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Trucking Companies in Maine
Various trucking companies in Maine offer many necessary services for all industries, whether it’s shipment and deliveries or logistics and warehousing. The only issue is the shortage of companies ready to fulfill such services!
This is why many local trucking companies are open to hiring professional truck drivers for expansion, ensuring they will be paid well. Furthermore, business-minded individuals are looking into investing in transportation services as well. But before that, read on to learn about trucks and working in the industry.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Maine
Who are the top 10 trucking companies in Maine? If you’d like to get a truck driving job or get into the industry, these are who you can look up to:
Pottle’s Transportation
This Maine trucking company was established in 1962, starting with 11 trucks and now owning over 160 trucks and almost 600 trailers! They offer excellent and safe services that include truckload, logistics, warehousing, and yard management.
ET Transportation Services
The trucking company focuses on moving freight in and out of the US New England region, following their motto, “bringing trucks home.” Today, they offer services like hazmat, LTL carrier, dry van, flatbed, and more, and more, focusing more on the construction industry.
HC Haynes Inc.
This family-owned business started in 1963, hiring trained contractors and professional truck drivers to use the latest equipment. They serve the entire state of Maine and Canada, providing services such as transportation, low beds, flatbeds, drop decks, wood brokers, oversized loads, and machinery storage.
Hartt Transportation Systems, Inc.
With more than 70 years of experience, Hartt Transportation Systems focuses on shipping dry goods for clients, both local and international. Today, they have 2,000 dry vans, 400 tractors, 50 flatbeds, and 25 trailers, accommodating any customer’s freight requirements.
Hutching Trucking Co.
This is a family-owned Maine trucking company with 60 years of experience, starting with just one truck and trailer hauling seafood. Now, they use the newer equipment and have won awards for their safe driving, providing services such as tractors, semi-trucks, flatbeds, LTL carriers, trailers, and other specialized services.
SPC Transport Co.
This Maine trucking company has been around since 1986, one of the most reliable transportation services in the state. They stay consistent with timely deliveries and services that include logistics, dry vans, step decks, local and regional hauling, as well as odd and valuable shipments.
PAF Transportation
PAF Transportation cares about its customers and company drivers, with experienced employees working in their offices and handling trucks to ensure that all shipments are delivered successfully. They have three terminals and provide services such as truckload, volume LTL, warehousing, machinery storage, oversized loads, flatbeds, drop decks, low beds, and more.
J Maxwell Trucking Co
This is an excavation expert company that began in 1969, now known for its competitive and very affordable rates without scrimping on quality service. They are focused more on the construction industry with their transportation services.
Dysart’s Transportation
This Maine trucking company joined the industry in 1981, a transportation carrier of general commodities that serves 48 states and is an FMCSA authorized freight broker. They have services such as truck brokerage, dry van, warehousing, and other specialized services.
Sibley Transportation Inc.
The family-owned logistics company has been operating for over 75 years, specializing in storing and transporting any goods. Currently, they offer transportation services, warehousing, logistics, flatbed, dry vans, and reefers.
Frequently Asked Questions about Maine Trucking Companies
What else is there to know about the trucking industry? If you’re planning to start your own Maine trucking company, check out these frequently asked questions:
An owner operator will need to report to the DOT at least once a year for vehicle registration purposes.
There are at least 10 heavy haul trucking companies in Maine. There are more companies who also offer heavy haul services but focus on other areas as a transportation provider.
A motor carrier refers to a transportation or trucking company that owns and manages at least one commercial motor vehicle that transports goods from one area to another for a price.
You can get a motor carrier number in Maine by submitting an application form and required documents to the DOT or FMCSA. Wait for approval before starting your transportation services, which can take a few days or weeks.
Similar to getting a motor carrier number, one can be a transportation provider after submitting an application form and requirements that prove that the vehicle and company driver pass the standards.
Starting a Maine trucking company will require a large capital of at least $200,000, enough for your employees, vehicles, business registration, among other operational costs and assets. You will need a detailed business plan with a timeline and long-term goals to get you in the right direction.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Maine
In Maine, the registration cost for a single unit truck is $23 for 6,000 pounds or less or up to $980 for trucks weighing over 90,000 pounds. There is a rebate of $40 for vehicles that are registered over 23,000 pounds and would attest to exclusive operation in power unit semi-trailer modes.
For farm trucks, it is $19 for 6,000 pounds or less, up to $355 for trucks over 54,000 pounds. Heavy unit trucks have an average registration fee of $640.
This doesn't include business registration for the owner operator, as well as other costs related to the truck driver, such as their CDL training, commercial vehicle license, and other transportation needs.
Insurance Costs for Maine Trucking Companies
Insurance costs for local trucking companies depend on the coverage you need, as well as the state of your truck, the professional driver using it, among other factors. Either way, this is necessary for all businesses in case of an accident on the road.
For small business owner operators, the average costs of semi-truck insurance can range between $3,000 to $5,000 yearly. It can go up to $13,000 a year for bigger companies.
For specialty trucks, the average monthly cost is between $800 to $950.
Browse trucking companies in Maine
Select a city in Maine to see registered motor carriers
- Abbot
- Abbot Village
- Abbott
- Acton
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Twp
- Addison
- Albany Township
- Albany Twp
- Albion
- Alexander
- Alfred
- Allagash
- Alna
- Alton
- Amherst
- Amity
- Andover
- Anson
- Appleton
- Arglye
- Argyle
- Argyle Twp
- Arrowsic
- Arundel
- Arundle
- Ashland
- Athens
- Atkinson
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Aurora
- Avon
- Bailey Island
- Baileyville
- Baldwin
- Bangor
- Bar Harbor
- Baring
- Baring Plantation
- Baring Plt
- Barnard Twp
- Bass Harbor
- Bath
- Beals
- Beaver Cove
- Beddington
- Belfast
- Belfast Maine
- Belgrade
- Belgrade Lakes
- Belgrade Lks
- Belmont
- Benedicta
- Benton
- Bernard
- Berwick
- Berwick Maine
- Bethel
- Bidd
- Biddefor
- Biddeford
- Big Lake Twp
- Bingham
- Birch Harbor
- Blaine
- Blanchard
- Blue Hill
- Boothbay
- Boothbay Harbor
- Boothbay Hbr
- Bowdoin
- Bowdoinham
- Bowerbank
- Bowoinham
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Bremen
- Brewer
- Bridgeton
- Bridgewater
- Bridgton
- Brighton Plt
- Bristol
- Brook
- Brooklin
- Brooks
- Brooksville
- Brookton
- Brownfield
- Brownville
- Brownville Jct
- Brroksville
- Brunswick
- Bryant Pomd
- Bryant Pond
- Buckfield
- Bucksfield
- Bucksport
- Buckssport
- Burlington
- Burnham
- Buxton
- Byron
- Calais
- Calias
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Canaan
- Cannan
- Canton
- Cape Eliz
- Cape Elizabeth
- Cape Neddick
- Cape Porpoise
- Carabaset Vly
- Caratunk
- Caribou
- Carmel
- Carrabassett
- Carrabassett Valley
- Carroll
- Carroll Plantation
- Carthage
- Cary
- Cary Plantation
- Cary Plt
- Casco
- Castine
- Caswell
- Cathance Twp
- Center Lovell
- Centerville
- Chapman
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Chebeague Is
- Chebeague Island
- Chelsea
- Cherryfield
- Chester
- Chesterville
- China
- China Village
- Clifton
- Clinton
- Coburn Gore
- Codyville
- Columbia
- Columbia Falls
- Columbia Fls
- Comlumbia Falls
- Concord
- Concord Twp
- Connor
- Connor Township
- Connor Twp
- Cooper
- Coopers Mills
- Coplin Plantation
- Coplin Plt
- Corinna
- Corinth
- Corish
- Cornish
- Cornville
- Costigan
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Isles
- Crawford
- Cross Lake
- Cross Lke Twp
- Crouseville
- Crystal
- Cumberland
- Cumberland Center
- Cumberlnd
- Cumberlnd Ctr
- Cushing
- Cutler
- Cyr Plantation
- Daigle
- Dallas Plantation
- Damariscotta
- Damarisctta
- Danforth
- Day Block Twp
- Dayton
- Deblois
- Dedham
- Deer Isle
- Denmark
- Denniston
- Dennistown
- Dennysville
- Derby
- Detroit
- Dexter
- Dixfield
- Dixmont
- Dover Foxcroft
- Dover-foxcroft
- Dovr Foxcroft
- Dresden
- Drew Plantation
- Dryden
- Durham
- Dyer Brook
- E Baldwin
- E Boothbay
- E Corinth
- E Dixfield
- E Machias
- E Millinocket
- E Orland
- E Pittston
- E Sangerville
- E Waterboro
- Eagle Lake
- East Boothbay
- East Andover
- East Baldwin
- East Corinth
- East Dixfield
- East Holden
- East Lebanon
- East Livermore
- East Machias
- East Millinocket
- East Milton
- East Newport
- East Orland
- East Sebago
- East Vassalboro
- East Waterboro
- Eastbrook
- Easton
- Eastport
- Eddington
- Edgecomb
- Edinburg
- Edmonds
- Edmonds Twp
- Edmunds
- Edmunds Township
- Edmunds Twp
- Eeaston
- Eliot
- Elliot
- Ellsworth
- Embden
- Enfield
- Etna
- Eustis
- Exeter
- Exter
- Fairfield
- Falmouth
- Farmingdale
- Farmington
- Farmington Falls
- Fayette
- Ffarmington
- Finntown
- Fletchers Ldg
- Fort Fairfield
- Fort Kent
- Fort Kent Mills
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Freedom
- Freeman
- Freeman Township
- Freeman Twp
- Freeport
- Frenchville
- Friendfriendship
- Friendship
- Fryebrug
- Fryeburg
- Ft Fairfield
- Ft Fairfield
- Ft Kent
- Gardiner
- Garfield
- Garfield Plantation
- Garfield Plt
- Garland
- Georgetown
- Gilead
- Glenburn
- Gorham
- Gouldsboro
- Grand Isle
- Grand Lake Stream
- Gray
- Greenbush
- Greene
- Greenfield
- Greenfield Township
- Greenfield Twp
- Greenfld Twp
- Greenville
- Greenville Jct
- Greenville Junction
- Greenvlle Jct
- Greenwood
- Guilford
- Hallowell
- Hamden
- Hamlin
- Hammond
- Hampden
- Hancock
- Hanover
- Harborside
- Harmony
- Harpswell
- Harrington
- Harrison
- Harrsion
- Hartford
- Hartland
- Haynesville
- Hebron
- Hemon
- Herman
- Hermon
- Highland Plt
- Hinckley
- Hiram
- Hodgdon
- Holden
- Hollis
- Hollis Center
- Hollix
- Hope
- Houlton
- Howland
- Hudson
- Hulls Cove
- Indian Island
- Indian Purch
- Indian Township
- Industry
- Island Falls
- Isle Au Haut
- Islesboro
- Jackman
- Jackson
- Jamesboro
- Jay
- Jefferson
- Jonepsort
- Jonesboro
- Jonesport
- Kenduskeag
- Kennebunk
- Kennebunkport
- Kents Hill
- Kingfield
- Kingman
- Kittery
- Kittery Point
- Kittery Pt
- Knox
- La Grange
- Lagrange
- Lakeview Plantation
- Lakeview Plt
- Lamoine
- Lebanon
- Lee
- Leeds
- Levant
- Lewiston
- Lexington
- Lexington Twp
- Liberty
- Lily Bay
- Limerick
- Limestone
- Limington
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Center
- Lincolnville
- Lincolnville Center
- Linneus
- Lisbon
- Lisbon Falls
- Lisbon Falss
- Lisdon Falls
- Litchfield
- Little Deer Isle
- Little Squaw
- Littleton
- Livermore
- Livermore Falls
- Livermore Fls
- Long Island
- Lovell
- Lowell
- Lubec
- Ludlow
- Lyman
- Lymen
- Lynan
- Machias
- Machiasport
- Macwahoc
- Macwahoc Plantation
- Macwahoc Plt
- Macwohoc
- Madawaska
- Madison
- Madrid Township
- Manchester
- Mapleton
- Marchfield
- Mariaville
- Mars Hill
- Marsardis
- Marshfield
- Masardis
- Mattamiscontis Twp
- Mattawamkeag
- Mechanic Falls
- Mechanic Fls
- Meddybemps
- Medford
- Medway
- Mehcanic Falls
- Mercer
- Merrill
- Mexico
- Milbridge
- Milford
- Millford
- Millinocket
- Milo
- Milton Twp
- Minot
- Molunkus Twp
- Monmouth
- Monroe
- Monson
- Monticello
- Montville
- Moody
- Moose River
- Morrill
- Moscow
- Mount Desert
- Mount Vernon
- Mt Desert
- Mt Vernon
- Myrick Rd
- N Anson
- N Belgrade
- N Berwick
- N New Portland
- N Turner
- N Waterboro
- N Yarmouth
- Naples
- Nashville
- Nashville Plt
- Ne Gloucester
- Ne Harbor
- New Canada
- New Gloucester
- New Gloucestr
- New Glouster
- New Goucester
- New Harbor
- New Limerick
- New Portland
- New Sharon
- New Sweden
- New Sweeden
- New Vindeyard
- New Vineyard
- Newberg
- Newburch
- Newburg
- Newburgh
- Newcastle
- Newfield
- Newport
- Newportland
- Newry
- No Anson
- No Berwick
- No Monmouth
- No New Portland
- No Vassalboro
- No Yarmouth
- Nobleboro
- Normay
- Norridgewock
- North Anson
- North Baldwin
- North Berwick
- North Bridgton
- North Haven
- North Leeds
- North Mommouth
- North Monmouth
- North Turner
- North Vassalboro
- North Waterboro
- North Waterford
- North Yarmouth
- Northeast Harbor
- Northfield
- Northport
- Norway
- Oaffield
- Oakfield
- Oakland
- Ogunquit
- Ol Orchard Beach
- Old Orchard
- Old Orchard Beach
- Old Orchard Beach Me
- Old Orchd Bch
- Old Town
- Oob
- Oquossoc
- Orient
- Orland
- Orneville
- Orneville Twp
- Orona
- Orono
- Orrington
- Orrs
- Orrs Island
- Osborn
- Otis
- Otisfield
- Owls Head
- Oxbow
- Oxbow Plt
- Oxford
- Palermo
- Palmyra
- Parkman
- Parlin Pond Twp
- Parsonfield
- Parsonsfield
- Passadumkeag
- Patten
- Pattern
- Peaks Island
- Pemaquid
- Pembroke
- Penobscot
- Perham
- Perry
- Peru
- Phillips
- Phippsburg
- Pittsfield
- Pittson
- Pittston
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Ridge Plantation
- Pleasant Ridge Plt
- Plymouth
- Poland
- Poland Spring
- Port Clyde
- Portage
- Portage Lake
- Porter
- Portland
- Pownal
- Prentiss
- Prentiss Twp
- Presque
- Presque Isle
- Presque Isle
- Princeton
- Prospect
- Prospect Harbor
- Randolph
- Rangeley
- Rangeley Plantation
- Rangely Plt
- Rangley
- Raymond
- Readfield
- Reed Plantation
- Reed Plt
- Richmond
- Ripley
- Robbinston
- Rockland
- Rockport
- Rockwood
- Rome
- Roque Bluffs
- Round Pond
- Roxbury
- Rumford
- S Paris
- S Paris
- S Portland
- S Thomaston
- Sabattus
- Sabbatus
- Saco
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Albans
- Saint David
- Saint Francis
- Saint George
- Salem Township
- Salem Twp
- Sandford
- Sandy Bay
- Sandy River Plantation
- Sandy River Plt
- Sanford
- Sangerville
- Sargentville
- Scarboro
- Scarborough
- Seal Harbor
- Searmont
- Searsmont
- Searsport
- Sebago
- Sebec
- Seboeis Plt
- Sedgewick
- Sedgwick
- Shapleigh
- Shapleight
- Shapliegh
- Shapligh
- Sherman
- Sherman Mills
- Sherman Station
- Shirley
- Shirley Mills
- Showhegan
- Sidney
- Sinclair
- Skowhegan
- Smithfield
- Smyrna
- Smyrna Mills
- So Berwick
- So Bristol
- So China
- So Gardiner
- So Hiram
- So Paris
- So Portland
- So Thomaston
- So Unity
- Soldier Pond
- Solon
- Somerville
- Sorrento
- South Berwick
- South Bristol
- South Carthage
- South China
- South Harpswell
- South Hiram
- South Lebanon
- South Paris
- South Portland
- South Thomaston
- Southberwick
- Southport
- Southwest Harbor
- Southwest Hbr
- Springfield
- Springvale
- Spruce Head
- St Agatha
- St Alban
- St Albans
- St David
- St Francis
- St George
- St John
- St John Plantation
- St John Plt
- St John Pltn
- Stacyville
- Standish
- Starks
- Steep Falls
- Steepfalls
- Stetson
- Steuben
- Stillwater
- Stockholm
- Stockton Spgs
- Stockton Springs
- Stoneham
- Stonington
- Stow
- Stratton
- Strong
- Stueben
- Sullivan
- Sumner
- Sunset
- Surry
- Sw Harbor
- Swans Island
- Swansville
- Swanville
- Sweden
- T15r15
- T3r5
- Temple
- Tenants Harbor
- Tenants Hbr
- The Forks
- The Forks Plantation
- Thomaston
- Thorndike
- Topsfield
- Topsham
- Town Hill
- Township No 7
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Trescott
- Trescott Township
- Trescott Twp
- Trevett
- Troy
- Turner
- Union
- Unity
- Upper Enchanted Twp
- Upton
- Van Buren
- Vanceboro
- Vassalboro
- Veazie
- Verona
- Verona Island
- Vienna
- Vinal Haven
- Vinalhaven
- W Baldwin
- W Bath
- W Bridgton
- W Enfield
- W Gardiner
- W Lebanon
- W Newfield
- W Poland
- W Tremont
- Wade
- Waite
- Waldo
- Waldoboro
- Wales
- Wallagrass
- Walpole
- Waltham
- Warren
- Washburn
- Washington
- Waterboro
- Waterford
- Waterville
- Wayne
- Webster Plt
- Weeks Mills
- Weld
- Welles
- Wellington
- Wells
- Wesley
- Wesport
- West Baldwin
- West Bath
- West Boothbay Harbor
- West Enfield
- West Farmington
- West Forks
- West Gardiner
- West Minot
- West Newfield
- West Paris
- West Southport
- West Tremont
- Westbrook
- Westfield
- Westmanland
- Weston
- Westport
- Westport Is
- Westport Island
- Whitefield
- Whiting
- Whitneyville
- Willimantic
- Wilson Mills
- Wilsons Mills
- Wilton
- Windham
- Windsor
- Winn
- Winslow
- Winter Harbor
- Winterjport
- Winterport
- Winterville
- Winterville Plantation
- Winterville Plt
- Winthrop
- Wintrop
- Wiscasset
- Wiscassett
- Wntervlle Plt
- Woodland
- Woodstck
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Woolwich
- Wytopitlock
- Yarmouth
- York
- York Beach
Latest Reviews of Maine Trucking Companies
Teshia McGinnis
Robert is one of the nicest, caring, and dedicated carrier. He treats his employees with respect.
- Published: 2 years ago
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