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Trucking Companies Kansas
You can find a lot of Kansas trucking companies offering a variety of services for all businesses and industries. Whether it’s for a small business that requires shipments to its clients or a construction company that requires delivery of equipment, local trucking companies will fulfill the task.
Because of the increased demand, more people have been inclined to start their own trucking company or to work as a truck driver. If you plan to get into the trucking industry, learn more about the best trucking companies in Kansas and what to expect when beginning your own.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Kansas
What are the companies currently reigning the Kansas trucking industry? These are the top 10 trucking companies in Kansas you can trust for their excellent services and treatment for their truck drivers:
Butler Transport Inc.
This company has been around for over 30 years, known or delivering any products and services quickly. They provide one of the most affordable prices, getting positive feedback for their trustworthiness.
Schmul Brothers Transportation Services
Founded back in 1995 and starting with just two trucks, they have now expanded their business, with over 100 employees and 50 tractors. They offer various services such as intermodal, freight, LTL carrier, regional deliveries, and brokerage.
Riverside Transport Inc.
The trucking company began with ten truck operators and 20 trailers, offering services such as logistics, long and short-haul, regional and local, refrigerated, and more. They now have over 3,000 pieces of equipment and over a thousand employees, with terminals in various cities and states.
Pavlich Inc.
Pavlich Inc has been in the trucking industry for almost 50 years, known for its solid performance, timely deliveries, and great service. The family-owned business has highly-trained and experienced driver teams to ensure all goods are delivered successfully.
International Express Trucking
International Express Trucking is unique and known for being a woman-owned company with a dedicated owner-operator and employees with dependable services. They aim to offer the best rates and maintain long-term relationships with their clients, with services including intermodal drayage, store and distribution, brokerage, truckload, and more!
Core Carrier Corporation
A family-owned company operating in 48 states, having fleets of around 200 tractors and services such as truckload, flatbed, dry vans, refrigerators, warehousing, and more. They ensure that all their drivers are taken care of, giving them home time and great pay.
Groendyke Transport Inc.
With more than 85 years of experience, Groendyke Transport Inc is now the largest tank truck carrier in the USA, with services like private fleet, freight, warehousing, logistics, among more. They work with leading manufacturers of bulk and chemical products, ensuring they have safe, professional, and trained employees and truck drivers.
This is one of the oldest trucking companies out there, beginning its operations in 1917. Now, they focus on providing regional transportation and trucking services around the Central Midwest, offering flatbeds, tractors, storage trailers, local and regional shipments, and more.
Metro XPress
Starting as a local cartage company back in 1982, Metro Express has expanded and grown into the largest general commodity truckload carrier in Kansas. They offer freight, logistics, flatbeds, dry and, LTL carriers, refrigerated, and more services.
Capital Trucking LLC
This trucking company is one of the safest and reliable ones in the construction industry, focusing more on heavy equipment and bulk construction material shipment. Today, they have multiple trailer combinations and power units that serve around the US.
Frequently Asked Questions about Kansas Trucking Companies
What else is there to learn about having a trucking company in Kansas? These are frequently asked questions to help you get started:
Kansas trucking companies will need to report to the DOT at least once a year for vehicle registration, depending on how many vehicles they own and have acquired in that year.
Currently, there are two heavy haul trucking companies in Kansas based on Thomas Industry Update.
In Kansas, a motor carrier is an owner operator or trucking company owner who handles and manages at least one commercial vehicle used to transport and deliver assets from one area to another.
To get a motor carrier number in Kansas, you’ll need to submit requirements such as your vehicles’ registration documents, business information, and more, depending on the DOT. Fill their application form and submit this along with the other requirements and wait for approval before performing services.
If you want to become a transportation provider in Kansas, the process is similar to obtaining a motor carrier number. You will have to submit an application form with appropriate requirements related to both your commercial vehicle and company driver.
You can begin a trucking company in Kansas with a solid business plan and long-term goals, as well as the capital investment for high-quality assets, properties, and people needed for the business. Once planned out, you also need to look into Kansas’ business registration requirements and processes.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Kansas
In Kansas, typical vehicle registration fees for single truck units are $35 for 12,000 lbs or less. It can rise up to $1,295 for 85,000 lbs. It all depends on the truck’s gross weight.
TAs for farm trucks, it is $35 for 16,000 lbs, up to $600 for 85,000 lbs.
The average fees can range between $42.25 to $132.25 for farm and confirm trucks, respectively.
Insurance Costs for Kansas Trucking Companies
Kansas trucking companies require insurance for their business and trucks. Usually, insurance policies cost between $2,000 to $4,000 yearly, though they can go up to $18,000, or even over $30,000!
This all depends on the coverage you need, among other factors such as the driver in charge of the truck, your company size, its range of services, and more.
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Latest Reviews of Kansas Trucking Companies
Luna Wilson
Hi, We have a team of 55+ highly qualified professionals certified in SEO and ISO standards, providing a wide range of SEO services to generate higher visitor traffic and top-page rankings for your website. Our SEO professionals ensure that your website gets higher rankings on Google. We offer SEO (with plan & activity) Services at much lower Cost. I'd gladly send you our Package, Activity per Month, and Video Testimonials for reference. Regards, Luna
- Published: 10 months ago
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Tonya Malone
Hello Kristen Awe I feel there's been a big mix-up. I always pay at the time of service. It was 2 hours job and the guys charged 222. or 227. It was roughly around in Feb. 2021. because I got a quote from you in Jan 2019. I have that copy. I'm trying to remember how I paid, but I did pay. I think with my card, I just saw my summons at my old address a few days ago. while checking on the mail. I try calling you but the guy on the phone kept saying he told you. I go tomorrow at 1:30. I hope this gets fixed. Could you please send me a copy of the invoice? from Feb 2021 Thanks Tonya Malone
- Published: 1 year ago
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Charlie H.
RUN, don't walk away from this guy. He ripped off our HOA. Billed for unfinished work & we paid him. When we realized it, he said he'd finish the work. Kept making promises. Never showed up. Owes us $4k.
- Published: 1 year ago
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