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Trucking Companies in Michigan
You can find an abundance of trucking companies in Michigan because of the increased demand for transportation services. Not only is there an increased demand for local trucking companies, but professional drivers as well!
That's why you can find more people either interested in finding a truck driving job or creating their own company. Before you get into the industry, know more about the top companies and costs to expect.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Michigan
Who reigns the trucking industry in the state? Check out these top 10 trucking companies in Michigan, known for their excellent services and great driver job opportunities:
Rush Trucking Corporation
This Michigan trucking company has been in the business for over 35 years, with multiple hubs and an ever-growing fleet. They offer a full-truckload service for any business's over-the-road transport needs, catering to areas in the Midwestern and Southern United States.
Hutt Trucking Co., Inc.
Hutt Trucking Co. offers various cargo and freight services, having been in business for over 30 years now. Today, they have more than 50 trucks, 120 trailers, and over 200,000 sq. ft. of warehousing located in West Michigan!
B&B Trucking Inc.
This family-owned trucking company has been around since 1969 and is now one of the placeholders in the Top Green Fleets In the United States. What makes the unique over other companies is their dedicated fleet and how they recycle over 60% of generated waste from their 20,000 sq. ft. shop!
United Road Services Inc.
Being in the business since 1997, this is THE Auto transportation expert who patented the OVISS technology. This, along with professional company drivers, is what ensures topnotch delivery services across all their clients, along with the fleet of over 6,000 trucks.
James Burg Trucking Company
They are best known for their regional flatbed services, with over 90 fleets of trucks and awards to prove their excellent reputation. They have been working since 1984 and only ensure the best for their customer base.
Great Lakes Heavy Haul
This heavy haul Michigan trucking company transports heavy machinery and has various fleet options with warehousing. They use 20 standard flatbeds with useful features and also offer their stretch trailers, forklifts, lowboys, and step decks.
West Michigan Transport LLC
While the transportation company has only been around for 13 years, they have vast experience and offer multiple services. With 70 owner-operators and a carrier base of more than 5,000 contracted carrier partners, you can see why they continue to grow and stay trusted by their clients.
Causley Trucking Inc.
Causley Trucking Inc. has been around since 1941 and currently operates a team of 45 qualified drivers and various terminals in Michigan. Besides their transportation services, they also provide third-party Auto Testing and other Advanced Solutions.
Miller Truck and Storage Company
This Michigan trucking company was incorporated 60 years ago by Leo Miller. Today, they provide Industrial Rigging Services, as well as high-tech equipment installation and specialized machinery transport.
JK Transport
This is one of the top local trucking companies in Michigan, working with Fortune 500 corporations and other smaller businesses. JK Transport is the certified Michigan motor freight trucking carrier, a member of the official Michigan Trucking Association with over 100 trailers.
Frequently Asked Questions about Michigan Trucking Companies
What else is there to learn about starting a truck company in Michigan? Check out these frequently asked questions:
You will need to report to the Department of Transportation at least once a year for registration purposes.
Based on data from Thomas Industry Update, there are 12 heavy haul trucking companies in Michigan.
A motor carrier in Michigan refers to an owner operator or trucking company that manages and controls fleets of commercial motor vehicles. These vehicles can range from trucks to trailers, tractors to flatbeds, used to transport various properties or assets to other areas.
A motor carrier number in Michigan is required to provide transportation services, which you can obtain through applying in the state's DOT. Submit the application form and any specific requirements about your business, drivers, and trucks.
You will need to check with Michigan's Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC). Contact your local CTC to get the contracting requirements to be submitted before you become a transportation provider.
You can start a trucking company in Michigan by readying a business plan and capital investment of about $500,000. When you have the finances and a timeline with feasible goals, you can begin making the investments on trucks, drivers, and other operational necessities.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Michigan
In Michigan, the registration fees for single-unit trucks are as follows:
- $39 for commercial pickups that weigh 4,000 pounds or below
- $49 for commercial pickups that weigh 5,000 pounds
- $1.40 per 100 pounds for trucks (not a combination) that weigh between 2,500 to 7,999 pounds
- $2.72 per 100 pounds for trucks (not a combination) that weigh 8,000 pounds and above, with an additional $5 fee
- $378 for trucks that have a gross weight of 24,000 pounds
- $2,398 for trucks that have a gross weight of over 160,000 pounds
As for farm trucks, it is only 74 cents per 100 pounds of empty weight, with an additional $5 fee.
On average, expect to pay between $55 to $190 for farm trucks or single-unit trucks, respectively. As for heavy-unit trucks, the average registration fee is $975.
Insurance Costs for Michigan Trucking Companies
Truck insurance in Michigan depends on a variety of factors, from the coverage you need and any additional liabilities and add-ons you'd like the truck to have.
Usually, insurance companies require at least a $100,000 coverage for every big rig. Because of this, expect to pay at least $220 a month for every truck you own.
This does not include insurance required for your business and truck driver team.
Browse trucking companies in Michigan
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- -----br
- 2861 State Highway 139
- 48161
- 48858
- 58921 Carriage Lane
- 917 Varden Dr
- A
- Acme
- Acova
- Ada
- Addison
- Addison Twp
- Addson
- Adrain
- Adrian
- Adriann
- Afton
- Agonac
- Ahmeek
- Akron
- Alamo
- Alanson
- Alantic Mine
- Alba
- Albion
- Alden
- Algaonc
- Alger
- Algonac
- Algrus
- Allegam
- Allegan
- Allen
- Allen Pack
- Allen Park
- Allendale
- Allenpark
- Allenton
- Allenville
- Allington
- Alllenton
- Allouez
- Alma
- Almon
- Almont
- Alpen
- Alpena
- Alpha
- Alston
- Alto
- Alton
- Amasa
- Anchorville
- Angres
- Ann Arbor
- Annarbor
- Appleagate
- Applegate
- Aqvoca
- Arcadia
- Arcadia Township
- Armada
- Armeda
- Arnold
- Ashley
- Aston
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Atlantic Mine
- Atlas
- Attica
- Au Gres
- Au Sable
- Au Train
- Aubrun Hills
- Aubun Hills
- Auburn
- Auburn Hill
- Auburn Hills
- Auburn Hills Mi
- Auburnhills
- Augasta
- Augres
- Augusta
- Aurburn
- Avoca
- Avola
- Bad Ave
- Bad Axe
- Badaxe
- Bafter
- Bailey
- Balck River
- Baldwin
- Baltic
- Bancroft
- Bangor
- Banister
- Bannister
- Baraga
- Barbeau
- Bark River
- Baroda
- Barryton
- Barton City
- Bath
- Battel Creek
- Battkecreek
- Battle Creek
- Battle Ceek
- Battle Cerrk
- Battle Creek
- Battle Crek
- Battlecreek
- Bay
- Bay Port
- Bay City
- Bay City Mich
- Bay Harbor
- Bay Port
- Baycity
- Bayport
- Bayshore
- Bc
- Bear Lake
- Beaver Island
- Beaverton
- Beaverton Rd
- Belaire
- Belding
- Bellaire
- Bellarie
- Belleview
- Belleville
- Bellevillle
- Bellevue
- Bellston
- Bellville
- Bellvue
- Belmont
- Belton
- Bentley
- Benton Harbor
- Bentonharbor
- Benzonia
- Benzonja
- Bergland
- Berkely
- Berkley
- Berlin
- Bermingham
- Berrien Center
- Berrien Ctr
- Berrien Sprgs
- Berrien Springs
- Berville
- Bessemer
- Beula
- Beulah
- Beulh
- Beverly Hills
- Big Bay
- Big Rapids
- Bighton
- Bingham Farms
- Birch Run
- Birchrun
- Birmingham
- Biteley
- Bitely
- Black River
- Black River M
- Blanchard
- Blissfield
- Blissield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield Hil
- Bloomfield Hill
- Bloomfield Hills
- Bloomfield Township
- Bloomfield Twp
- Bloomfld Hills
- Bloomfld Hls
- Bloomfld Twp
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomingdate
- Bloomsfield Hills
- Boine City
- Boine Falls
- Bois Blanc Island
- Boon
- Boone
- Botely
- Boyne
- Boyne City
- Boyne Falls
- Boynecity
- Boynefalls
- Bradley
- Branch
- Branson
- Brant
- Breathern
- Breckenridge
- Breckinridge
- Breedsville
- Brenckenridge
- Brethren
- Bridgeman
- Bridgeport
- Bridgewater
- Bridgman
- Brighotn
- Brightom
- Brighton
- Brimley
- Britton
- Brockway
- Brohman
- Bronson
- Brookland
- Brookloyn
- Brooklyn
- Brooklynd
- Brown City
- Brown City Mi
- Browns Town
- Brownstone
- Brownstown
- Brownstown Charter Tship
- Brownstown Charter Twp
- Brownstown Township
- Brownstown Twp
- Brownstwn Twp
- Browntown Twp
- Browsntown
- Bruce
- Bruce Crossing
- Bruce Township
- Bruce Tup
- Bruce Twp
- Bruce Xing
- Brudenville
- Brutus
- Bryon
- Bryon Center
- Bryron
- Bryron Center
- Btitton
- Buchanan
- Buchannan
- Buckley
- Buelah
- Bur Oak
- Burch Run
- Burchanan
- Burchrun
- Burkley
- Burlington
- Burmingham
- Burnips
- Burr Oak
- Burt
- Burtchville
- Burton
- Burton City
- Byron
- Byron Center
- Cadillac
- Caledoinia
- Caledonia
- Calendonia
- Calumet
- Camden
- Canadian Lakes
- Canton
- Canton Township
- Canton Twp
- Capac
- Carleton
- Carlton
- Carnery
- Carney
- Caro
- Carp Lake
- Carrollton
- Carson City
- Carsonville
- Casco
- Casco Township
- Casco Twp
- Casco Twsp
- Caseville
- Casnovia
- Casovia
- Caspian
- Cass City
- Cassopolis
- Cedar
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar River
- Cedar Spings
- Cedar Spriings
- Cedar Spring
- Cedar Springs
- Cedar Sprins
- Cedarsprings
- Cedarville
- Ceder Springs
- Cement City
- Center Lake
- Center Line
- Centerline
- Centerville
- Central Lake
- Centreville
- Ceresco
- Cevtreville
- Champion
- Channing
- Charlevoix
- Charlotte
- Charter Township Of Clint
- Charter Twp Of Clinton
- Chase
- Chassell
- Chatham
- Cheb
- Cheboyan
- Cheboygan
- Chelby Township
- Chelsea
- Chesaning
- Chesterfeild
- Chesterfield
- Chesterfield Townshi
- Chesterfield Township
- Chesterfield Townshp
- Chesterfield Two
- Chesterfield Twp
- Chesterfield Twsp
- Chesterton Twp
- Chesterville
- Chetserfield
- Cheyboygan
- China
- China Township
- China Twp
- Chinatwp
- Christmas
- Chrsterfield
- Clair
- Claire
- Clare
- Clark Lake
- Clarklake
- Clarkson
- Clarkston
- Clarkston M
- Clarksville
- Clawson
- Clay
- Clay Township
- Clay Twp
- Clay Twsp
- Clayton
- Clearlake
- Clifford
- Climax
- Clinton
- Clinton Charter Township
- Clinton Township
- Clinton Township Mi
- Clinton Townsip
- Clinton Towship
- Clinton Two
- Clinton Twp
- Clinton Twsp
- Clio
- Clodwater
- Closson
- Clyde
- Clyde Township
- Cohoctah
- Cold Water
- Coldwateer
- Coldwater
- Coleman
- Colman
- Coloma
- Coloman
- Colon
- Columbiaville
- Columbus
- Columbus Township
- Columbus Twp
- Columubs
- Comernce Township
- Comins
- Commerce
- Commerce Twp
- Commerce Charter Township
- Commerce Charter Twp
- Commerce Township
- Commerce Two
- Commerce Twp
- Commerce Twsp
- Commercecharter Township
- Comstoc Park
- Comstock
- Comstock Park
- Comstock Parke
- Concord
- Conklin
- Constantine
- Constentine
- Constock Park
- Contantine
- Conway
- Cooks
- Cooper Twp
- Coopersville
- Copemish
- Copmish
- Copper City
- Copper Harbor
- Coppersville
- Coral
- Corel
- Cornell
- Coronna
- Corunna
- Coruuna
- Cosco Township
- Cottrellville
- Cottrellville Township
- Cottrellville Twp
- Cottreville
- Covert
- Covington
- Crosswell
- Croswell
- Crystal
- Crystal Falls
- Curran
- Currran
- Curtis
- Custer
- Dafter
- Daggett
- Dansville
- Davidson
- Davisburg
- Davisbyrg
- Davision
- Davison
- De Tour
- De Tour Village
- De Tour Vlg
- De Witt
- Deaborn
- Dearbonn
- Dearborn
- Dearborn Heigh
- Dearborn Height
- Dearborn Heights
- Dearborn Heiths
- Dearborn Hgts
- Dearborn Hieghts
- Dearborn Hts
- Dearbrn
- Decatur
- Decker
- Deckerville
- Deckerville Rd
- Deeland
- Deerborn
- Deerfield
- Deerfield Mi
- Deford
- Dehton
- Delhi Township
- Delta Twsp
- Delton
- Denwood
- Deroit
- Dertoit
- Det
- Detdoit
- Detoir
- Detoit
- Detour
- Detour Village
- Detriot
- Detrit
- Detroit
- Detroit Mi
- Detropit
- Detrot
- Dewitt
- Dexter
- Diamondale
- Dimondale
- Dodgeville
- Dollar Bay
- Dorr
- Douglas
- Dowagiac
- Dowagie
- Dowgiac
- Dowling
- Dr Brighton
- Drafter
- Drummond Is
- Drummond Island
- Dryden
- Dteroit
- Dueand
- Dundee
- Durad
- Durand
- Durrand
- Dutton
- E Lansing
- E Rockwood
- Eagle
- Eagle Harbor
- East China
- East China Township
- East Detroit
- East Grand Rapids
- East Jordam
- East Jordan
- East Jordon
- East Lansing
- East Leroy
- East Point
- East Pointe
- East Tawas
- Eastchina
- Eastleroy
- Easton Rapids
- Eastpoint
- Eastpointe
- Eastponte
- Eastport
- Eato Rapids
- Eaton Rapids
- Eau Clair
- Eau Claire
- Eau Clare
- Eauclaire
- Eben Jct
- Eben Junction
- Eckerman
- Ecorse
- Ecourse
- Edenville
- Edmore
- Edwardburg
- Edwardsberg
- Edwardsburg
- Elberta
- Elk Rapids
- Elktom
- Elkton
- Ellsworth
- Elmira
- Elsie
- Elsworth
- Elwell
- Emmett
- Emmett Township
- Empire
- Engadine
- Erie
- Escanaba
- Escanada
- Escanata
- Escanba
- Escorse
- Essexnille
- Essexvile
- Essexville
- Essexville Mi
- Essxville
- Evart
- Evert
- Ewen
- F
- Fair Haven
- Fairgorve
- Fairgrove
- Fairhaven
- Fairview
- Falmouth
- Famd Like
- Famington Hills
- Far
- Fargo
- Farmingtn
- Farmingtn Hill
- Farmingtn Hills
- Farmingtn Hls
- Farmington
- Farmington Hills
- Farmington Hill
- Farmington Hills
- Farmington Hilss
- Farminton Hills
- Farwell
- Farwwell
- Fedrndale
- Felch
- Femwick
- Fennville
- Fenton
- Fenville
- Fenwick
- Ferdale
- Ferndale
- Ferrysburg
- Fibre
- Fife Lake
- Filion
- Fillion
- Flat Rock
- Flatrock
- Fling
- Flint
- Flint Township
- Flint Twp
- Flushing
- Flusing
- Fontain
- Fort Austin
- Fort Gratiot
- Foster City
- Fostoria
- Fostroria
- Fountain
- Fowler
- Fowlerville
- Fraiser
- Frankenmouth
- Frankenmuth
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Fraser
- Frasher
- Frazier
- Frederic
- Frederick
- Free Soil
- Freeland
- Freemont
- Freeport
- Freesoil
- Fremont
- Frontier
- Fruit Port
- Fruitport
- Ft Gratiot
- Fulton
- Furitport
- G P Farms
- Gaastra
- Gagetown
- Gagrtown
- Gaines
- Gale
- Galesburg
- Galien
- Galord
- Garden
- Garden City
- Gardencity
- Gayloard
- Gaylord
- Gaylord Street
- Genesee
- Georgetown
- Germfask
- Gibraltar
- Gibralter
- Gladstone
- Gladwin
- Glan Arbor
- Glawin
- Glen Arbor
- Glennie
- Gobles
- Goetzville
- Goodells
- Goodels
- Goodrich
- Gould
- Gould City
- Gowen
- Gr
- Gradn Rapids
- Graling
- Gran Haven
- Gran Junction
- Grand
- Grand Rapids
- Grand Blanc
- Grand Haven
- Grand Jct
- Grand Junction
- Grand Ledge
- Grand Marais
- Grand Rapdis
- Grand Rapido
- Grand Rapids
- Grand Rapids North West
- Grand Raspids
- Grande Junction
- Grandhaven
- Grandledge
- Grandrapids
- Grandvile
- Grandville
- Grant
- Grant Township
- Grant Twp
- Grass Lake
- Grasse Lake
- Grawn
- Grayling
- Green Oak Township
- Green Oaks Twp
- Greenbush
- Greenland
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Twp
- Greevnille
- Gregory
- Gross Point Woods
- Gross Pointe Woods
- Grosse Ile
- Grosse Isle
- Grosse Point
- Grosse Point Park
- Grosse Point Woods
- Grosse Pointe
- Grosse Pointe Farms
- Grosse Pointe Park
- Grosse Pointe Sho
- Grosse Pointe Shores
- Grosse Pointe Woods
- Grosse Pt Frm
- Grosse Pt Pk
- Grosse Pt Wds
- Grosse Pte Farms
- Grosse Pte Woods
- Gulliver
- Gwinn
- Habor Beach
- Hadley
- Hale
- Hamburg
- Hamilton
- Hamtraamck
- Hamtramack
- Hamtramck
- Hancock
- Hanover
- Harbert
- Harbor Beach
- Harbor Spgs
- Harbor Spring
- Harbor Springs
- Hardwood
- Harper Woods
- Harpersprings
- Harperwoods
- Harrietta
- Harris
- Harrisburg
- Harrision
- Harrision Twp
- Harrison
- Harrison Township
- Harrison Twp
- Harrison Twsp
- Harriston Twp
- Harrisville
- Harrsion
- Harsen's Island
- Harsens Is
- Harsens Island
- Hart
- Hartford
- Hartland
- Haslet
- Haslett
- Hasting
- Hastings
- Hawks
- Hazel Park
- Heartland
- Helmans
- Hemlcok
- Hemlock
- Henderson
- Hermansville
- Herron
- Hersey
- Hesperia
- Hessel
- Hickery Corners
- Hickory Corner
- Hickory Corners
- Hickory Crnrs
- Higgins Lake
- Highland
- Highland Park
- Highland Pk
- Highland Township
- Highland Twp
- Highland Twsp
- Hilldale
- Hillman
- Hillsdale
- Hilman
- Hisperia
- Holland
- Holly
- Holt
- Holten
- Holton
- Home
- Homer
- Honor
- Hope
- Hopkins
- Hopokins
- Horton
- Hortonville
- Hot
- Houghton
- Houghton Lake
- Houghton Lk
- Houghton Lke
- Howard
- Howard City
- Howell
- Howell 48843
- Hubbard
- Hubbard Lake
- Hubbardson
- Hubbardston
- Hubbell
- Hubber Lake
- Hudson
- Hudsonsville
- Hudsonvill
- Hudsonville
- Hudsonville49426
- Hulbert
- Huntingtn Wds
- Huntington Woods
- Hurley
- Huron
- Huron Township
- Huron Twp
- Husdonville
- Hysperia
- Ida
- Idlewild
- Imlay
- Imlay City
- Indian River
- Ingalls
- Inkster
- Interlochen
- Ionia
- Ira
- Ira Township
- Ira Twp
- Iron Mountain
- Iron River
- Ironriver
- Irons
- Ironwood
- Ishpeming
- Ithac
- Ithaca
- Ithica
- Jackson
- Jackson Mi 49201
- Jacskon
- Jamestown
- Jasper
- Jeddo
- Jedo
- Jenisn
- Jenison
- Jerome
- Jhackson
- Johanesburg
- Johannesburg
- Jonannesburg
- Jones
- Jonesville
- Kalalamazoo
- Kalamaoo
- Kalamazoo
- Kalamazooo
- Kalamozaa
- Kalamzooo
- Kaleva
- Kalkaska
- Kalksaka
- Kapac
- Kawawlin
- Kawkalin
- Kawkawlin
- Kawkawllin
- Kearsarge
- Keego Harbor
- Kendall
- Kenockee
- Kenockee Twp
- Kent C Ity
- Kent City
- Kentcity
- Kenton
- Kentwood
- Kentwood Mi
- Kenwood
- Kewadin
- Kimball
- Kimball Twp
- Kimble
- Kincheloe
- Kinde
- Kinglsey
- Kingsford
- Kingsley
- Kingston
- Kinross
- L'ance
- L'anse
- La Salle
- Lachine
- Lacota
- Laingsburg
- Laingsburgh
- Lainsburg
- Lake
- Lake Ann
- Lake City
- Lake George
- Lake Isabella
- Lake Lealanau
- Lake Leelanau
- Lake Linden
- Lake Odess
- Lake Odessa
- Lake Orien
- Lake Orion
- Lake Port
- Lake Station
- Lake View
- Lakeland
- Lakeport
- Lakeside
- Lakeview
- Lakeville
- Lambertville
- Lancing
- Lanisng
- Lanse
- Lansegn
- Lansen
- Lansiing
- Lansing
- Lansnig
- Lapeer
- Lasalle
- Lathrop Village
- Lathrup
- Lathrup Village
- Lathrup Vlg
- Laurium
- Lawrence
- Lawrence M
- Lawton
- Le Roy
- Leland
- Lennon
- Lennox
- Lennox Twp
- Lenoard
- Lenox
- Lenox Township
- Lenox Twp
- Lenox Twsp
- Leonard
- Leonidas
- Leroy
- Leslie
- Levering
- Levonia
- Lewiston
- Lewston
- Lexington
- Limball
- Limestone
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Pk
- Lincoln Prk
- Linden
- Lindon
- Lindwood
- Linonia
- Linwood
- Litchfield
- Little Lake
- Liuonia
- Livania
- Liviona
- Livionia
- Livobia
- Livoina
- Livolia
- Livonai
- Livonia
- Livonis
- Lk Ann
- Long Lake
- Lovonia
- Lowell
- Ludington
- Lum
- Luna Pier
- Lupton
- Luther
- Luzerne
- Lynn
- Lynwood
- Lyon
- Lyon Township
- Lyons
- Machester
- Mackinac City
- Mackinac Island
- Mackinaw
- Mackinaw City
- Macom
- Macomb
- Macomb County
- Macomb Township
- Macomb Twp
- Macomb Twsp
- Macome
- Madison
- Madison Heights
- Madison Hgts
- Madison Height
- Madison Heights
- Madison Hgts
- Madison Hieghts
- Madison Hts
- Maine
- Manastee
- Mancelcona
- Mancelona
- Manchester
- Manistee
- Manistee49660
- Manistique
- Maniton Beach
- Manitou Beach
- Manselona
- Manton
- Mantou Beach
- Maple City
- Maple Rapids
- Marashall
- Marcellus
- Marenisco
- Marhall
- Marine City
- Marion
- Marlett
- Marlette
- Marne
- Marquette
- Marshall
- Martin
- Marysville
- Maryville
- Masick
- Mason
- Mass City
- Mattawan
- Maybee
- Mayfield
- Mayville
- Mc Bain
- Mc Millan
- Mcbain
- Mcbride
- Mccomb
- Mcmillam
- Mcmillan
- Mcmillian
- Mears
- Mecosta
- Meisck
- Melvin
- Melvindale
- Memominee
- Memphis
- Menden City
- Mendon
- Menominee
- Merenci
- Merril
- Merrill
- Merrilll
- Merritt
- Merrlll
- Mesick
- Metamora
- Metamora Twp
- Mettamora
- Michigamme
- Michigan Center
- Michigan City
- Michigan Ctr
- Middelville
- Middleton
- Middleville
- Midland
- Mikado
- Milan
- Milay City
- Mile
- Milfolrd
- Milford
- Milford Mi
- Milford Twp
- Milian
- Millersburg
- Millford
- Milligton
- Millington
- Minden
- Minden City
- Minden Mcity
- Mio
- Mohawk
- Moline
- Mondon
- Monroe
- Monroe Township
- Mont Rose
- Montague
- Montauge
- Montegue
- Montgomery
- Montrose
- Moorestown
- Moran
- Morenci
- Morley
- Morrice
- Moscow
- Mosherville
- Motgomery
- Mount Clemens
- Mount Morris
- Mount Pleasant
- Moutnt Clemens
- Mt Clemens
- Mt Pleasant
- Mt Clemens
- Mt Clemens Mi
- Mt Clements
- Mt Morris
- Mt Morris Twp
- Mt Pleasant
- Mt Pleasent
- Mtount Pleasant
- Mtpleasant
- Muir
- Muksegon
- Mulligan
- Mulliken
- Munger
- Munising
- Munison
- Munith
- Muskegon
- Muskegon Heights
- Muskegon Hghts
- Muskegon Hts
- Muskegon Township
- Muskgon
- Mussey
- Mussey Township
- Mussey Twp
- Mussy
- N Branch
- N Muskegon
- Napoleon
- Nashville
- Nathan
- National City
- National City
- Naubinway
- Naybinway
- Negaunee
- Neguanee
- Nestland
- New Balitmore
- New Baltimore
- New Berry
- New Boston
- New Buffalo
- New Eera
- New Era
- New Haven
- New Hudsom
- New Hudson
- New Lorthop
- New Lothrop
- New Lothrp
- New Lothrup
- New Port
- New Troy
- Newago
- Newaygo
- Newbaltimore
- Newberry
- Newera
- Newlothrop
- Newport
- Newport Mi
- Newq Lothrop
- Niles
- Nisula
- Norhtville
- North Adams
- North Branch
- North Bridge
- North Muskegon
- North Port
- North Star
- North Street
- Northbranch
- Northfield Twp
- Northport
- Northstreet
- Northville
- Northville Township
- Northville Twp
- Northvliie
- Norton Shores
- Norvell
- Norway
- Norwood Ct
- Nottawa
- Novi
- Nunica
- Oak Park
- Oak Pk
- Oakland
- Oakland Charter Township
- Oakland Township
- Oakland Twp
- Oakley
- Oakly
- Oakpark
- Ocqueoc
- Oden
- Oinia
- Okemos
- Okomos
- Olivet
- Omena
- Omer
- Onaway
- Onekama
- Onekema
- Onondadaga
- Onondaga
- Onsted
- Ontonagon
- Orchard Lake
- Orchard Lake Village
- Orid
- Orion
- Orion Township
- Orion Twp
- Orleans
- Ortinville
- Ortonviile
- Ortonville
- Oscada
- Oscoda
- Osseo
- Ossineke
- Ostego
- Otisville
- Otronville
- Otsego
- Otseto
- Ottawa Lake
- Otter Lake
- Ottisville
- Ovid
- Owasso
- Owenale
- Owendale
- Owosso
- Oxford
- Painesdale
- Palmer
- Palms
- Palmyra
- Palo
- Papac
- Paradise
- Parchment
- Paris
- Parma
- Parts
- Paw Paw
- Pawpaw
- Peck
- Pekonsha
- Pelkie
- Pellston
- Pelston
- Pennville
- Pentwater
- Perkins
- Perrington
- Perrinon
- Perrinton
- Perronville
- Perry
- Perry Twp
- Petersburg
- Petersburgh
- Petorkey
- Petoskey
- Petosky
- Pewamo
- Pexter
- Pickeney
- Pickford
- Pickney
- Picnkey
- Piconning
- Pierson
- Pigeon
- Pinckney
- Pinckny
- Pinconning
- Pinkney
- Pitchford
- Pittsburg
- Pittsburgh
- Pittsford
- Plainwell
- Pleasant Lake
- Pleasant Lk
- Pleasant Ridge
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Township
- Plymouth Twp
- Point Aux Pins
- Pointe Aux Pins
- Pontac
- Pontaic
- Pontiac
- Pontias
- Ponticac
- Port Huron
- Port Austin
- Port Hope
- Port Huran
- Port Hurn
- Port Huron
- Port Huron Township
- Port Huron Twp
- Port Sanilac
- Portage
- Portlad
- Portland
- Posen
- Potterville
- Powers
- Prattville
- Prescott
- Presque Isle
- Pridenville
- Pruddenville
- Prudenville
- Prudenvillle
- Pullman
- Quincey
- Quincy
- Quinnesec
- R
- Ramulus
- Rapid City
- Rapid City Mi
- Rapid River
- Ravana
- Ravenna
- Ray
- Ray Township
- Ray Twp
- Reading
- Red City
- Redd City
- Redford
- Redford Charter Township
- Redford Charter Twp
- Redford Township
- Redford Two
- Redford Twp
- Redfordq
- Redfprd
- Redord
- Reed
- Reed City
- Reese
- Reford
- Reford Twp
- Remus
- Republic
- Repulic
- Rhodes
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richmond Township
- Richmond Twp
- Richville
- Ridge City
- Riga
- Riley
- Riley Center
- Riley Township
- Riley Twp
- River Rouge
- River Rough
- Riverdale
- Riverside
- Riverview
- Rives Jct
- Rives Junction
- Rmeo
- Rocehster Hills
- Rochester
- Rochester Hill
- Rochester Hills
- Rochester Hills Mi
- Rochester Hls
- Rochesterhills
- Rochster
- Rochster Hills
- Rock
- Rockchester Hills
- Rockford
- Rockland
- Rockwood
- Rocommon
- Rodney
- Roger City
- Rogers City
- Rogers Ctiy
- Rolkford
- Romeo
- Romulas
- Romulos
- Romulus
- Roscommom
- Roscommon
- Rose City
- Rose City
- Rosebush
- Rosevile
- Roseville
- Rosevillie
- Rothbury
- Royal Oak
- Royal Oak Twp
- Royaloak
- Royay Oak
- Rrand Rapids
- Ruby
- Rudyard
- Rumely
- Ruth
- S Boardman
- S Lyon
- S Rockwood
- Sagianaw
- Sagianw
- Sagiinaw
- Saginaw
- Sagniaw
- Sagola
- Saint Charles
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clair Shore
- Saint Clair Shores
- Saint Claire Shores
- Saint Clare Shores
- Saint Helen
- Saint Igance
- Saint Ignace
- Saint Johns
- Saint Jones
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Louis
- Sait Clair Shores
- Salem
- Salem Township
- Salem Twp
- Salin
- Salina
- Saline
- Samaria
- Sand Creek
- Sand Creek
- Sand Lake
- Sandlake
- Sanduky
- Sandusky
- Sanford
- Sanfordd
- Saranac
- Saugatuck
- Sault S Marie
- Sault Saint Marie
- Sault Sainte Maire
- Sault Sainte Marie
- Sault St Marie
- Sault Ste Marie
- Saulte Ste Marie
- Savinaw
- Sawyer
- Schoolcraft
- Scott
- Scotts
- Scottsville
- Scottville
- Scs
- Sears
- Sebewaing
- Sebewing
- Seney
- Seresco
- Serling Heights
- Sgte
- Shelby
- Shelby Township
- Shelby Charter Twp
- Shelby Rwp
- Shelby Town Ship
- Shelby Townhip
- Shelby Township
- Shelby Townshp
- Shelby Twnhp
- Shelby Twp
- Shelby Twpq
- Shelby Twsp
- Shelby Ville
- Shelbyville
- Sheldy
- Shelly Township
- Shepard
- Shephard
- Shephed
- Shepherd
- Sheridan
- Sheridian
- Sherwood
- Shingleton
- Shleby Township
- Sidnaw
- Sidney
- Silverwood
- Siverwood
- Six Lakes
- Sixlakes
- Skandia
- Skanee
- Slint
- Smith Creek
- Smiths Creek
- Snover
- So Boardman
- Sodus
- Somerset Center
- Somerset Ctr
- Soo
- Sothfield
- Sout Lyon
- Soutfield
- South Boardman
- South Branch
- South Field
- South Gate
- South Grange
- South Haven
- South Lyon
- South Lyon Mi 48178
- South Lyons
- South Range
- South Rockwood
- Southfeild
- Southfield
- Southfield Mich
- Southgate
- Southlyon
- Spalding
- Spanta
- Sparta
- Sparta Twp
- Spring Arbor
- Spring Lake
- Spring Port
- Springfield
- Springfield Township
- Springport
- Spruce
- St Charles
- St Clair
- St Clair Shores
- St Johns
- St Louis
- St Calir
- St Charles
- St Clair
- St Clair Shore
- St Clair Shores
- St Clair Shre
- St Clair Twp
- St Claire
- St Claire Shores
- St Claire Township
- St Claire Twp
- St Clare Shores
- St Clr Shores
- St Detroit
- St Helen
- St Helens
- St Hts
- St Ignace
- St Joeseph
- St John
- St Johns
- St Joseph
- St Louis
- St Portage
- Staint Clair Shores
- Stan Wood
- Standish
- Standwood
- Stanton
- Stanwood
- Stanwoods
- Stcharles
- Stclair
- Ste Saint Marie
- Stephenson
- Sterling
- Sterling Heights
- Sterling Heigh
- Sterling Height
- Sterling Heights
- Sterling Heights Mi 48312
- Sterling Heightss
- Sterling Heoights
- Sterling Hghts
- Sterling Hgts
- Sterling Hieght
- Sterling Hieghts
- Sterling Hights
- Sterling Hts
- Sterlingheights
- Sterlinghts
- Stevensville
- Sthelen
- Stjohns
- Stocbridge
- Stockbridge
- Storgis
- Strugis
- Sturgis
- Sumner
- Sumpter
- Sumpter Twp
- Sunfeild
- Sunfield
- Superior Twp
- Superior Twsp
- Surrfield
- Sutton Bay
- Suttons Bay
- Sw Grand Rapids
- Swartz
- Swartz Creek
- Sylvan Lake
- Tawas
- Tawas City
- Taylor
- Techumseh
- Tecumsch
- Tecumseh
- Tekohsha
- Tekonsha
- Temeperance
- Temperance
- Temperence
- Tenton
- Thompsonville
- Three Oaks
- Three Rivers
- Tipton
- Toivola
- Topinabee
- Tower
- Tr0y
- Traunik
- Travere City
- Traverese City
- Traverse
- Traverse City
- Traverse City
- Travesr City
- Trenary
- Trenten
- Trenton
- Trout Creek
- Trout Lake
- Troy
- Trudenville
- Trufant
- Turner
- Tustin
- Twin Lake
- Twin Lakes
- Twining
- Twinining
- Twinning
- Ubley
- Ubli
- Ubly
- Union
- Union City
- Union City
- Union Pier
- Unionville
- Unionville Rd
- Utica
- Van Buren Township
- Van Buren Twp
- Vanburen Twp
- Vandalia
- Vanderbiilt
- Vanderbilt
- Vanderbuilt
- Vassar
- Vasser
- Vermontville
- Vermotville
- Vernon
- Vertmonville
- Vestaberg
- Vestaburg
- Vicksburg
- Vulcan
- W Bloomfield
- W Olive
- Wacousta
- Wahington
- Wakefield
- Waland
- Walden
- Waldron
- Wales
- Wales Township
- Wales Twp
- Walhalla
- Walker
- Walkersville
- Walkerville
- Wallace
- Wallad Lake
- Walled Lake
- Walloon Lake
- Walton
- Wareen
- Warre
- Warren
- Warren 48091
- Wash
- Washingtn Twp
- Washington
- Washington Heights
- Washington Township
- Washington Twp
- Washintong Twp
- Waterford
- Waterford Township
- Waterford Twp
- Waterord
- Waters
- Watersmeet
- Watertown
- Watervileit
- Watervliet
- Watton
- Wayland
- Wayne
- Wayne City
- Weat Bloomfield
- Webberville
- Webberville Rd
- Weddington
- Wegland
- Weidman
- Weisman
- Wells
- Wellston
- West Olive
- West Blomfield
- West Bloomfeild
- West Bloomfied
- West Bloomfield
- West Bloomfield Hills
- West Bloomfield Township
- West Bloomsfield
- West Blooomfield
- West Boomfield
- West Branch
- West Land
- West Olive
- West Olvie
- West Phalia
- Westbloomfield
- Westland
- Weston
- Westphalia
- Westphelia
- Wetmore
- Wetstone
- Wheeler
- Whiitemore
- Whit Lake
- White Cloud
- White Hall
- White Lake
- White Lake Rd
- White Lake Twp
- White Pigeon
- White Pine
- Whitecloud
- Whitehall
- Whitelake
- Whitemore Lake
- Whitemore Lane
- Whitmore
- Whitmore Lake
- Whitmore Lk
- Whitmorelake
- Whittaker
- Whittemore
- Whittermore
- Willamsburg
- Williamsburg
- Williamston
- Willis
- Wilson
- Winn
- Wittemore
- Wixim
- Wixom
- Wixon
- Wolverine
- Wolverine Lake
- Wolverine Lk
- Wood Haven
- Woodhaven
- Woodland
- Woodland Dr
- Worth Township
- Wyandotte
- Wyndotte
- Wyoming
- Wyondalte
- Yale
- Yale Rd
- Yesilanti
- Ypsi
- Ypsialnti
- Ypsila Nti
- Ypsilanit
- Ypsilant
- Ypsilanti
- Ypsilanti Twp
- Ypsilenti
- Ypsilianti Twp
- Ysiplanti
- Ytsilanti
- Zeeland
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