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Trucking Companies in Montana
Welcome to ‘Big Sky Country!’ Here you’ll find a mixed economy, with oil, coal, and gas, lumber, mining, and tourism all contributing to the wellbeing of the state. The local trucking industry is, thus, just as varied.
Long-distance trucking competes with the local railroad network for the title of top freight mover here, giving intermodal trucking companies an edge. While the face of U.S highways has changed a lot in recent years, Montana is also a key part of the east-west road freight corridor. There is, however, more truck driving jobs than there are truckers to fill them currently, especially for long-distance freight. The deficit could, in fact, be as high as 50,000 drivers needed! This makes it a great place to look for work as a truck driver, or to start a career in the industry. You’ll be joining an industry over 100,000 strong in this state.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Montana
Before we go any further, let’s look at the local trucking companies who are getting it right. With great reputations for reliability, good service, and safety, each of these Montana motor carriers help set the standards for the industry:
Whitewood Transport Inc
Affordable and safe transportation solutions, especially for the shipment of oversized loads and equipment.
MTS Freight
MTS Freight services 48 states. They use just-in-time inventory management and timeous delivery to help you keep your freight costs low.
Jim Palmer Trucking
This 500-strong fleet offers truckload, yard management, dedicated solutions, and power-only solutions to help you get your cargo to its destination.
Corcoran Trucking Inc.
This firm offers over-the-road trucking from North Dakota to Alaska as well as the lower 48 states. They offer reefer, flatbed, and logistics broker divisions to assist you.
Waggoners Trucking
This trucking company in Montana can assist you throughout the United States as well as Canada. Their flatbed fleet can assist with heavy haul and moving equipment, LTL, auto parts, and much more.
K&K Trucking
Based in Great Falls, they can assist with refrigeration as well as general cargo movement.
North Park Transportation Co
Originally a livestock hauling service, today they focus more on moving produce- but with the same great service that built their reputation.
Westervelt Trucking & Setup Inc
Working out of Belgrade, they offer nationwide services as well as Canada routes. They have a diverse fleet, from dry vans and winch trucks to refrigeration, step deck, and flatbed trucks.
Watkins and Shepard Trucking
Offering warehousing, distribution, and consolidation alongside LTL freight management, their logistics experts are waiting to hear from you.
Agricultural Express Inc
Originally a livestock hauling service, today they focus more on moving produce- but with the same great service that built their reputation.
IFTA reports must be filed every 3 months. Other permits and reports will only need to be discussed annually.
Trucking in Montana is very diverse, and heavy hauling is well represented to help with equipment for the various industries that keep the economy going. Up to 35% of trucking companies in Montana can assist with heavy haul.
Motor carriers are defined as anyone leasing, owning, or managing a commercial vehicle. Whether you have freight or passengers as cargo is irrelevant.
Once your FMCSA USDOT number is in hand, the DoT of Montana will assist you further regarding MC numbers.
Mountain-Pacific contracts with Medicaid in the state of Montana, so you will want to start your inquiries with them.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Montana
If you’re looking to join the list of trucking companies in Montana, your first step will be to create a formal business. Even if you will be a one-man owner-operator, you will need this to file taxes correctly and get other permits. Forming an LLC and Incorporating both cost the same ($70) in Montana, so you will decide based on the tax structure you need.
Once your business entity is created, you will need to approach the FMCSA. They will assist you in getting your USDOT number. You will also be able to get your MC number. This will cost you between $300 and $500, depending on the trucks you have.
Now it’s time to head over to the Montana DOT and their commercial vehicle portal. This will allow you to get your Unified Carrier Registration ($69+, again dependent on fleet size). They also have information on whether you will need extra permits, like a heavy vehicle use tax ($100-$500 per truck) or overweight/oversize permits.
Lastly, make sure to organize your IRP ($100) and IFTA ($600 per annum in 4 installments). You can also file a BOC-3 if you will operate in several states, to keep yourself legally safe.
Although the registration costs may seem relatively low, remember this is only a small part of the process of running your business. A conscientious operator should look to have 3-6 months of operating costs in hand before opening their doors. And, of course, insurance for your fleet.
Insurance Costs for Montana Trucking Companies
Montana trucking companies have it easy compared to some other states. Here, you will only pay between $6,500- $9,500 for comprehensive insurance on a new-ish, well-maintained tractor-trailer. While this is mild compared to the rest of the country, remember that good driving behavior from you and everyone who takes a truck driving job with you is key to keeping insurance premiums low.
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- Absarokee
- Acton
- Alberton
- Alder
- Alzada
- Anaconda
- Angela
- Antelope
- Arlee
- Ashland
- Augusta
- Avon
- Babb
- Bainville
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- Belgarde
- Belgrade
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- Biddle
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- Blackeagle
- Blillings
- Bloomfield
- Bonner
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- Box Elder
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- Boyes
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- Brady
- Bridger
- Broadus
- Broadview
- Brockton
- Brockway
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- Brusett
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- Busby
- Butte
- Buttee
- Bynum
- Cameron
- Canyon Creek
- Capitol
- Cardwell
- Carter
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- Charlo
- Chester
- Chinook
- Choteau
- Circle
- Clancy
- Clinton
- Clyde Park
- Coffee Creek
- Cohagen
- Col Falls
- Colstrip
- Columbia Falls
- Columbia Fls
- Columbus
- Condon
- Conner
- Connor
- Conrad
- Conradd
- Cooke City
- Coram
- Corvaliis
- Corvallis
- Coumbia Falls
- Coumbus
- Crane
- Creston
- Crow Agency
- Culberston
- Culbertson
- Custer
- Cut Bank
- Cutbank
- Dagmar
- Darby
- Darby Mt
- Dayton
- De Borgia
- Deborgia
- Decker
- Deer Lodge
- Dell
- Denton
- Dillion
- Dillon
- Dixon
- Dodson
- Drummond
- Dummond
- Dupuyer
- Dutton
- East Glacier Park
- East Helena
- Edgar
- Ehtridge
- Ekalaka
- Elliston
- Elmo
- Emigrant
- Ennis
- Ethridge
- Eureka
- Eurke
- Fairfield
- Fairview
- Fallon
- Fishtail
- Flaxville
- Florance
- Florence
- Floweree
- Forest Gove
- Forsyth
- Fort Benton
- Fort Peck
- Fort Pect
- Fort Shaw
- Fortine
- Fox
- Frazer
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- Froid
- Fromberg
- Ft Shawn
- Galata
- Galen
- Gallatin Gateway
- Gallatin Gtwy
- Gardiner
- Garneill
- Garrison
- Garryowen
- Geraldine
- Geyser
- Gildford
- Glasgow
- Glassgow
- Glen
- Glendale
- Glendive
- Gold Creek
- Goldcreek
- Grass Range
- Great Falls
- Great Falls Mt
- Greatfalls
- Greenough
- Grey Cliff
- Greycliff
- Gt Falls
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Mt
- Hamlton
- Hammond
- Hardin
- Harlem
- Harlowton
- Harrison
- Haugan
- Havre
- Hays
- Helena
- Helmville
- Heron
- Highwood
- Hilger
- Hingham
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- Hobson
- Hogeland
- Homestead
- Hot Springs
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- Hungry Horse
- Huntley
- Huson
- Hysham
- Iane
- Inverness
- Ismay
- Jackson
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson Cty
- Join
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- Joplin
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- Judith Gap
- Kalispell
- Kalispell Or Albanyoregon
- Kalsipell
- Kalspell
- Kevin
- Kila
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- Kremlin
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- Lodge Grass
- Lodgegrass
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- Manhatton
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- Mc Allister
- Mcallister
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- Molt
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- Montana City
- Moore
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- Musselshell
- Nashua
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- Norris
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- Nye
- Oilmont
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- Opheim
- Opportunity
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- Outlook
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- Pompey Pillar
- Pompeys Pillar
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- Potomic
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- Reedpoint
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- Roundup
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- Saintignatius
- Saintregis
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- St Ignatious
- St Ignatius
- St Iqnatius
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- Stevensville
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- Sweetgrass
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- Thompson Fls
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- Three Forks
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- Trout Creek
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- West Yellow Stone
- West Yellowstone
- Westby
- White Fish
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- White Sulpher Springs
- White Sulphur Spring
- White Sulphur Springs
- White Sulphur Sprins
- White Water
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- Whitehall
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- Whitewater
- Whitfish
- Whitlash
- Wht Sphr Spgs
- Wibaux
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- Winett
- Winifred
- Winnett
- Winston
- Wisdom
- Wise River
- Wolf Creek
- Wolf Point
- Worden
- Wyola
- Zortman
- Zurich
Latest Reviews of Montana Trucking Companies
gatlin connors
great service, super nice guy. i had him tow my ford ranger for me and he was awesome to work with. i highly recommend charlies to anyone needing assistance, great prices any time of the day. really nice guy.
- Published: 3 years ago
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Towing for billings MT, did MORE damage to my nephew's handicap van than what a deer did! AND, held the van hostage from 11/12/2021 to 11/30/2021 until they got paid from our insurance company! We have pictures of our damages and You guys are CHEAP and money hungry!
- Published: 3 years ago
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