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Trucking Companies in Maryland
The trucking industry drives Maryland’s economy, delivering goods for most businesses while offering good job opportunities for citizens. It’s the reason why you can find many trucking companies in Maryland ready to serve and hire drivers.
Because of the high demand, business-minded individuals have thought of starting their own company, while others seek jobs in the industry with great pay. Whatever your goal is, check out these quick facts to learn more about the state’s transportation services.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Maryland
Who rules the transportation service side of the state? These are the top 10 trucking companies in Maryland you can trust when looking for a truck driving job or when researching as you join the industry:
Capitol Express and Warehousing
The Capitol Express and Warehousing has more than 100 years of experience, a full Maryland trucking company serving various states. They ensure timely deliveries at competitive rates, offering services such as truckload, LTL carrier, warehousing and distribution, logistics, intermodal, flatbed, among others.
BDR Express
The Maryland trucking company has been around for almost 30 years, starting as a courier service and now expanding to a full trucking business. The owner operator of BDR Express aims to care for their employees and drivers as well as their customers.
Transamerican Trucking Services
This trucking company began in 1976 and now has the highest retention rate with its employees and drivers. They have services including trucking, warehousing, packing, and heavy haul to cater to the United States and Canada.
The Ritter Companies
Starting in 1964 with just a few trucks, they expanded and now have over 100 power units with the aim to provide integrity and reliability to all customers. They provide services such as fleet, truckload, refrigerated, local and regional deliveries, hazmat, and dropped trailers.
A&S Trucking Services Inc.
This Maryland trucking company offers full trucking services such as truckload, expected, logistics, warehousing, distribution, as well as drayage and regional or national delivery. Their main focus is to provide excellent services to all while sustaining their relationships with drivers and all staff.
TCI Trucking and Warehousing
This full trucking and warehousing company was founded in 1963, now with five US locations and three offices that dispatch more than 200 trucks daily. They provide services such as intermodal, logistics, dry vans, flatbed, stretch trailers, step decks, translating, and domestic trucking.
CTI-TP Transportation
They are one of the oldest trucking companies in the state, starting back in 1939 with just two trucks used for LTL freight. Now, they have a fleet of more than 7,000 trucks that provide transportation services such as intermodal, flatbed, drayage, hazmat, temperature-controlled shipments, and more!
RHB Trucking Inc.
This trucking company is also one of the oldest in Maryland, offering services such as intermodal, temperature-controlled, drayage, flatbed, warehousing truckload deliveries, and other transportation shipments. They don’t only promise to deliver and exceed expectations but also support the local efforts of NGOs like Habitat for Humanity.
Wollenweber’s Trucking and Warehousing
This 4th generation family-owned business was established in 1903 and is still going strong over 100 years later! They now provide various services such as public warehousing, LTL carrier, distribution, drayage, specialized equipment, and other personalized services.
Ward Trucking LLC
Another family-owned Maryland trucking company that started with just one truck and two employees back in 1931. Today, they now have over 1,000 employees and provide services such as LTL carrier, short and long haul, straight trucks, tractors, and refrigerated services.
Frequently Asked Questions about Maryland Trucking Companies
What else should you know about starting a Maryland trucking company? Here are the basics based on these frequently asked questions:
A Maryland trucking company will need to report to the DOT at least once a year, more often if the owner operator purchases new trucks that require registration.
Based on Thomas Industry Update, there are eight heavy haul trucking companies in Maryland.
In Maryland, a motor carrier is an owner operator or trucking company that owns and operates commercial motor vehicles that transport commodities from one area to another for a fee.
You can get a motor carrier number in Maryland by submitting both an application form and required documents regarding your business, vehicles, and CDL drivers. Once approved, you are ready to perform transportation services.
Similar to getting a motor carrier number, you need to submit the appropriate application and requirements that prove the vehicle and company driver passes standards for performing transportation services.
When you start a trucking company in Maryland, you will first need a detailed business plan and a capital investment of at least $200,000 for a small business. Study the business and vehicle registration process and make sure that your vehicles and company drivers are safe to deliver commodities.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Maryland
In Maryland, registration fees for single-unit trucks start at $33.75 for a 3/4 ton or less than the manufacturer’s rated capacity.
For others, it costs $47.50 for vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 10,000 pounds. It can go up to $940 for a maximum gross weight of 80,000 pounds.
For farm trucks, it starts with $2.75 for 1,000 pounds of gross registered weight and $27.50 for a minimum gross weight of 10,000 pounds. It is $195 for a maximum gross weight of 65,000 pounds.
Heavy unit trucks have an average registration fee of $600.
Insurance Costs for Maryland Trucking Companies
There is no set insurance cost in Maryland (or in other states for the matter). It all depends on various factors, from the vehicle you’re insuring down to the driver and business size.
On average, expect to pay at least $100 to $800 monthly for each truck, with insurance costing up to $15,000 yearly if you have a big company!
Browse trucking companies in Maryland
Select a city in Maryland to see registered motor carriers
- 0denton
- 1165 Line Road
- 1420 Knecht Avenue
- 1925 Thomas Run Circle
- 20743
- 2744 S Haven Road
- 894 Winterhaven Dr
- Abell
- Aber Prov Grd
- Aberdeen
- Aberden
- Abingdon
- Abington
- Accident
- Accokeck
- Accokeek
- Accokkek
- Acookeek
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Road
- Adelphi
- Adlephi
- Alelphi
- Alkton
- Amman
- Andrews Afb
- Annapois Junction
- Annapolis
- Annapolis Jct
- Annapolis Junction
- Anne Arundel
- Aquasco
- Arbutus
- Arnold
- Ashton
- Aspen Hill
- Avenue
- Bailtimore
- Baldwin
- Balimore
- Balitimore
- Balitmore
- Ballston Lake
- Balt
- Balti
- Baltimoe
- Baltimore
- Baltimore City
- Baltimore Maryland
- Baltimore Md
- Baltimre
- Baltimroe
- Baltiomore
- Baltmore
- Balto
- Barclay
- Barnesville
- Barton
- Batlimore
- Batltimore
- Bayantown
- Beallsville
- Bel Air
- Bel Air Md
- Bel Alton
- Belair
- Belaire
- Belcamp
- Bellair
- Belstville
- Belsville
- Beltsvilel
- Beltsville
- Beltville
- Benedict
- Berlin
- Berwyn
- Berwyn Heights
- Berwyn Hts
- Bethesda
- Betterton
- Bettsville
- Big Pool
- Bishops Head
- Bishopville
- Bittinger
- Bivalue
- Bivalve
- Bladensburg
- Blandensburg
- Blandsburg
- Blatimore
- Blecamp
- Bloomington
- Blyans Rd
- Boise
- Boonsboro
- Boring
- Bowie
- Bowie Md
- Bowleys Quarters
- Boyds
- Bozman
- Bradywine
- Brandy Wine
- Brandywine
- Brayans Rd
- Brentwood
- Brentwwod
- Brinklow
- Bronswick
- Brookeville
- Brookille
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Park
- Brookville
- Brunswick
- Bryans
- Bryans Rd
- Bryans Road
- Bryantown
- Buckeystown
- Burkittsville
- Burling
- Burnie
- Burtonsville
- Burtonville
- Burtosville
- Bushwood
- Butler
- Cabin John
- Califorina
- California
- Callaway
- Calloway
- Calverton
- Cambride
- Cambridge
- Camp Springs
- Camp Springs Rd
- Campsprings
- Campsring
- Cantonsville
- Capital Height
- Capital Heights
- Capital Hgts
- Capital Hights
- Capital Hill
- Capitol
- Capitol Heights
- Capitol Height
- Capitol Heights
- Capitol Heights Md
- Capitol Hgts
- Capitol Hieghts
- Capitol Hts
- Cardiff
- Cartonsville
- Carvel Beach
- Cascade
- Catensville
- Catonel
- Catonsville
- Catsonville
- Cattonsville
- Cavetown
- Cecilton
- Cenreville
- Centerville
- Centre Vile
- Centreville
- Chance
- Chaptico
- Charelstown
- Charlestown
- Charlott Hall
- Charlotte
- Charlotte Hall
- Charlottle Hall
- Chase
- Cheaspeake Beach
- Cheltenham
- Chesapeak Bch
- Chesapeake
- Chesapeake Bch
- Chesapeake Beach
- Chesapeake Beack
- Chesapeake City
- Chesapeake Cy
- Chesapeke Beach
- Chesnut Hill Cove
- Chestektown
- Chester
- Chestertown
- Chestnut Hill Cove
- Cheverly
- Chevy Chase
- Chstnt Hl Cv
- Church Creek
- Church Hill
- Churchill
- Churchton
- Churchville
- Clacksburg
- Claiborne
- Clarkbsburg
- Clarksburg
- Clarksville
- Clarkville
- Clear Spring
- Clear Springs
- Clear Sprring
- Clearspring
- Clearwatr Bch
- Clements
- Clifton
- Clinton
- Cloverly
- Cobb Island
- Cockerville
- Cockeysville
- Cockeysvillle
- Colesville
- College Parj
- College Park
- Colmar Manor
- Colmor Manor
- Colombia
- Colora
- Colton's Point
- Coltons Point
- Colubima
- Columbia
- Columibia
- Compton
- Conowingo
- Cooksville
- Cordova
- Corina
- Corodva
- Corriganville
- Cotonsville
- Cottage City
- Coumbia
- Cownsville
- Cresaptown
- Crisfield
- Crofton
- Crowneville
- Crownsville
- Crownville
- Crumpton
- Cumberland
- Curtis
- Curtis Bay
- Damacus
- Damascus
- Dameron
- Darlington
- Darnestown
- David Inkman
- Davidsonsville
- Davidsonville
- Dayton
- Deal Island
- Deale
- Deer Park
- Delmar
- Denton
- Derwood
- Detour
- Dickerson
- Dist Hts
- Distri Heights
- Distric Heighst
- District Heights
- District Height
- District Heights
- District Hights
- District Hts
- Dowell
- Drayden
- Dundalk
- Dundlak
- Dunkirk
- E New Market
- Earleville
- East New Markert
- East New Market
- East New Mkt
- East Riverdale
- Eastern
- Easton
- Eckhart
- Eden
- Edgemere
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Edmonston
- Eklridge
- Eldersburg
- Elk Mills
- Elk Ridge
- Elkridge
- Elkrige
- Elkton
- Ellciott City
- Ellerslie
- Ellicot
- Ellicote
- Ellicott
- Ellicott City
- Elliott City
- Elridge
- Emmitsburg
- Essex
- Fairmont Heights
- Fairmont Hights
- Fairmount
- Fairmount Height
- Fairmount Heights
- Fairmount Hgt
- Fairplay
- Fallston
- Faukner
- Faulkner
- Federalburg
- Federalsburg
- Federalsbury
- Ferndale
- Finksberg
- Finksburg
- Fishing Creek
- Flintstone
- Ford Washington
- Forest Heights
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Foresteville
- Foresthill
- Forestiville
- Forestvile
- Forestville
- Fork
- Forrest Hill
- Forrestville
- Fort Howard
- Fort Meade
- Fort Wash.
- Fort Washing
- Fort Washington
- Fort Wasington
- Frderick
- Fredercik
- Frederick
- Fredrick
- Freeland
- Friendship
- Friendsville
- Frostburg
- Fruitland
- Ft Howard
- Ft Wash
- Ft Washington
- Fulton
- Funkstown
- Gaith
- Gaithedburg
- Gaither
- Gaitherburg
- Gaithersburd D
- Gaithersburg
- Gaithesburg
- Gaithrsburg
- Galena
- Galesville
- Gambills
- Gambrills
- Gambrils
- Garrett
- Garrett Park
- Gathersburg
- Georgetown
- German Town
- Germantow
- Germantown
- Germantown Y
- Germantwon
- Gibson Island
- Girdletree
- Gleendale
- Gleenwood
- Glemarden
- Glen Arden
- Glen Arm
- Glen Bernie
- Glen Burine
- Glen Burne
- Glen Burnie
- Glen Burnie Md
- Glen Dale
- Glenanden
- Glenarden
- Glenburnie
- Glendale
- Glenelg
- Glenelg Md
- Glenn Dale
- Glenndale
- Glenwood
- Glyndon
- Goldsboro
- Gransonville
- Grantsville
- Grasonville
- Great Mills
- Greatmills
- Green Belt
- Greenbelt
- Greensboro
- Greensobor
- Gwen Oak
- Gwyn Oak
- Gwynn Oak
- Gywnn Oak
- Haerstown
- Hagerstown
- Hagertown
- Haggerstown
- Hale Thorpe
- Halehorpe
- Halethorpe
- Hampstead
- Hampstesd
- Hamstead
- Hancock
- Hanover
- Harford
- Hargerstown
- Harmans
- Harve De Grace
- Harwood
- Havre De Grace
- Havredgrace
- Hayttsville
- Hebron
- Helen
- Henderson
- Hickory
- Highland
- Hollywood
- Honover
- Hoopersville
- Hugesville
- Hughesville
- Hughsville
- Hunt Valley
- Huntington
- Huntingtown
- Huntvalley
- Hurlock
- Hvre De Grace
- Hyarttsville
- Hyasttivlle
- Hyattesville
- Hyattstown
- Hyattsviile
- Hyattsville
- Hyattsviller
- Hyattville
- Hydes
- Hyttsville
- Idlewylde
- Ijamsville
- Ijamville
- Ijasville
- Indian Head
- Indian Headq
- Indian Hed
- Indianhead
- Ingleside
- Issue
- Jacksonville
- Jarretpsville
- Jarretsville
- Jarrettsville
- Jarrettville
- Jb Andrews
- Jefferson
- Jessup
- Joppa
- Joppatowne
- Keedysville
- Kemar
- Kennedyville
- Kensington
- Keymar
- Kingsville
- Kingville
- Kitzmiller
- Knottingham
- Knoxville
- La Plata
- La Vale
- La-plata
- Landover
- Landover Hills
- Lane
- Lanham
- Lanhamseabrook
- Lansdowne
- Laplata
- Largo
- Laurel
- Lavale
- Lavalr
- Laytonsville
- Leonard Town
- Leonardtown
- Leurel
- Lexington
- Lexington Park
- Lexington Pk
- Lexngton Park
- Liamsville
- Libertytown
- Lihthicum
- Lineboro
- Linkwood
- Linthicum
- Linthicum Heights
- Linthicum Hts
- Linthiintcum
- Linticum
- Lisbon
- Lithicum
- Little Orleans
- Ljamsville
- Llanham
- Loch Hill
- Lonaconing
- Lothain
- Lothan
- Lothian
- Loveville
- Ltl Orleans
- Luke
- Lurel
- Lusby
- Lutherville
- Lutherville Timonium
- Luthvle Timon
- Madison
- Manchester
- Marbury
- Mardel Springs
- Mardela
- Mardela Spgs
- Mardela Spring
- Mardela Springs
- Marion
- Marion Sta
- Marion Station
- Mariottsville
- Marlow Heights
- Marlow Hgts
- Marriotsville
- Marriottsville
- Marriottsvl
- Marriotville
- Marrittsville
- Marydel
- Maryland
- Maryland City
- Maryland Line
- Massey
- Maugansville
- Mayo
- Mc Henry
- Mcdaniel
- Mchenry
- Mechancesville
- Mechancisville
- Mechanicsviile
- Mechanicsville
- Mechanicsvlle
- Mechanicville
- Mechanisville
- Michanicsville
- Michellville
- Middle Marsh
- Middle River
- Middle Rivers
- Middleriver
- Middletown
- Midlothian
- Milkersville
- Millers
- Millersvilee
- Millersville
- Millington
- Mitchelleville
- Mitchellville
- Mon Rovia
- Mongomery Village
- Monkon
- Monkton
- Monrovia
- Monrvia
- Montgomery Vil
- Montgomery Villag
- Montgomery Village
- Montgomery Vlg
- Montgomry Vlg
- Montomery Village
- Morganza
- Morningside
- Mount Aire
- Mount Airy
- Mount Alry
- Mount Lake Park
- Mount Rainer
- Mount Rainier
- Mount Savage
- Mount Washington
- Mountain Lake Park
- Mountairy
- Mounty Airy
- Mr Airy
- Mt Airy
- Mt Airy
- Mt Lake Park
- Mt Rainer
- Mt Rainier
- Mt Savage
- Mt Washington
- My Airy
- Myersvile
- Myersville
- N Bethesda
- N Brentwood
- N Potomac
- Najemoy
- Nanemoy
- Nanjemoy
- Nanjemoybryantown
- Nanticoke
- Neavit
- Neavitt
- New Market
- New Carolton
- New Carrolltn
- New Carrollton
- New Carrolton
- New Market
- New Midway
- New Sindsor
- New Widsor
- New Windsor
- Newark
- Newburg
- Newcarrollton
- Newcomb
- North East
- North Beach
- North Bethesda
- North Brentwood
- North East
- North Potomac
- Northeast
- Northwood
- Notthingham
- Nottingham
- Nottingham Rd
- Oakland
- Oc
- Ocean City
- Ocean Pines
- Odenton
- Odentou
- Oldtown
- Olney
- Onley
- Orchard Beach
- Oueen Anne
- Owing Mills
- Owings
- Owings Mill
- Owings Mills
- Owings Mills Rd
- Owingsmill
- Owingsmills
- Oxen Hill
- Oxford
- Oxon Hill
- Oxonhill
- Park Hall
- Parksville
- Parkton
- Parkville
- Parsonburg
- Parsonsburg
- Pasadena
- Pasdena
- Pasedina
- Pasonsburg
- Patuxent River
- Perry Ahll
- Perry Hall
- Perryhall
- Perryman
- Perryville
- Perville
- Phoenix
- Pikesville
- Piney Point
- Pinto
- Pitsville
- Pittsville
- Pocomoke
- Pocomoke City
- Point Of Rocks
- Poit Of Rocks
- Pomfret
- Poolesville
- Port Deposit
- Port Depost
- Port Repubic
- Port Republic
- Port Tabacco
- Port Tobacco
- Portacco
- Potomac
- Preston
- Price Fredrick
- Priince Federick
- Prince Frderick
- Prince Frederck
- Prince Frederic
- Prince Frederick
- Prince Fredrick
- Princess Anne
- Prine Frederick
- Prnc Frederck
- Psadena
- Pt Of Rocks
- Pylesville
- Quantico
- Queeenstown
- Queen Anne
- Queen Town
- Queens Town
- Queenstown
- Randalls Town
- Randallstown
- Randellstown
- Rawlings
- Reisperstown
- Reisrestown
- Reisterstawn
- Reisterston
- Reisterstown
- Reistertown
- Reistrstown
- Relay
- Resiterstown
- Rhodesale
- Rhodesdale
- Ridge
- Ridgedy
- Ridgely
- Ridgety
- Ridgley
- Ridsely
- Riersterstown
- Riesterstown
- Rising Sun
- Risingson
- Riva
- Riverdale
- Riverdale Park
- Rock Hall
- Rockbell
- Rockhall
- Rockiville
- Rockvill
- Rockville
- Rockville Pike S
- Rockwell
- Rocky Ridge
- Rocville
- Rohrersville
- Rosdale
- Rosedale
- Royal Oak
- Royaloak
- Russett
- S Spring
- Sabbilasville
- Sabilasville
- Sabillasville
- Sabillsville
- Saint Inigoes
- Saint Leonard
- Saint Mary City
- Saint Michaels
- Saintmichaels
- Saintsburg
- Salisburg
- Salisbury
- Salisibury
- Sallbury
- Sallisbury
- Salsbury
- Sandy Spring
- Saulkner
- Savage
- Savern
- Scotland
- Seabrook
- Seat Pleasant
- Seat Plesant
- Secretary
- Serven
- Serverna Park
- Severn
- Severna
- Severna Park
- Shady Side
- Shadyside
- Sharpsburg
- Sharptown
- Shelham
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Forest
- Showell
- Silver Spring
- Silver Sping
- Silver Spiring
- Silver Spring
- Silver Spring Md
- Silver Springs
- Silver Sring
- Silverspring
- Silversprings
- Siver Spring
- Sivler Spring
- Skyesville
- Smithburg
- Smithsburg
- Snow Hill
- Solomons
- Solomons Island
- Sparks
- Sparks Glenco
- Sparks Glencoe
- Sparrow Point
- Sparrows Point
- Sparrows Pt
- Spencerville
- Spingdale
- Springdale
- St Michaels
- St Inigoes
- St Leonard
- St Mary's
- St Marys City
- St Mcihaels
- St Michaels
- Stevensivlle
- Stevenson
- Stevensville
- Stevensvillie
- Still Pond
- Stleonard
- Stockton
- Stoney Beach
- Street
- Suderland
- Sudlersville
- Suitlad
- Suitland
- Suitland-silver Hill
- Suitlane
- Sunderland
- Swan Point
- Swanton
- Sykesville
- Sylver Spring
- Syresville
- Takoma Park
- Tall Timbers
- Tanextown
- Taney Town
- Taneytown
- Tempe Hills
- Temple Hill
- Temple Hills
- Thumont
- Thurmond
- Thurmont
- Tilghman
- Timonioum
- Timonium
- Timonium Luthervill
- Toddville
- Townson
- Towson
- Tracy's Landing
- Tracys Landing
- Tracys Landings
- Tracys Lndg
- Trappe
- Tuscarora
- Tuxedo
- Tyaskin
- Union Bridge
- Unionbridge
- United State
- University Park
- Uppemarlboro
- Upper Fairmount
- Upper Falls
- Upper Malboro
- Upper Malrboro
- Upper Marboro
- Upper Marlbor
- Upper Marlboro
- Upper Marlborro
- Upper Marlbro
- Upper Marloboro
- Upperco
- Uppermarlboro
- Uppers Falls
- Uppr Marlboro
- Urbana
- Valley Lee
- Vienna
- W Friendship
- Waldorf
- Waldorph
- Waldrof
- Walforf
- Walkersville
- Walkerville
- Warldorf
- Warwick
- Washington
- Washington Grove
- Welcome
- Wesminster
- West
- West Friendship
- West Master
- West Minister
- West River
- Westernport
- Westfriendship
- Westminister
- Westminster
- Westminster Md
- Westminster Md 21157
- Westmnster
- Westover
- Whaleysville
- Whaleyville
- Wheaton
- White Hall
- White Marsh
- White Plaines
- White Plains
- Whiteford
- Whitehall
- Whitemarsh
- Whitman
- Willards
- Williamsport
- Windfor
- Windsor
- Windsor Mill
- Windsor Mills
- Windsormill
- Wingate
- Wittman
- Woodbine
- Woodland
- Woodlawn
- Woodsboro
- Woodstock
- Woolford
- Worton
- Wye Mills
Latest Reviews of Maryland Trucking Companies
MDOT ID is inactive update your information! His business license is also inactive and he’s a felon. In addition his previous business license was not even licensed to do contract work. He’s often doing coke and his burglary and domestic violence charges
- Published: 1 year ago
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Donald Trump
Worst trucking company ever,
- Published: 1 year ago
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