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Trucking Companies in Kentucky
Did you know that trucking companies in Kentucky account for over $5 billion in wage contributions every year? Because of the high demand for truckers and shipment services, many are interested in either work as a company driver, or start their own business!
Do you want to learn more about the trucking industry in Kentucky when finding a truck driving job or how you can start your own company? Learn more about the top trucking companies and facts on costs and requirements in starting one!
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Kentucky
Who are the top 10 trucking companies in Kentucky? This is the best in the state, known for their excellent services and truck driver benefits with good pay:
Carnes Trucking Co.
Carnes Trucking Co. was founded in 1978, starting with just one cargo van. Today, they have business branches even outside Kentucky, with affordable rates and offering services such as local and regional hauling, flatbeds, shipments, refrigerated, dry vans, and more!
RAJ Transport Inc.
This full-service and asset-based transportation company began ten years ago with car hauling. Now, they have over 40 trucks and now also have services such as truckload, dedicated fleet, long haul, regional, and expedited services.
Roger’s Trucking Inc.
Roger’s Trucking Inc. began in 1965 as a small log hauling service and is now. Full truckload company. They use the latest equipment for transportation, servicing the whole Unites States and Canada with services including flatbeds, dry van, fleet, rollers, tankers, and other shipments.
Walbert Trucking Inc.
The Kentucky trucking company began in 1931 as a log hauling business, expanding the business with more trucks for hauling fresh produce. Now, they serve all 48 states, offering services such as intermodal shipping, expedited delivery, warehousing, transloading, logistics, brokerage, among others.
Tax Trucking, Inc.
This Kentucky trucking company began in 2004, offering services for both hazardous and non-hazardous items. They are a competitive company with one of the most affordable rates, ensuring timely deliveries as well with services such as FTL, LTL, long haul, drop trailer, and local shipments.
Rush Trucking
As the name suggests, they offer quick and timely services such as truckload, LTL, short-haul, and expedited services. They have been in the industry for over 30 years, now with over 1,700 trucks, 3,400 trailers, and almost 400 employees.
CoreTrans, LLC
This is a trucking company that began with just 25 trucks back in 2002, not expanding to 135 trucks and 265 dry vans with an excellent communication system to monitor their vehicles 24/7. They offer services such as logistics, warehousing, trailer, dry vans, and many types of shipments.
M7M Cartage
This is a family-owned business that has been in the industry for almost 50 years, maintaining their reputation with loyal and new clients. They are one of the environmentally-friendly companies in the state, offering services such as truckload, warehousing, LTL Freight, flatbed, and dedicated shipment.
Downey Trucking Inc.
The family-owned business started in 1959, known for their honesty and dedication. They have 20 road tractors and 32 air ride van trailers, with services including flatbeds, dry van, LTL carrier, brokerage, warehousing, refrigerated, and various shipment methods.
Bluegrass Trucking Inc.
This trucking company began in 1991 with just one truck and plan, now offering excellent business and services at competitive rates. They have services such as LTL, flatbed, short and regional hauling, dry vans, refrigerated trucks, and warehousing.
Frequently Asked Questions about Kentucky Trucking Companies
What else is there to know about starting your own business in Kentucky? Here are some things to know about the state’s local trucking companies:
Kentucky trucking companies will need to report to DOT yearly, sometimes more than once a year if they have invested in new trucks that require registration before running.
Based on Thomas Industry Update, there are four heavy haul trucking companies in Kentucky. More companies offer such services but focus on other types of shipments and deliveries.
A motor carrier refers to an individual, such as an owner operator, who owns, manages, controls, or leases at least one commercial vehicle.
A motor carrier number is an interstate operating authority and identifier assigned by FMCSA to moving companies for hauling cargo across states. You will need to apply for this in FMCSA or your local DOT, submitting the application form and requirements such as your vehicle and business registration.
Becoming a transportation provider in Kentucky requires you to fill up an application form, either online or in-person and to submit requirements of your company driver and vehicle proving that it is fit to use.
If you plan to start a trucking company in Kentucky, you will need a solid plan and a capital investment enough to invest in your business registration, at least one vehicle with appropriate insurance, among other operational costs. Your business plan should also include a timeline of how to obtain business registrations and the permits to perform transportation services.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Kentucky
In Kentucky, registration for single-unit trucks costs $11.50 for vehicles less than 6,000 pounds or less. It can go up to $474 for vehicles 44,000 pounds or more.
As for farm trucks, it will cost $11.50 for 38,000 pounds or less. If it goes over 38,000 pounds, it will be 40% higher than the regular fee.
On average, it would cost between $15 to $54 for non-farm and farm trucks, respectively. For a heavy single-unit truck, it may cost up to $885.
Insurance Costs for Kentucky Trucking Companies
Insurance is a must for all commercial vehicles in case of an accident, especially for trucking companies and drivers handling various loads.
On average, expect insurance to cost between $100 to $500 monthly, depending on the type of commercial motor vehicle owned, its range of services, driver information, and your business’ size.
Browse trucking companies in Kentucky
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- 3073 Bloomfield Road
- Aaron
- Aberdeen
- Adairville
- Adams
- Addville
- Adolphus
- Adolpus
- Aflex
- Ages Brookside
- Alamo
- Albany
- Alexandria
- Allen
- Allensville
- Almo
- Alpha
- Altro
- Alvation
- Alvaton
- Anchorage
- Annville
- Anonymous
- Argillite
- Arjay
- Arlington
- Artemis
- Artemus
- Arternus
- Ary
- Ashcamp
- Asher
- Ashland
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Austin
- Auxier
- Avawam
- Bagdad
- Bagdad Ky
- Bagoad
- Bakerton
- Banner
- Barboursville
- Barbourvill
- Barbourville
- Bardstown
- Bardtstown
- Bardwell
- Barlow
- Bartstown
- Baskett
- Battletown
- Baxter
- Bear Branch
- Beattville
- Beattyville
- Beatyville
- Beaumont
- Beauty
- Beaver
- Beaver Dam
- Bedford
- Bee Spring
- Bee Springs
- Beech Creek
- Beech Grove
- Beechmont
- Beespring
- Belcher
- Belfry
- Bellevue
- Belton
- Benham
- Benton
- Bera
- Berea
- Beren
- Bernstadt
- Berry
- Bethany
- Bethel Ridge
- Bethelem
- Bethelridge
- Bethlehem
- Beton
- Betsy Lane
- Betsy Layne
- Beverly
- Bevinsville
- Big Clifty
- Big Clify
- Big Creek
- Big Hill
- Big Laurel
- Bimble
- Blackey
- Blackford
- Blaine
- Bledsoe
- Bloomfield
- Blue River
- Boaz
- Bonieville
- Bonneyman
- Bonnieville
- Bonnyman
- Boomville
- Boone
- Booneville
- Boonevillle
- Boonscamp
- Boston
- Bow
- Bowing Green
- Bowling
- Bowling Greek
- Bowling Green
- Bowling Gren
- Bowlinggreen
- Bradfordsville
- Bradfordsvlle
- Bradfordville
- Bradhead
- Bradsfordville
- Brandeburg
- Brandenburg
- Breeding
- Bremem
- Bremen
- Broadhead
- Brodhead
- Bromley
- Bronston
- Brooks
- Brookside
- Brooksville
- Browder
- Brownsville
- Brugin
- Bruin
- Bryant Store
- Bryants Store
- Bryantsville
- Buckhorn
- Buckner
- Buffalo
- Bulan
- Bulon
- Burgin
- Burington
- Burkesville
- Burksville
- Burlingtion
- Burlington
- Burna
- Burnside
- Burnwell
- Busy
- Butler
- Bypro
- Cadiz
- Caldiron
- Calhoun
- California
- Calver City
- Calvert
- Calvert City
- Calvin
- Calyhole
- Cambellsburg
- Camp Dix
- Campbellesville
- Campbellsburg
- Campbellsville
- Campbellsville Road
- Campbellsvlle
- Campbellville
- Campellsville
- Camplesville
- Campton
- Campvellsville
- Canada
- Caneyville
- Canmer
- Cannel
- Cannel City
- Cannon
- Canyville
- Carlise
- Carlisle
- Carrie
- Carrollton
- Carrsville
- Casey Creek
- Catlettsburg
- Cattlesburg
- Cattlettsburg
- Cave
- Cave City
- Cawood
- Caywood
- Cecila
- Cecilia
- Center
- Centertown
- Central City
- Cerulean
- Chaplin
- Chappell
- Chaviers
- Chavies
- Chrestwood
- Clarkson
- Clavert City
- Clay
- Clay City
- Clay Hole
- Clayhole
- Clear Field
- Clearfield
- Clementsville
- Clermont
- Clifty
- Clinton
- Closplint
- Cloverport
- Coalgood
- Cob Hill
- Cold Iron
- Cold Spring
- Cold Springs
- Coldiron
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Combs
- Compton
- Confluence
- Constantine
- Convington
- Coopersville
- Corbin
- Corinth
- Corith
- Cornetsville
- Cornettsville
- Corydon
- Covington
- Cox Creek
- Cox's Creek
- Coxs Creek
- Crab Orchard
- Crab Orhard
- Crabochard
- Cranks
- Craynor
- Crescent Park
- Crescent Spgs
- Crescent Springs
- Crestewood
- Crestview
- Crestview Hills
- Crestview Hls
- Crestwood
- Crittenden
- Crockett
- Crofton
- Cromona
- Cromwell
- Crystal
- Crystal Lake
- Cub Run
- Cub-run
- Cumberland
- Cundiff
- Cunningahm
- Cunningham
- Curdsville
- Custer
- Cynthia
- Cynthian
- Cynthiana
- Cythiana
- Dana
- Danville
- David
- Dawson Spgs
- Dawson Springs
- Dawson Sps
- Dayhoit
- Dayton
- De Mossville
- Deane
- Deatsville
- Debord
- Decoy
- Delphia
- Dema
- Demmossville
- Demossville
- Denniston
- Denton
- Denver
- Dewitt
- Dexter
- Dixon
- Dorton
- Dover
- Drakesboro
- Draksboro
- Dreaksboro
- Dreyfus
- Drift
- Dry Ridge
- Dryridge
- Dubre
- Dunbar
- Dundee
- Dunmor
- Dunnville
- Dunville
- Dwale
- Dwarf
- E Bernstadt
- E Bernsteadt
- E Wing
- E-town
- Earlington
- East Bernstadt
- East Brenstadt
- East Point
- East View
- Eastern
- Eastiew
- Eastpoint
- Eastview
- Eastwood
- Eddyville
- Eddyvillee
- Edgewood
- Edmonton
- Eighty Eight
- Eilzabethtown
- Ekron
- Ekrow
- Elizabehtown
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethtown
- Elizaville
- Elk Horn
- Elkfork
- Elkhorn
- Elkhorn City
- Elklton
- Elkorn City
- Elkrow
- Elkton
- Elliottville
- Elsmere
- Emerson
- Eminence
- Emlyn
- Emma
- Emmalena
- Emonton
- Endicott
- Eolia
- Erlanger
- Erlington
- Ermine
- Essie
- Etoile
- Etown
- Eubank
- Evants
- Evart's
- Evarts
- Ewing
- Ezel
- Ezell
- Fair Dale
- Fairdale
- Fairfield
- Fairplay
- Fairview
- Falcon
- Falls Of Rough
- Falls Rough
- Falmouth
- Fancy Farm
- Farmington
- Faubush
- Feds Creek
- Fedscreek
- Ferguson
- Fern Creek
- Field
- Finchville
- Finley
- Fisherville
- Fisty
- Flat Gap
- Flat Lick
- Flat Licks
- Flatgap
- Flatlick
- Flatwoods
- Flemingsburg
- Fleminsburg
- Florence
- Floyd
- Fordsville
- Forest Hills
- Fort Campbell
- Fort Knox
- Fort Mitchell
- Fort Thoams
- Fort Thomas
- Fort Wright
- Foster
- Fountain Run
- Fourmile
- Frakes
- Franfort
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Frankln
- Fredonia
- Freeborn
- Freeburn
- Frenchburg
- Frnakfort
- Ft Campbell
- Ft Mitchell
- Ft Thomas
- Ft Wright
- Fulton
- Galveston
- Gamaliel
- Gapville
- Garfield
- Garner
- Garrard
- Garrett
- Garrison
- Gary
- Gauge
- Gays Creek
- Gayscreek
- Geoegetown
- Georetown
- Georgetown
- Germantown
- Ghent
- Gilbertsville
- Gillbertsville
- Gilly
- Girdler
- Glagow
- Glascow
- Glasgow
- Glasgow Ky
- Glasqow
- Glenco
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Glens Fork
- Glensfork
- Gordan
- Gordon
- Gorgetown
- Goshen
- Gracey
- Graham
- Gram
- Grand Rivers
- Grandrivers
- Grassey Creek
- Grassy Creek
- Gravel Switch
- Gravelswitch
- Gray
- Gray Hawk
- Grays Knob
- Grayson
- Green Road
- Green Up
- Greenburg
- Greensburg
- Greenup
- Greenviile
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Grensburg
- Grethel
- Guage
- Gulston
- Gunlock
- Guston
- Guthrie
- Haddix
- Hagar Hill
- Hager Hill
- Hagerhill
- Haggerhill
- Hallie
- Hallsville
- Hampton
- Hanson
- Happy
- Hardin
- Harding
- Hardinsbg
- Hardinsburg
- Hardy
- Hardyvill
- Hardyville
- Harlan
- Harland
- Harlin
- Harned
- Harold
- Haroodsburg
- Harrisburg
- Harroddsburg
- Harrodsburg
- Harrodsbury
- Harroldsburg
- Hartford
- Hatfield
- Hawesville
- Hayden
- Hazard
- Hazel
- Hazel Green
- Hebron
- Heidrick
- Hellier
- Helton
- Henderson
- Herndon
- Hestand
- Hevron
- Hi Hat
- Hickman
- Hickory
- Hickory K
- High Bridge
- Highland
- Highland Heights
- Highland Heigths
- Highland Hgts
- Hihat
- Hillsboro
- Hima
- Hindman
- Hinkle
- Hippo
- Hiseville
- Hitchins
- Hodgenville
- Hodgervilla
- Hodgeville
- Hollybush
- Hollyvilla
- Homes Mill
- Honaker
- Hopkins
- Hopkinssville
- Hopkinsville
- Hopkinville
- Horse Branch
- Horse Cave
- Horsebranch
- Horsecave
- Hoskington
- Hoskinston
- Houstonville
- Howardstown
- Huddy
- Hudson
- Hueysville
- Huff
- Hulen
- Hustonville
- Hyden
- Independance
- Independence
- Inez
- Ingram
- Irrinton
- Irvin
- Irvine
- Irving
- Irvington
- Island
- Isom
- Isonville
- Ivel
- Jackhorn
- Jackson
- Jamboree
- Jamestown
- Jeff
- Jeffersnville
- Jefferson
- Jefferson Town
- Jeffersontown
- Jeffersonvile
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonvlle
- Jefferstown
- Jenkins
- Jeremiah
- Jessamine
- Jetson
- Jonancy
- Jonesville
- Juction City
- Junction
- Junction City
- Keaton
- Keavy
- Keene
- Kentucky
- Kenvin
- Kenvir
- Kettle
- Kettle Island
- Kevil
- Kimper
- Kings Creek
- Kings Mountain
- Kings Mtn
- Kirksey
- Kite
- Knifle
- Knifley
- Knob Lick
- Knottsville
- Krypton
- Kuttawa
- L0ndon
- La Center
- La Fayette
- La Grange
- Labanon Jct
- Lacaster
- Lacenter
- Lackey
- Lafayette
- Lagrange
- Lakeside Park
- Lanbric
- Lancaster
- Lancastser
- Langley
- Latonia
- Lawisville
- Lawrencburg
- Lawrence
- Lawrenceburg
- Leander
- Leatherwood
- Lebabon Junction
- Lebanon
- Lebanon Jct
- Lebanon Jctn
- Lebanon Juction
- Lebanon Junct
- Lebanon Junction
- Lebanon Station
- Leburn
- Ledbetter
- Leeco
- Leitcfield
- Leitchfeild
- Leitchfied
- Leitchfield
- Leitchgield
- Leithfield
- Lenaure
- Letcher
- Lewis Burg
- Lewis Port
- Lewisberg
- Lewisburg
- Lewisport
- Lewsiburg
- Lex
- Lexington
- Lexington Ky
- Lexinton
- Liberty
- Lick Creek
- Lick Creek Ky
- Lick Creek Road
- Lietchfield
- Ligon
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lindseyville
- Linefork
- Linetown
- Litchfield
- Litt Carr
- Littcarr
- Livermore
- Livingston
- Load
- Lockport
- Locust Hill
- Lodiburg
- Lodnon
- London
- London 40744
- Lone
- Lookout
- Loondon
- Lorelto
- Loretto
- Lost Creek
- Lou
- Louis
- Louisa
- Louisberg
- Louisia
- Louisiville
- Louisivlle
- Louisviile
- Louisvile
- Louisville
- Louisvlle
- Louisvuille
- Louiville
- Lousiville
- Lousivlle
- Lousville
- Lovelaceville
- Lovely
- Lovisville
- Low Mansville
- Lowes
- Lowmansville
- Loyall
- Lucas
- Ludlow
- Luncaster
- Lwxington
- Lynch
- M'boro
- Maceo
- Mackville
- Madisonville
- Mafyfield
- Magnolia
- Majestic
- Mallie
- Mammoth Cave
- Mammouth Cave
- Manchester
- Manitou
- Manitow
- Manitoy
- Mannsville
- Marebone
- Mariba
- Marion
- Marrowbone
- Marshes Siding
- Martha
- Martin
- Mary Alice
- Masonic Home
- Matfield
- May's Lick
- Mayfeild
- Mayfield
- Mayking
- Mays Lick
- Mayslick
- Maysville
- Mc Andrews
- Mc Carr
- Mc Daniels
- Mc Dowell
- Mc Henry
- Mc Kee
- Mc Roberts
- Mc Veigh
- Mcandrews
- Mccarr
- Mcdaniels
- Mcdowell
- Mchenry
- Mckee
- Mcroberts
- Meally
- Mean
- Means
- Melber
- Melbourne
- Melvin
- Mentor
- Meta
- Middleburg
- Middlesboro
- Middlesboto
- Middlesburg
- Middletown
- Midway
- Millersburg
- Millstone
- Milltown
- Millwood
- Milton
- Minnie
- Miracle
- Mize
- Montecello
- Monticello
- Montocello
- Morehead
- Morganfield
- Morgantown
- Morning Veiw
- Morning View
- Morningview
- Mortons Gap
- Mouise
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Washington
- Mount Eden
- Mount Hermon
- Mount Olivet
- Mount Sherman
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Washington
- Mousie
- Mouth Card
- Mouthcard
- Moutheard
- Mozell
- Mozelle
- Mt Sterling
- Mt Washington
- Mt Eden
- Mt Hermon
- Mt Olivet
- Mt Sherman
- Mt Sterling
- Mt Venron
- Mt Vernon
- Mt Vernon Ky
- Mt Washington
- Mtsterling
- Muldraugh
- Munderdville
- Munfordsville
- Munfordville
- Murray
- Muses Mils
- Myra
- Nancy
- Narrows
- Nebo
- Ned
- Neon
- New Castle
- New Concord
- New Haven
- New Hop
- New Hope
- New Liberty
- Newhaven
- Newport
- Nichasville
- Nichlasville
- Nichloasville
- Nichlosville
- Nicholasvile
- Nicholasville
- Nicholaville
- Nicholsville
- Nine Grove
- Nippa
- Noctor
- North Middletown
- North Monticello
- Nortonville
- Oak Grove
- Oakgrove
- Oakland
- Oil Springs
- Olaton
- Oldtown
- Olive Hill
- Olive Hll
- Olmstead
- Olympia
- Oneida
- Orlando
- Owen
- Owensboro
- Owensboro Ky
- Owenton
- Owesboro
- Owingsville
- Ownensboro
- Ownesboro
- Paducah
- Painstville
- Paint Lick
- Paintlick
- Paintsville
- Paris
- Park City
- Park Hills
- Parkcity
- Parker Lake
- Parkers Lake
- Parksville
- Partridge
- Path Fork
- Pathford
- Pathfork
- Payneville
- Pellville
- Pembroke
- Pendelton
- Pendleton
- Perryville
- Peterburg
- Petersburg
- Pewee Valley
- Phelps
- Philpot
- Phyllis
- Pikesville
- Pikevile
- Pikeville
- Pikevillle
- Pilgrim
- Pine Knot
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Top
- Pineknot
- Pinetop
- Pineville
- Pinsonfork
- Pippa Passes
- Pittsburg
- Pleasurevill
- Pleasureville
- Pleasurville
- Pndleton
- Poole
- Powderly
- Premium
- Premiumn
- Presonsburg
- Preston
- Prestonburg
- Prestonsburg
- Prestonsburgq
- Princeon
- Princeton
- Princton
- Printer
- Propect
- Prospcet
- Prospect
- Providence
- Putney
- Quality
- Quincy
- Raccoon
- Raceland
- Radcliff
- Radcliffe
- Ramsey
- Ramson
- Ransom
- Ranson
- Rathiff
- Raven
- Ravenna
- Raywick
- Red Bush
- Red Fox
- Redfox
- Reed
- Regina
- Revelo
- Revenna
- Reynold Station
- Reynolds Sta
- Reynolds Station
- Rhhodelia
- Rhodelia
- Ricetown
- Riceville
- Rich
- Richardsville
- Richmond
- Richwood
- Ricmond
- Ricvhmond
- Rineyille
- Rineyville
- River
- Roark
- Roarke
- Robards
- Robinson Creek
- Robinson Crk
- Rochester
- Rockfield
- Rockhold
- Rockholds
- Rockhouse
- Rockport
- Rogers
- Roukndhill
- Round Hill
- Roundhill
- Rousseau
- Rowdy
- Rowletts
- Roxana
- Royalton
- Rumsey
- Rush
- Russeeville
- Russel Spgs
- Russel Springs
- Russell
- Russell Springs
- Russell Spgs
- Russell Spring
- Russell Springs
- Russellsprings
- Russellville
- Russelville
- Russllville
- Russsell Springs
- Ryland Heights
- Ryland Hght
- S Williamson
- Sacramento
- Sacremento
- Sadieville
- Saieville
- Saint Charles
- Saint Francis
- Saldee
- Salem
- Salt Gum
- Salt Lick
- Saltersville
- Saltlick
- Salversville
- Salvisa
- Salyersville
- Samuels
- Sand Gap
- Sanders
- Sandgap
- Sandy Hook
- Sandyhook
- Sassafras
- Sayersville
- Saylersville
- Saylerville
- Scalf
- Science Hill
- Scottsville
- Scuddy
- Sebree
- Seco
- Sedaila
- Sedalia
- Seree
- Sextons Creek
- Shade
- Sharon Grove
- Sharpsburg
- Shebina
- Shelbiana
- Shelby Gap
- Shelbyville
- Shelbyvlile
- Shep
- Sheperdssville
- Sheperdsville
- Shephardsville
- Shepherdsville
- Shepherdsvlle
- Shepherdville
- Shepredsville
- Sherman
- Shively
- Sidney
- Siler
- Silver Grove
- Simipsonville
- Simpsonville
- Simth Grove
- Sitka
- Sizerock
- Skyline
- Slade
- Slaughter
- Slaughters
- Slavisa
- Slemp
- Smilax
- Smith
- Smith Grove
- Smithfield
- Smithgrove
- Smithland
- Smiths Grove
- Smithsgrove
- So Williamson
- Soft Shell
- Soldier
- Somerest
- Somerset
- Sommerset
- Sonora
- Sonoroa
- South Carrollton
- South Portsmouth
- South Shore
- South Williamson
- Southgate
- Sparta
- Spottsville
- Springfield
- St Charles
- St Francis
- St Mary
- St Mathews
- Staffordsville
- Staffordsvlle
- Staffordville
- Stambaugh
- Stamping Grd
- Stamping Ground
- Standord
- Stanfo
- Stanford
- Stanley
- Stanton
- Stanville
- Statton
- Stearns
- Steele
- Stemp
- Stephensport
- Stinett
- Stinnett
- Stinnett Kentucky
- Stone
- Stoney Fork
- Stoneyfork
- Stopover
- Strunk
- Sturgis
- Sudith
- Sulphur
- Summer Shade
- Summerset
- Summershade
- Summersville
- Summkersville
- Sunfish
- Swamp Branch
- Sweeden
- Swing
- Symsonia
- Talcum
- Tateville
- Taylor Mill
- Taylorsville
- Taylorsvillle
- Taylorville
- Teaberry
- Tetville
- Thealka
- Thelma
- Thompkinsville
- Thornton
- Thousand Sticks
- Thousandsticks
- Thousandstickss
- Thsandsticks
- Tiline
- Toler
- Tollesboro
- Tolu
- Tomahawk
- Tompkinsville
- Topmost
- Totz
- Tram
- Trenton
- Trospen
- Trosper
- Turkey Creek
- Turner Station
- Turners Sta
- Turners Statation
- Turners Station
- Turnerstation
- Tutor Key
- Tyner
- Ulysses
- Union
- Union Star
- Uniontown
- Unknown
- Upton
- Utica
- Valley Station
- Van Cleve
- Van Lear
- Vanceburg
- Vancleve
- Vanlear
- Varney
- Verona
- Versailles
- Versailless
- Versaillies
- Vest
- Vicco
- Villa Hills
- Vine Grove
- Vinegrove
- Viper
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Latest Reviews of Kentucky Trucking Companies
reviewed AA HAY LLC
Do not work for this guy he doesn't stand by his word and his trucks don't always pass Dot inspections and the pay isn't what he says it is he screw's u out of money
- Published: 1 year ago
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Terry Taylor
This company does not follow through on the contract they have you sign. They will be asked to be paid knowing the job is not yet done and if you pay them they will not come back to finish the job. You will get the run around for weeks and weeks and they won’t come back. The will throw cigarettes down on your property and stuff not attached to your home will come up missing.
- Published: 2 years ago
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