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- Windose
- Windsor
- Windsor Locks
- Winsted
- Wolcott
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodstock
- Woodstock Valley
- Woodstock Vly
- Yalesville
- Yantic
Latest Reviews of Connecticut Trucking Companies
Elaine Golden
Excellent Kind Professional And dependable
- Published: 1 month ago
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Lisa Slisher
Uptop Trucking LLC has exhibited gross negligence by failing to fulfill their contractual obligations for transporting refrigerated freight at the contracted temperature, leading to a significant claim. Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue, the company has refused to initiate a claim with the insured and compensate for the damages, showing a disregard for customer concerns and service quality. This negligence has caused financial loss, and caution is advised when considering their services. As a result, Uptop Trucking LLC has been designated as a “Do Not Use” carrier.
- Published: 6 months ago
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