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Trucking Companies in Illinois
There is a host of trucking companies in Illinois, with many of them needing more truckers! The demand for drivers and shipment services only grows from here. This has inspired businessmen to create their own trucking business.
But what is there to learn about the trucking industry? Whether you want to work as a trucker or get in the trucking business, read on to find out!
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Illinois
Are you looking for a truck driving job, need trucking services, or want to become an owner operator? Check these top 10 trucking companies in Illinois:
Illinois Trucking Association
This is one of the top trucking companies in the state, having been in the industry for almost 90 years and counting. Today, they offer motor carrier services performed by excellent truckers, as well as CDL training in truck driving schools across 48 states.
CR Express Incorporated
The Illinois trucking company offers state-of-the-art equipment to accommodate whatever their clients need, as well as exemplary customer service, which they are popular for. Located in Elk Grove Village, they provide full-pickup, delivery, and shipment services with professional company drivers across Chicago.
Spirit Trucking Company
Spirit Trucking offers timely same-day delivery for LTL, TL, long hauls, container movements, and emergency runs in all 48 states. They are known for their security and reliability, with surveillance that covers all shifts and shipments 24/7, as well as their truck driver teams who receive great pay and home time.
Meiborg Brothers Trucking
This is the largest regional logistics and transportation provider in the state, deserving a spot as one of the top trucking companies in Illinois! Meiborg Brothers Trucking has professional truck driver teams that provide services for LTL, truckload, flatbed, dry van, as well as temperature-controlled trucks.
JKC Trucking
This trucking company focuses more on fresh produce shipment with its dry freight and climate-controlled trucks with LTL. They are one of the top in the trucking industry and are part of the 500 Fortune top companies, thanks to years of professional experience and an experienced driver team!
J M Vaccaro Trucking Inc.
With over 30 years of transport experience, this privately-owned company offers a wide array of services paired with dedicated truck drivers who receive great benefits. They provide coned storage container moves, flatbed and dry deck trailers, side loaders, rollback trucks, and more, catering to any shipping needs!
Geanto’s Trucking
Based in Bensenville, this trucking company focuses on efficiency and safety for their company drivers and any cargo for delivery. They have services that include air freight, intermodal trucking, and warehousing with a team of truck drivers who ensure your properties arrive in good condition.
Complete Trucking Inc.
This is a family-owned trucking company that caters to huge and small-time businesses that require delivery services from trusted professionals. Complete Trucking has been in the industry for over 35 years, with 205 trailers and refrigerated units with trained drivers with CDL training and experience.
Thrift Trucking
This 25-year-old trucking company utilizes state-of-the-art technology for exemplary customer reputation and efficient delivery service. With their experienced drivers, they provide services such as full truckload, lift-gate deliveries, and trailer storage.
Vanek Brothers Trucking
This is the oldest trucking company in Chicago, starting its services in 1921 then growing to fleets of commercial vehicles and hardworking truckers ever since. The family-owned company has an excellent driver team and offers services such as flatbed, refrigerated and stretch trailers, dump trucks, and more!
Frequently Asked Questions about Illinois Trucking Companies
What else is there to learn about starting an Illinois truck company? These are frequently asked questions you can refer to:
An owner operator will be required to report to the Department of Transportation once a year. You may need to report more than once, depending on if you bought new commercial vehicles that require registration.
There are currently 23 heavy haul trucking companies in Illinois.
A motor carrier refers to an owner operator or truck company owner that operates a fleet of trucks and trailers for commercial use. These vehicles transport assets and properties to certain areas for a fee.
You can get a motor carrier number in Illinois from their local Department of Transportation. Their websites include online application forms and exact requirements for more information.
To become a transportation provider in Illinois, you will need to submit an application form and other documents proving that the company driver and vehicle are capable of doing such services.
You can begin a trucking service in Illinois by preparing a capital investment of at least $200,000. Furthermore, a detailed business plan and knowledge of the trucking industry (and its registration requirements) are a must.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Illinois
In Illinois, there is a registration fee for trucks and commercial vehicles, the exact costs depending on its net weight.
For single-unit trucks, there is a $10 flat fee and an additional $38 if it has a gross weight of 8,000 pounds. For trucks over 45,000 pounds, it can be less than $1,100. If you have a heavy unit truck, the average cost is $580.
The fee for typical vehicles can range from $190 to $390 for farm and non-farm trailers and trucks, respectively.
Note that these are just average registration fees for trucks and may vary on the weight, miles traveled, among other specific factors.
Insurance Costs for Illinois Trucking Companies
The average cost for Illinois commercial auto coverage ranges between $900 to $1,200 a year. This already includes common limits and coverages.
However, the insurance cost depends on the type of vehicle you have, the designated company driver, and your business records. There are varying factors that can drive the costs up or down.
Browse trucking companies in Illinois
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- Abbott Park
- Abingdon
- Adair
- Addieville
- Addison
- Addison Il
- Addsion
- Albany
- Albers
- Albion
- Aledo
- Alexander
- Alexis
- Algonquin
- Algoquin
- Alhambra
- Allendale
- Allerton
- Alma
- Alorton
- Alpha
- Alqonquin
- Alsin
- Alsip
- Altamont
- Alto Pass
- Alton
- Altona
- Alvin
- Amboy
- Anchor
- Ancona
- Andalusia
- Andover
- Angonquin
- Anna
- Annaman
- Annapolis
- Annawan
- Antioch
- Apple River
- Arcola
- Arenzville
- Argenta
- Arlinghton Heights
- Arlingt Hts
- Arlington
- Arlington Heights
- Arlington Hts
- Arlington Heigh
- Arlington Height
- Arlington Heights
- Arlington Heihgts
- Arlington Hghts
- Arlington Hgts
- Arlington Hieghts
- Arlington Hights
- Arlington Hts
- Armington
- Armstrong
- Aroma Park
- Arrowsmith
- Arthur
- Ashkum
- Ashland
- Ashley
- Ashmore
- Ashton
- Assumption
- Astoria
- Athens
- Atkinson
- Atlanta
- Atwater
- Atwood
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Aurora
- Aurora Il
- Ava
- Aviston
- Avon
- Baileyville
- Baldwin
- Bannockburn
- Barlett
- Barnhill
- Barrington
- Barrington Hills
- Barrinton
- Barry
- Barstow
- Bartelso
- Bartlet
- Bartlett
- Bartonville
- Basco
- Batavaia
- Batavia
- Batchtown
- Bath
- Baylis
- Beach Park
- Beardstown
- Beason
- Beaverville
- Beckemeyer
- Beckemyer
- Bedfor Park
- Bedford
- Bedford Park
- Beecher
- Beecher City
- Belivdere
- Belknap
- Belle Rive
- Bellevilee
- Belleville
- Bellflower
- Bellville
- Bellwood
- Belvidere
- Belvidered
- Bement
- Benld
- Bensenvile
- Bensenville
- Bensneville
- Benson
- Bensonville
- Benton
- Berkeley
- Berkley
- Berwick
- Berwyn
- Bethalto
- Bethany
- Big Rock
- Biggsville
- Bingham
- Bismarck
- Bismark
- Blackstone
- Blandinsville
- Blomingdale
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomington
- Blue
- Blue Island
- Blue Mound
- Bluff Springs
- Bluffs
- Bluford
- Boilingbrook
- Bolinbrook
- Boling Brook
- Bolingbook
- Bolingbrook
- Bolling Brook
- Bollingbrook
- Bondville
- Bone Gap
- Bonfeild
- Bonfield
- Bonnie
- Bourbannias
- Bourbonnais
- Bourbonnas
- Bourbonnias
- Bournbonnias
- Bowen
- Bowingbrook
- Braceville
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Braidwood
- Breese
- Bridge View
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeview
- Bridgview
- Brigdeview
- Brighton
- Brimfield
- Bristol
- Broadlands
- Broadview
- Brocton
- Brodaview
- Brookfield
- Brookport
- Brooksfield
- Broughton
- Browning
- Browns
- Brownstown
- Brussels
- Buckingham
- Buckley
- Buckner
- Buda
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Groove
- Buffalo Grove
- Buffalo Prairie
- Bull Valley
- Bulpitt
- Buncombe
- Bunker Hill
- Bunkerhill
- Bur Ridge
- Burbank
- Bureau
- Burlington
- Burnham
- Burnham Il
- Burnside
- Burnt Prairie
- Burr Ridge
- Burrridge
- Bushnell
- Butler
- Byrant
- Byron
- Cabery
- Cahokia
- Cahokia Heights
- Cahokia Hgts
- Cairo
- Calamet City
- Caledonia
- Calendonia
- Calhoun
- Calimet City
- Calument Park
- Calumet
- Calumet City
- Calumet Park
- Camargo
- Cambria
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Cameron
- Camp Grove
- Camp Point
- Campbell Hill
- Canton
- Cantrall
- Capron
- Carbon Cliff
- Carbon Hill
- Carbondale
- Carlinville
- Carlock
- Carlyle
- Carman
- Carmi
- Carol Steam
- Carol Stream
- Carpentersvile
- Carpentersvill
- Carpentersville
- Carpentersvle
- Carrier Miills
- Carrier Mills
- Carrollton
- Carrolton
- Carterville
- Carthage
- Carthge
- Cary
- Caryle
- Casey
- Caseyville
- Catlin
- Cave In Rock
- Cave-in-rock
- Cazenovia
- Cedar Point
- Cedarville
- Centralia
- Centreville
- Cerro Gordo
- Cerrogoreo
- Chadwick
- Chambersburg
- Champaign
- Chana
- Chandlerville
- Channahon
- Channbon
- Channohon
- Chapin
- Charleston
- Chatam
- Chatham
- Chatsworth
- Chciago
- Chebanse
- Chenoa
- Cherry
- Cherry Valley
- Chester
- Chesterfield
- Chestnut
- Chgo
- Chi
- Chicago
- Chicago Height's
- Chicago Heights
- Chicago Heigths
- Chicago Hts
- Chicago Il 60629
- Chicago Ridge
- Chicaho Ridge
- Chichago
- Chicogo
- Chillicothe
- Chrisman
- Christopher
- Cicero
- Cisco
- Cisne
- Cisner
- Cissna Park
- Clairemont
- Clare
- Claredon Hills
- Claremont
- Clarendon Hills
- Clarendon Hlls
- Clarendon Hls
- Clay City
- Clayton
- Clifton
- Clinton
- Cntry Clb Hills
- Cntry Clb Hls
- Coal City
- Coal City
- Coal Valley
- Coatsburg
- Cobden
- Coffeen
- Colchester
- Coleta
- Colfax
- Colinsville
- Collinsville
- Colombia
- Colona
- Columbia
- Colusa
- Compton
- Concord
- Congerville
- Cooksville
- Cordova
- Cornell
- Cornland
- Cortland
- Cottage Hills
- Coulterville
- Country Club
- Country Club H
- Country Club Hi
- Country Club Hills
- Countryside
- County Club Hills
- Courtland
- Cowden
- Cpopsey
- Creal Spring
- Creal Springs
- Crescent City
- Crest Hill
- Cresthill
- Creston
- Crestwood
- Crete
- Creve Coeur
- Creve Cover
- Cropsey
- Crossville
- Crysal Lake
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Lake
- Cuba
- Cullom
- Curran
- Custer Park
- Cutler
- Cypress
- Dahinda
- Dahlgren
- Dakota
- Dallas City
- Dalton
- Dalton City
- Dalzell
- Damiansville
- Dana
- Danforth
- Danvers
- Danville
- Darien
- Darien Il
- Davis
- Davis Jct
- Davis Junction
- Dawson
- De Kalb
- De Soto
- Dec Atur
- Decatur
- Deer Cree
- Deer Creek
- Deer Grove
- Deer Park
- Deerfield
- Dekalb
- Deland
- Delauan
- Delaun
- Delava N
- Delavan
- Delong
- Dennison
- Des Plaines
- Des Plains
- Des Planies
- Desoto
- Desplaines
- Detroit
- Dewey
- Dewitt
- Diamond
- Dieterich
- Divernon
- Dix
- Dixmoor
- Dixon
- Dolton
- Dongola
- Donnellson
- Donovan
- Doquoiru
- Dorsey
- Dorsy
- Dover
- Dow
- Downers Grove
- Downersgrove
- Downs
- Downs Il
- Du Bois
- Du Quoin
- Dubois
- Dundas
- Dundee
- Dunlap
- Dupo
- Duquoin
- Durand
- Durland
- Dwight
- E Carondelet
- E Dubuque
- E Hazel Crest
- E Moline
- E S T Louis
- E Saint Louis
- E St Louis
- Earlville
- East Louis
- East Alton
- East Alton Ave
- East Carodelet
- East Carondelet
- East Dubquue
- East Dubuque
- East Dundee
- East Hazel Crest
- East Lynn
- East Moline
- East Peoria
- East Saint Louis
- East St Louis
- Easton
- Eburn
- Edelstein
- Edgewood
- Edinburg
- Edwards
- Edwardsville
- Effingham
- Effington
- El Paso
- Elburn
- Eldena
- Eldorado
- Eldred
- Eleroy
- Elgiin
- Elgin
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethtown
- Elk Grove
- Elk Grove Ave
- Elk Grove Vill
- Elk Grove Villa
- Elk Grove Villag
- Elk Grove Village
- Elk Grove Vlg
- Elkgrove Village
- Elkhart
- Elkville
- Ellery
- Ellis Grove
- Ellisville
- Ellsworth
- Elmhurst
- Elmhust
- Elmwood
- Elmwood Pak
- Elmwood Park
- Elpaso
- Elvaston
- Elwin
- Elwood
- Emden
- Emington
- Energy
- Enfield
- Equality
- Erie
- Esmond
- Essex
- Eureka
- Evanston
- Evansville
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Park
- Evergreen Pk
- Ewing
- Fairbury
- Fairdale
- Fairfield
- Fairmont
- Fairmont City
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Fairview Height
- Fairview Heights
- Fairview Hts
- Farina
- Farmer City
- Farmersville
- Farmington
- Fayetteville
- Fenton
- Fieldon
- Fillmore
- Findlay
- Fisher
- Fithian
- Flanagan
- Flat Rock
- Flora
- Flossmoor
- Foosland
- Ford Heights
- Forest City
- Forest Park
- Forest View
- Forestview
- Forrest
- Forreston
- Forsyth
- Fowler
- Fox Lake
- Fox River Grove
- Fox River Grv
- Fox Rivergrove
- Frankfort
- Frankin Park
- Franklin
- Franklin Grove
- Franklin Grv
- Franklin Park
- Franklin Pk
- Frederick
- Fredrick
- Freeburg
- Freeport
- Fulton
- Fults
- Galatia
- Galena
- Galesburg
- Galt
- Galva
- Gant Park
- Garden Pr
- Garden Prairie
- Garden Prarie
- Gardner
- Gavla
- Gays
- Geff
- Genesco
- Geneseo
- Geneva
- Genoa
- Georgetown
- Gerlaw
- German Valley
- Germantown
- Gibson City
- Gifford
- Gilbert
- Gilberts
- Gillespie
- Gillispie
- Gilman
- Gilson
- Girard
- Gladstone
- Glasford
- Gledale Heights
- Glen Carbon
- Glen Ellyn
- Glen View
- Glenarm
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Glendale Heights
- Glendale Hights
- Glendale Hts
- Glennwood
- Glenview
- Glenwood
- Godfrey
- Godley
- Golconda
- Golden
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Gate
- Good Hope
- Goodfield
- Goodwine
- Goreville
- Gorham
- Gorman
- Grafton
- Grand Chain
- Grand Ridge
- Grand Tower
- Grandchain
- Granit City
- Granite
- Granite City
- Grant Park
- Grantsburg
- Granville
- Graymont
- Grayslake
- Grayville
- Great Lakes
- Green Oaks
- Green Valley
- Greenfield
- Greenup
- Greenview
- Greenville
- Gridley
- Griggsville
- Groveland
- Gulena
- Gurnee
- Hainesville
- Hamburg
- Hamel
- Hamilton
- Hammand
- Hammond
- Hampshire
- Hampton
- Hanna City
- Hannacity
- Hanover
- Hanover Park
- Haravel
- Hardin
- Hardwood Heights
- Hardwood Hts
- Harmon
- Harrisburg
- Harristown
- Hartford
- Hartsburg
- Harvard
- Harvel
- Harvey
- Harwood Height
- Harwood Heights
- Harwood Hights
- Harwood Hts
- Havana
- Hawthorn Woods
- Hawthorn Wds
- Hawthorn Woods
- Hawthorne Woods
- Hazel
- Hazel Crest
- Hazel Dell
- Hazelcrest
- Hebron
- Hecker
- Henderson
- Hennepin
- Henning
- Henry
- Herinn
- Herod
- Herrick
- Herrin
- Herscher
- Hettick
- Heyworth
- Hickory Hill
- Hickory Hills
- Hidaldo
- Hidalgo
- Highland
- Highland Park
- Highwood
- Hillsboro
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hillview
- Hinckley
- Hindsboro
- Hinsdale
- Hodgkins
- Hoffman
- Hoffman Estates
- Hoffman Est
- Hoffman Estat
- Hoffman Estate
- Hoffman Estates
- Hollowayville
- Home Glen
- Homer
- Homer Glen
- Homer Glenn
- Hometown
- Homewood
- Honover Park
- Hoopeson
- Hoopeston
- Hooppole
- Hopedale
- Hopkins Park
- Hoyleton
- Hudson
- Hull
- Humboldt
- Hume
- Huntley
- Huntsville
- Hurst
- Hutsonville
- Illinois
- Illinois City
- Illiopolis
- Ina
- Indian Creek
- Indian Head Park
- Indiana Head Park
- Indianhead Pk
- Indianola
- Industry
- Ingleside
- Ingraham
- Inverness
- Iola
- Ipava
- Iroquois
- Irving
- Irvington
- Island Lake
- Itasca
- Iuka
- Ivesdale
- Jacksonville
- Jacob
- Jamestown
- Janesville
- Jerseyville
- Jewett
- Jewitt
- Johnsburg
- Johnsonville
- Johnston City
- Joliet
- Jolist
- Jonesboro
- Jonseboro
- Joppa
- Joy
- Junction
- Junction City Il
- Justice
- Justics
- Kampsville
- Kane
- Kaneville
- Kankakee
- Kansas
- Karbers Ridge
- Karnak
- Kasbeer
- Keenes
- Keeneyville
- Keensburg
- Keithsburg
- Kell
- Kempton
- Kenilworth
- Kenney
- Kent
- Kewanee
- Keyesport
- Kilbourne
- Kildeer
- Kinderhook
- Kings
- Kingston
- Kingston Mines
- Kinmundy
- Kinsman
- Kirkland
- Kirksville
- Kirkwood
- Knox
- Knoxville
- La Grange
- La Grange Highlands
- La Grange Park
- La Grange Pk
- La Harpe
- La Moill
- La Moille
- La Place
- La Prairie
- La Rose
- La Salle
- Laclede
- Lacon
- Ladd
- Lafayette
- Lafox
- Lagrange
- Lagrange Highlands
- Lagrange Hlds
- Lagrange Park
- Lagrange Pk
- Laharpe
- Lake Barrington
- Lake Bluff
- Lake Forest
- Lake Fork
- Lake In The Hil
- Lake In The Hill
- Lake In The Hills
- Lake Moor
- Lake Villa
- Lake Zurich
- Lakemoor
- Lakewood
- Lamoille
- Lanark
- Lane
- Lansing
- Laplace
- Larose
- Lasalle
- Latham
- Laura
- Lawrenceville
- Le Roy
- Leaf River
- Lebanon
- Lee
- Lee Center
- Leland
- Lemont
- Lena
- Lenzburg
- Leonore
- Lerna
- Leroy
- Lewistone
- Lewistown
- Lexington
- Libertville
- Liberty
- Libertyville
- Lima
- Lincoln
- Lincolnshire
- Lincolnwood
- Linconshire
- Lindenhurst
- Lindenwood
- Lisle
- Lislle
- Litchfield
- Lith
- Little York
- Littleton
- Liverpool
- Livingston
- Lk Barrington
- Lk In The Hills
- Lk In The Hls
- Loami
- Lock Port
- Lockport
- Loda
- Logan
- Lokcport
- Lomax
- Lombard
- Lombaro
- London Mills
- Long Grove
- Long Lake
- Long Point
- Longview
- Loraine
- Lostant
- Louisville
- Lousiville
- Loves Park
- Lovespark
- Lovington
- Lowpoint
- Ludlow
- Lyndon
- Lynn Center
- Lynwood
- Lyons
- Ma Homet
- Macedonia
- Machesney Park
- Machesney Pk
- Mackinaw
- Macomb
- Macon
- Macoupin
- Madison
- Magnolia
- Mahomet
- Makanda
- Malden
- Malta
- Manchester
- Manhathan
- Manhattan
- Manito
- Manlius
- Mansfield
- Manteno
- Manville
- Maple Park
- Mapleton
- Maquon
- Marblehead
- Marengo
- Marietta
- Marine
- Marion
- Marissa
- Mark
- Markham
- Maroa
- Marquette Heights
- Marseille
- Marseilles
- Marshal
- Marshall
- Martinisville
- Martinsville
- Martinton
- Maryville
- Mascoutah
- Mason
- Mason City
- Matherville
- Matoon
- Matteson
- Matteson Suite 2042
- Matteston
- Matton
- Mattoon
- Maywood
- Mazon
- Mc Clure
- Mc Connell
- Mc Cook
- Mc Henry
- Mc Lean
- Mc Leansboro
- Mc Nabb
- Mcclure
- Mccomb
- Mcconnel
- Mcconnell
- Mccook
- Mccullom Lake
- Mccullum Lake
- Mchenry
- Mclean
- Mcleansboro
- Mcnabb
- Mechanicsburg
- Media
- Medinah
- Medora
- Mel Rose Pk
- Melrose
- Melrose Park
- Melrose Pk
- Melvin
- Mendon
- Mendota
- Meppen
- Meredosia
- Merengo
- Merrionett Pk
- Merrionette
- Merrionette Park
- Metamora
- Metcalf
- Metropolis
- Mettawa
- Middletown
- Midlothian
- Milan
- Milford
- Mill Shoals
- Milledgeville
- Miller City
- Millington
- Millstadt
- Milmine
- Milton
- Mineral
- Minier
- Minonk
- Minooka
- Mitchell
- Mode
- Modesto
- Modoc
- Mokena
- Moline
- Momence
- Monee
- Monence
- Monmouth
- Monroe
- Monroe Center
- Montgomery
- Monticello
- Monticollo
- Montrose
- Moro
- Morris
- Morrision
- Morrison
- Morrisonville
- Morton
- Morton Grove
- Morton Grove
- Mossville
- Mound City
- Mounds
- Mount Olive
- Mount Prospect
- Mount Auburn
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Carrol
- Mount Carroll
- Mount Erie
- Mount Morris
- Mount Olive
- Mount Prospect
- Mount Pulaski
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Zion
- Mountcarroll
- Moweaqua
- Mowequa
- Mt Carroll
- Mt Auburn
- Mt Carmel
- Mt Carroll
- Mt Erie
- Mt Morris
- Mt Olive
- Mt Prospect
- Mt Pulaski
- Mt Sterling
- Mt Vernon
- Mt Zion
- Mudline Rd
- Mulberry Grove
- Mulberry Grv
- Mulkeytown
- Mundelein
- Murphsboro
- Murphysboro
- Murrayville
- Murryville
- N Barrington
- N Henderson
- N Riverside
- Naperville
- Naples
- Nashville
- National City
- Nauvoo
- Nebo
- Nedga
- Neoga
- Neponset
- New Athens
- New Baden
- New Bedford
- New Berlin
- New Boston
- New Burnside
- New Canton
- New Douglas
- New Haven
- New Holland
- New Lenox
- New Salem
- New Windsor
- Newark
- Newbedford
- Newman
- Newton
- Niantic
- Niles
- Nilwood
- Niota
- Noble
- Nokomas
- Nokomis
- Nomomis
- Nora
- Normail
- Normal
- Norridge
- Norris
- Norris City
- North Aurora
- North Barrington
- North Chicago
- North Henderson
- North Lake
- North Riverside
- Northbrook
- Northfield
- Northfiled
- Northlake
- Norwood Park
- Nottingham Park
- O Fallon
- O'falllon
- O'fallon
- Oak Brook
- Oak Brook Terr
- Oak Brook Terrace
- Oak Forest
- Oak Lawn
- Oak Lwn
- Oak Park
- Oakbrook
- Oakbrook Ter
- Oakbrook Terrace
- Oakdale
- Oakford
- Oakland
- Oaklawn
- Oakley
- Oakwood
- Oakwood Hills
- Oblong
- Oconee
- Odell
- Odin
- Ofallon
- Ogden
- Oglesby
- Ohio
- Ohlman
- Okawville
- Old Mill Creek
- Olive Branch
- Olmstead
- Olmsted
- Olney
- Olympia Fields
- Olympia Flds
- Omaha
- Onarga
- Oneida
- Opdyke
- Oquakwa
- Oquawka
- Orangeville
- Orangville
- Oreana
- Oregon
- Orient
- Orion
- Orland Hill
- Orland Hills
- Orland Park
- Orlando Park
- Osco
- Oswego
- Ottawa
- Owaneco
- Ozark
- Palatine
- Palestine
- Palmer
- Palmyra
- Paloma
- Palos Hills
- Palos Heights
- Palos Hills
- Palos Park
- Pals Heights
- Pana
- Panama
- Paris
- Park City
- Park Forest
- Park Ridge
- Park Rigde
- Parkersburg
- Parkforest
- Parkridge
- Patoka
- Patuka
- Paw Paw
- Pawnee
- Paxton
- Payson
- Pearl
- Pearl City
- Pecatonica
- Pekin
- Pembroke
- Pembroke Town
- Pembroke Township
- Pembroke Twp
- Pembroke Twsp
- Penfield
- Peontone
- Peoria
- Peoria Heights
- Peoria Hts
- Peotone
- Percy
- Perkin
- Perry
- Peru
- Pesotum
- Petersburg
- Philo
- Phoenix
- Piasa
- Pickneyville
- Pinckneyville
- Pingree Grove
- Pinkneyville
- Piper City
- Pittsburg
- Pittsfield
- Plainfield
- Plainfiled
- Plainview
- Plainville
- Plano
- Plato Center
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Plaines
- Pleasant Plains
- Pleasant Plns
- Plymouth
- Pocahontas
- Polar Grove
- Polo
- Pomona
- Pontiac
- Pontoon Beach
- Poplar Grove
- Port Barrington
- Port Byron
- Posen
- Potomac
- Pr Du Rocher
- Praire View
- Prairie City
- Prairie Du Rocher
- Prairie Durocher
- Prairie Grove
- Prairie View
- Prarie Du Rocher
- Preemption
- Princeton
- Princeville
- Prophetstown
- Prospect
- Prospect Height
- Prospect Heights
- Prospect Hgts
- Prospect Hts
- Pt Barrington
- Pulaski
- Putnam
- Quincy
- Raleigh
- Rameoville
- Ramsey
- Rankin
- Ransom
- Rantool
- Rantoul
- Rapids City
- Raymond
- Red Bud
- Redbud
- Reddick
- Reynolds
- Richmond
- Richton Park
- Richton Park
- Richton Pk
- Richview
- Ridge Farm
- Ridgefarm
- Ridgeway
- Ridgway
- Ridott
- Rinard
- Ringwood
- Rio
- Risdon School Rd
- River Forest
- River Grove
- Riverdale
- Riverdle
- Riverside
- Riverton
- Riverwoods
- Roanoke
- Roasmond
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Robinson
- Rocford
- Rochelle
- Rochester
- Rock City
- Rock Falls
- Rock Island
- Rockbridge
- Rockdale
- Rockfalls
- Rockford
- Rockfrod
- Rockport
- Rockton
- Rockwood
- Rocuford
- Roll Mdws
- Rolling Mdws
- Rolling Meado
- Rolling Meadow
- Rolling Meadows
- Romeoville
- Romeville
- Roodhouse
- Rosamond
- Roscoe
- Roscoe Il
- Roselle
- Rosemond
- Rosemont
- Roseville
- Rosiclaire
- Rosiclare
- Rossville
- Round Lake
- Round Lake Beach
- Round Lake Heights
- Round Lake Hts
- Round Lake Park
- Round Lake Pk
- Round Lk Bch
- Round Lk Hts
- Roxana
- Royal
- Royalton
- Ruma
- Rushville
- Russell
- Rutland
- Rver Grove
- S Barrington
- S Beloit
- S Chicago Heights
- S Chicago Hts
- S Elgin
- S Jacksonvle
- S Roxanna
- S Wilmington
- Sadorus
- Saint Anne
- Saint Charles
- Saint Elmo
- Saint Francisville
- Saint Jacob
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Libory
- Saint Louis
- Saint Marie
- Saint Peter
- Sainte Marie
- Salem
- San Jose
- Sandoval
- Sandwich
- Sauanna
- Sauget
- Sauk Village
- Saukvillage
- Saunemin
- Savanna
- Savoy
- Saybrook
- Scales Mound
- Schamburg
- Schaumbrug
- Schaumburg
- Schaumbury
- Scheller
- Schiler Park
- Schiller Aprk
- Schiller Park
- Schumburg
- Sciota
- Scott Afb
- Seaton
- Seatonville
- Secor
- Senceca
- Seneca
- Senica
- Serena
- Sesser
- Seward
- Seymour
- Shabbona
- Shannon
- Shattuc
- Shaumburg
- Shawneetown
- Sheffield
- Shelbyville
- Sheldon
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Sherrard
- Shiller Park
- Shiloh
- Shipman
- Shirley
- Shobonier
- Shorewood
- Shumway
- Sibley
- Sidell
- Sidney
- Sigel
- Siloh
- Silvis
- Simpson
- Sims
- Skoie
- Skokie
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smithboro
- Smithfield
- Smithshire
- Smithton
- So Beloit
- So Chicago Heights
- So Holland
- Somonauk
- Sorento
- South Barrington
- South Beloit
- South Chicago Height
- South Chicago Heights
- South Elgin
- South Holland
- South Pekin
- South Roxana
- South Wilmington
- Sparkland
- Sparland
- Sparta
- Speer
- Spfld
- Spfud
- Spillertown
- Spring Bay
- Spring Grove
- Spring Valley
- Springerton
- Springfield
- St Francisville
- St Joseph
- St Anne
- St Augustine
- St Charles
- St Elmo
- St Francisville
- St Jacob
- St Joseph
- St Libory
- St Marie
- St Peter
- St Rose
- St. Charles
- Standard
- Stanford
- Staunton
- Steamwood
- Steeleville
- Steger
- Stelle
- Sterling
- Steward
- Stewardson
- Stickney
- Stillman Valley
- Stillman Vly
- Stockland
- Stockton
- Stone Park
- Stonefort
- Stonington
- Strasburg
- Strawn
- Streamwood
- Streator
- Stronghurst
- Sublette
- Sugar Grove
- Sullivan
- Summerfield
- Summit
- Summit Argo
- Summit Argo
- Summitt Argo
- Sumner
- Sutter
- Swansea
- Sycamore
- Table Grove
- Tallula
- Tamaroa
- Tamms
- Tampico
- Taylor Ridge
- Taylorille
- Taylorvile
- Taylorville
- Tayorville
- Tennessee
- Teutopolis
- Texico
- Thawville
- Thayer
- Thebes
- Thomas
- Thomasboro
- Thompsonville
- Thomson
- Thornton
- Tilden
- Tilton
- Timewell
- Tinely Park
- Tinley
- Tinley Aprk
- Tinley Park
- Tiskilwa
- Toledo
- Tolono
- Toluca
- Tomica
- Tonica
- Topeka
- Toulan
- Toulon
- Towanda
- Tower Hill
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Trilla
- Trivoli
- Troy
- Troy Grove
- Tunnel Hill
- Tuscola
- Ullin
- Union
- Union Hill
- University
- University Park
- University Pk
- Urbana
- Ursa
- Utica
- Valmeter
- Valmeyer
- Van Orin
- Vandalia
- Varna
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- Vernon Hills
- Verona
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- Vienna
- Villa Grove
- Villa Park
- Villa Pk
- Villa Ridge
- Village
- Village Of Lakewood
- Viola
- Virden
- Virgil
- Virginia
- Vlg Of Lakewd
- Volo
- W Chicago
- W Dundee
- W Frankfort
- W0nder Lake
- Wadsworth
- Waggner
- Waggoner
- Walnut
- Walnut Hill
- Walsh
- Walshiville
- Walshville
- Waltonville
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- Warrensburg
- Warrenville
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- Washington
- Washington Park
- Washington Pk
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Latest Reviews of Illinois Trucking Companies
Alice Lung
reviewed L & S TRUCKING INC
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- Published: 2 days ago
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Alice Lung
Hi, I hope you're having a great week! We understand that long-term contracts and managing cleaning crews can be challenging. That's why we offer flexible, customized cleaning solutions tailored to your schedule and budget. Would you be open to a brief cleaning assessment to address any current concerns? I look forward to speaking with you soon. Best regards, Alice Lung Business Development Representative Renewed Reflections Respond with stop to optout.
- Published: 2 days ago
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Allen Young
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- Published: 2 months ago
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