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Trucking Companies in North Carolina
North Carolina has an interesting challenge - there are more truck driving jobs available here than there are drivers to take them! While the industry grew about 16% recently, creating around 220,000 trucking jobs in the state, the number of people employed in the trucking business only increased by 7%.
If you’re a truck driver looking for better pay and plenty of work, then this is the state to head to for a truck driving job. You can often also take advantage of in-house CDL training and other perks. Most firms are keen to keep high standards, but willing to relax the experience requirements in favor of finding dedicated staff to fill their many trucking jobs.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in North Carolina
What local trucking companies are getting it right? We’ve evaluated these top 10 fleets for customer service, value for money, and reliability:
Shaffer Trucking
There’s little need to sing the praises of this well-known company, which keeps drivers and customers happy. There’s little wonder they earned a spot on this list of trucking companies in North Carolina.
TG Stegall Trucking Company
From awesome pay and great benefits for its truckers to on-time, reliable shipments to its customers, this Charlotte-based North Carolina trucking company is getting it right.
Carolina Tank Lines
This firm has regional, coast-to-coast, and midwest routes, so your cargo will always get where it needs to go. This elite trucking service specializes in moving pharmaceuticals as well as other freight.
Anderson Trucking Service
With great opportunities for OTR drivers on hand, Anderson Trucking Service has strict hiring requirements for each company driver and offers a range of transportation services in the state.
Best Cartage
The brain-child of two owner operator truck drivers, this is now a massive fleet including almost everything, including flatbed trucks. Their list of services is huge, from same-day truckload to multimodal freight brokerage and highly specialized shipments.
Inman Trucking Inc
These leaders in climate-controlled long haul also have a solid reputation as a great and caring employer. You can hire single truck drivers or team drivers, depending on your cargo needs, an interesting new pattern in the trucking industry.
Marten Transport Ltd
They have a focus on building the character of each truck driver, as well as providing great service to their client. OTR, regional, intermodal, dedicated refrigeration and temperature-controlled truckload services, and even brokerage assistance are offered. They also run freight to Mexico.
From 3 trucks to a dedicated fleet offering logistics, intermodal transport, OTR, and much more. KLLM is always on time and delivers your cargo safely.
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc
From household goods to expedited cargo, for shipping companies, they do a little bit of everything. They also have a strong focus on ethical, people-focused business.
Cargo Transporters Inc
This fleet has been in operation for over 3 centuries, a remarkable track record of good service! Today it offers a huge and diverse fleet for all your freight needs.
Aim for a trip to the DMV once a year to renew annual licenses. Your IFTA, however, has to have reports filed once every three months.
Despite some mining activity in the area, North Carolina places more emphasis on general goods shipping than heavy haul. There are still heavy haul services available here, however, with close to ⅓ of firms registered with North Carolina Trucking Association offering some services in the area.
The term ‘motor carrier’ refers to anyone in control of a commercial freight or passenger vehicle. This can be a leased or owned vehicle, and even simply managed.
After you have got your USDOT and MC number organized with the FMCSA, you will get your Unified Carrier Registration from the North Carolina DMV.
Becoming a NEMT transportation provider helps hurt people get the help they need. The registration portal can be found here.
Starting a trucking company begins with registering your company properly, for tax and administrative purposes. From there, the FMCSA and the North Carolina DMV will help you get your truck permits and registrations in order, including your IRP and IFTA.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in North Carolina
Are you looking to join our North Carolina trucking companies list? Well, you won’t be able to proceed with your registrations until you’ve set up a proper tax entity. Most truckers in this state opt for either an LLC or a Corporation, both of which cost $125. You’ll also need to make sure you have enough cash on hand for your first few months’ expenses.
Trucking companies in North Carolina must also hold a range of permits and registrations specific to trucking in this state. You will start at the FMCSA, which will help you get your motor carrier and USDOT number. This will set you back about $300.
Then proceed to get your unified carrier authority from the North Carolina DMV ($69). You will also need to organize for IRP ($100 and $25 per plate) and IFTA ($600 annually). You can file a BOC-3 form if you will operate between several states for free.
Now is also the time to contemplate if you need special permits for specific fleet trucks or loads. These could include your ‘heavy use’ permitting or even overweight/oversize permits. You can access the North Carolina DMV trucking portal for more information here.
Altogether, you should expect your first few month’s trading to set you back a lot of cash. Be prepared with loans or start-up capital to float costs and insurance, as well as these registration costs, if you want your company to thrive.
Insurance Costs for North Carolina Trucking Companies
Truckers in North Carolina pay right on the United States’ average when it comes to trucking insurance. Expect to pay around $7,500 to $10,600 a year for a standard tractor-trailer.
Browse trucking companies in North Carolina
Select a city in North Carolina to see registered motor carriers
- 16222 Us Hwy 421
- 2250 Shipyard Blvd Ste 13
- 28679
- Aberdeen
- Advance
- Ahoskie
- Alamance
- Albemarle
- Albermalre
- Albermarle
- Albertson
- Alexander
- Alexis
- Alliance
- Almond
- Altamahaw
- Andrews
- Angier
- Ansonville
- Apex
- Arapahoe
- Ararat
- Archdale
- Archer Lodge
- Arden
- Ash
- Ashboro
- Ashburro
- Asheboro
- Asheboro Nc
- Asherville
- Asheville
- Asheville Nc
- Ashville
- Atkinson
- Atlantic
- Atlantic Beach
- Aulander
- Aurora
- Autryville
- Autryville Road
- Ayden
- Aydlett
- Badin
- Bahama
- Bailey
- Bakersville
- Balley
- Balsam
- Balsam Grove
- Banner Elk
- Barco
- Barnardsville
- Bath
- Battle Boro
- Battleboro
- Baulaville
- Bayboro
- Bear Creek
- Bearcreek
- Beauford
- Beaufort
- Beech Mtn
- Belews Creek
- Belhaven
- Belmont
- Belvidere
- Belville
- Bennett
- Benson
- Bessemer
- Bessemer City
- Bessmer City
- Bethel
- Beulahville
- Beulaville
- Beuville
- Biscoe
- Black Mountain
- Black Mtn
- Bladenboro
- Blanch
- Blk Mtn
- Blounts Creek
- Blowing Rock
- Boiling Springs
- Bolivia
- Bolton
- Bonlee
- Boomer
- Boone
- Boone Blowing Rock
- Booneville
- Boonvile
- Boonville
- Bostic
- Bostie
- Brasstoon
- Brasstown
- Brevard
- Bridgeton
- Brlington
- Broadway
- Brown Summit
- Browns Summet
- Browns Summit
- Browns Summitt
- Brunswick
- Bryson
- Bryson City
- Buies Creek
- Bullock
- Bumsville
- Bunn
- Bunnlevel
- Burgan
- Burgaw
- Burlington
- Burlington - E Orange Nj
- Burlinton
- Burlongton
- Burnsville
- Burnsvillle
- Butner
- Buxton
- Bvurlington
- Calabash
- Calgary
- Calypso
- Camden
- Cameron
- Camp Lejeune
- Candler
- Candor
- Canton
- Cape Carteret
- Carolina Bch
- Carolina Beach
- Carolina Shor
- Carrboro
- Carthage
- Cary
- Casar
- Cashiers
- Casor
- Castalia
- Castle Gayne
- Castle Hayne
- Caswell Beach
- Catawba
- Cathage
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Island
- Cedar Mountain
- Cedar Mtn
- Cedar Point
- Cedargrove
- Cerro Gordo
- Cha
- Chadbourn
- Chadbourne
- Chanlotte
- Chapal Hill
- Chapel Hill
- Chapel Hills
- Char Lotte
- Charlote
- Charlotte
- Charlotte Nc
- Charlotte Nc 28213
- Charlottle
- Charlottte
- Charolette
- Charolotte
- Charoltte
- Charotte
- Chatlotte
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Indian Reservati
- Cherryville
- China Grove
- Chino Grove
- Chinquapin
- Chinqupin
- Chocowindy
- Chocowinity
- Cincord
- Clairemont
- Claremont
- Clarendon
- Clarkton
- Clayto
- Clayton
- Clemmon
- Clemmons
- Cleveland
- Cliffside
- Climax
- Clinton
- Clommons
- Clyde
- Coats
- Cocnrod
- Code City
- Cofield
- Coinjock
- Colerain
- Colfax
- Collettsville
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Como
- Concord
- Conelly Springs
- Conetoe
- Connelly Springs
- Connelly Spg
- Connelly Spring
- Connelly Springs
- Connellys Springs
- Conover
- Conton
- Conway
- Cooleemee
- Corapeake
- Cordova
- Cornelius
- Cornlelius
- Corolla
- Council
- Cove City
- Covecity
- Cramerton
- Cranbery
- Creedmoor
- Creston
- Creswell
- Crossnore
- Crouse
- Crumpler
- Cullowhee
- Cumberland
- Currie
- Currituck
- Dallas
- Dana
- Danbury
- Davidson
- Davis
- Deep Gap
- Deep Run
- Delco
- Dentin
- Denton
- Denver
- Dillsboro
- Dobson
- Dover
- Drexel
- Dublin
- Dudley
- Dueham
- Dunn
- Durahm
- Durham
- Durham North
- Durhan
- Durhma
- E Bend
- E Flat Rock
- Eagle Springs
- East Bend
- East Flat Rock
- East Flatrock
- East Spencer
- Eastover
- Eden
- Edenton
- Edward
- Efland
- Eilizabeth City
- Eliz City
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth City
- Elizabeth Ctiy
- Elizabeth Cty
- Elizabethtown
- Elizabethytown
- Elk Park
- Elkin
- Ellenboro
- Ellerbe
- Ellerbr
- Elm City
- Elon
- Emerald Isle
- Emul
- Enfield
- Engelhard
- Enka
- Ennice
- Ernul
- Erwin
- Etowah
- Eure
- Everetts
- Evergreen
- Fair Bluff
- Fairbluff
- Fairfield
- Fairmont
- Fairview
- Faison
- Faith
- Faitvile
- Falcon
- Falkland
- Fallston
- Farmont
- Farmville
- Fay
- Fayeteville
- Fayettesville
- Fayetteville
- Fayettevilleq
- Fayettevlle
- Fayettville
- Fayetville
- Ferguson
- Flat Rock
- Flatrock
- Fleetwood
- Fletcher
- Forest
- Forest City
- Fort Bragg
- Foscoe
- Fountain
- Four Oaks
- Four Oaks Nc
- Franklin
- Franklinton
- Franklinville
- Franklyn
- Fremont
- Fremont Nc
- Frisco
- Fuduay Varina
- Fuguay Varina
- Fuguay-varina
- Fuquary Varina
- Fuquay Barina
- Fuquay Varina
- Fuquay-varina
- Gamer
- Ganite Falls
- Garland
- Garner
- Garrysburg
- Garysburg
- Garysbury
- Gaston
- Gastonia
- Gates
- Gatesville
- Germanton
- Germantown
- Gerton
- Giboro
- Gibson
- Gibsonvile
- Gibsonville
- Glade Valley
- Gladevalley
- Glendale Springs
- Glenville
- Gloucester
- Godwin
- Gold Hill
- Goldboro
- Goldhill
- Goldsboro
- Goldston
- Graham
- Grandy
- Graniet Falls
- Granite Falls
- Granite Quarry
- Grantsboro
- Grassy Creek
- Graysburg
- Greebsboro
- Green Mountain
- Green Moutain
- Green Mtn
- Greenboro
- Greenherd
- Greensboro
- Greensoro
- Greenville
- Grennsboro
- Grifton
- Grimes Land
- Grimesland
- Grover
- Gso
- Gstonia
- Halifax
- Hallsboro
- Hamilton
- Hamlet
- Hampstead
- Hamptonville
- Hamtonville
- Harbinger
- Harkers Is
- Harkers Island
- Harmony
- Harrell's
- Harrells
- Harrellsville
- Harrellville
- Harrels
- Harrisburg
- Harrrisburg
- Hassell
- Hatteras
- Havelock
- Haw River
- Hayesville
- Hays
- Henderson
- Hendersonville
- Hendersonvlle
- Henersonville
- Henrico
- Henrietta
- Hertford
- Hickory
- Hicory
- Hiddenite
- High Falls
- High Point
- High Point Archdale
- High Shoals
- Highlands
- Highpoint
- Hildebra
- Hildebran
- Hillsborough
- Hillsborugh
- Hillsbrough
- Hobbsville
- Hobgood
- Hobsville
- Hobucken
- Hoffman
- Holister
- Hollister
- Holly Ridge
- Holly Spring
- Holly Springs
- Holly Springs Nc
- Hookerton
- Hope Mills
- Hopemilles
- Hopemills
- Horse Shoe
- Hot Springs
- Hubert
- Hudson
- Hundson
- Huntersville
- Hurdle Mills
- Icard
- Ieland
- Illestatesvo
- Indain Trail
- Indian Trail
- Indian Trls
- Iron Station
- Ivanhoe
- Jackson
- Jackson Spgs
- Jackson Springs
- Jacksonville
- Jacsonville
- Jamestown
- Jamesville
- Jarvisburg
- Jefferson
- Jonas Ridge
- Jonesville
- Julian
- Kannapolis
- Kannnapolis
- Keansville
- Kelford
- Kelly
- Kenansville
- Kenersville
- Kenly
- Kernersville
- Kernerville
- Kernsville
- Kill Devil Hills
- Kill Devil Hl
- King
- Kinghtdale
- Kings Mountain
- Kings Mtn
- Kingstown
- Kinston
- Kittrell
- Kitty Hawk
- Knight Dale
- Knightdale
- Knotts Island
- Kure Beach
- La Grange
- La Granje
- Lagrange
- Lake Lure
- Lake Park
- Lake Toxaway
- Lake Waccamaw
- Landis
- Lansing
- Lanson
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Spgs
- Laurel Springs
- Laurinburg
- Lawndale
- Lawsonville
- Leasburg
- Leciester
- Leicester
- Leicestor
- Leland
- Lemon Springs
- Lenior
- Lenoir
- Lewiston
- Lewiston Woodville
- Lewiston-woodville
- Lewisville
- Lex
- Lexington
- Lexngton
- Liberty
- Lilesville
- Lillington
- Lincolnton
- Linconton
- Linden
- Linville
- Linwood
- Littleton
- Lk Junaluska
- Locust
- Loiusburg
- Longview
- Longwood
- Louisburg
- Lousiburg
- Love Valley
- Lowell
- Lowgap
- Lowland
- Lucama
- Lumber Bridge
- Lumber Ridge
- Lumberton
- Maccles Field
- Macclesfield
- Macon
- Madison
- Maggie Valley
- Magnolia
- Maiden
- Manns Harbor
- Manson
- Manteo
- Manteu
- Mapble Hill
- Maple
- Maple Hill
- Marble
- Margarettsville
- Margarettsvl
- Marian
- Marion
- Mars Hill
- Marshall
- Marshallberg
- Marshaville
- Marshell
- Marshill
- Marshville
- Marston
- Marvin
- Mathews
- Matthew
- Matthews
- Maury
- Maxton
- Mayodan
- Maysville
- Maysvsille
- Mc Adenville
- Mc Grady
- Mc Leansville
- Mcadenville
- Mccleansville
- Mcgrady
- Mcleansville
- Mclensville
- Mebane
- Mebane Nc 27302
- Merritt
- Merry Hill
- Merryhill
- Micro
- Mid Land
- Middleburg
- Middlesex
- Midland
- Midway Park
- Mill Spring
- Mill Springs
- Miller's Creek
- Millers Creek
- Millerscreek
- Millesrivere
- Mills River
- Millspring
- Milton
- Mineral Spgs
- Mineral Springs
- Minneapolis
- Mint Hill
- Mint Hills
- Minthill
- Mocksville
- Mocksviller
- Mockville
- Moncure
- Monre
- Monreo
- Monroe
- Montezuma
- Mooresboro
- Mooresville
- Moorseboro
- Moravian Falls
- Moravian Fls
- Morehead
- Morehead City
- Morganston
- Morganton
- Morgnaton
- Morrisville
- Morven
- Mount Airy
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Holly
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Ulla
- Mountain Home
- Moyock
- Mruphy
- Mt Airy
- Mt Gilead
- Mt Airy
- Mt Gilead
- Mt Holly
- Mt Olive
- Mt Pleasant
- Mt Ulla
- Murfreesboro
- Murphy
- My Holly
- N Wilkesboro
- N Willesboro
- Nags Head
- Nakina
- Nashville
- Nashvillle
- Navassa
- Nc
- Nc Clinton
- Nebo
- New Beern
- New Bern
- New Berr
- New Born
- New Hill
- New London
- New Port
- Newbern
- Newell
- Newland
- Newport
- Newton
- Newton Grove
- Norlina
- Norman
- North Camden
- North Wilesboro
- North Wilkesboro
- North Wilksboro
- Northwilkesboro
- Norwood
- Oak City
- Oak Island
- Oak Ridge
- Oakboro
- Oakridge
- Ocean Isl Bch
- Ocean Isle
- Ocean Isle Beach
- Ocracoke
- Old Fort
- Olin
- Oliver Crossroads
- Olivia
- Oriental
- Orinceton
- Orrum
- Osford
- Otto
- Oxford
- Pantego
- Parkton
- Paw Creek
- Peachland
- Peachlead
- Pelam
- Pelham
- Pembroke
- Pendleton
- Penros
- Penrose
- Pfafftown
- Pikeville
- Pilot Mountain
- Pilot Mtn
- Pine Hall
- Pine Hill
- Pine Level
- Pine Town
- Pinebluff
- Pinehurst
- Pinelevel
- Pineola
- Pinetops
- Pinetown
- Pineville
- Piney Creek
- Pink Hill
- Pinkhill
- Pinnacle
- Pisgah Forest
- Pittsboro
- Pleasant Garden
- Pleasant Gdn
- Pleasant Hill
- Plumtree
- Plymouth
- Point Harbor
- Polkton
- Polkville
- Pollacksville
- Pollocksville
- Poplar Branch
- Potecasi
- Powells Point
- Powells Pt
- Powellspoint
- Powellsville
- Princeton
- Princetow
- Princeville
- Proctorville
- Prospect Hill
- Providence
- Pulear
- Purlear
- Raeford
- Ral
- Raleig
- Raleigh
- Raleigh Nc
- Raleight
- Raliegh
- Raligh
- Ralleigh
- Ramp Crumpler
- Ramseur
- Randleman
- Rayford
- Rdu International Airport
- Reaford
- Red Oak
- Red Spring
- Red Springs
- Red Springs Nc
- Redsprings
- Reidsville
- Renton
- Research Triangle Park
- Rex
- Rich Square
- Richfield
- Richlands
- Richsquare
- Ridgecrest
- Riegelwood
- Rieglewood
- Roanake Rapids
- Roanoke Rapid
- Roanoke Rapids
- Roaring River
- Robbins
- Robbinsville
- Robersonville
- Robertsonville
- Rockingham
- Rockwell
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Mount
- Rocky Mountain
- Rocky Mt
- Rocky Point
- Rockymount
- Rodanthe
- Roduco
- Rolesville
- Ronald Rapid
- Ronda
- Rondlemon
- Roper
- Ropert
- Rose Hill
- Rose-hill
- Roseboro
- Rosebro
- Rosehill
- Rosman
- Rougemont
- Rougemount
- Rougmont
- Rowland
- Roxboro
- Roxobel
- Rreidsvile
- Rtp
- Ruffin
- Rural Hall
- Rutherfirdton
- Rutherfordton
- S Concord
- Saint Paul
- Saint Pauls
- Salem
- Salemburg
- Salemgurg
- Salisburg
- Salisbury
- Salsbury
- Saluda
- Salvo
- Sandy Ridge
- Sanford
- Sapphire
- Saratoga
- Saw Mills
- Scaly Mountain
- Scaly Mtn
- Scotland Neck
- Scotts
- Scottville
- Sea Level
- Seaboard
- Seagrove
- Sedman
- Selma
- Semora
- Seven Spring
- Seven Springs
- Severn
- Shallotte
- Shannon
- Shannonn
- Sharpsburg
- Shawboro
- Shelby
- Sherrills Ford
- Sherrills Frd
- Shiloh
- Siler City
- Silercity
- Siley
- Siloam
- Silver City
- Sims
- Sims Nc
- Smirhfield
- Smithfeild
- Smithfield
- Smyrna
- Sneads Ferry
- Sneadsferry
- Snow Camp
- Snow Hill
- Snowhill
- Sophia
- Souhtport
- South Mills
- Southern Pines
- Southern Pnes
- Southern Shores
- Southmills
- Southport
- Sparta
- Spencer
- Spindale
- Spring Hope
- Spring Lake
- Springlake
- Spruce Pine
- St Paul
- St Pauls
- Staley
- Stallings
- Stanfield
- Stanlet
- Stanley
- Stansfield
- Stantonburg
- Stantonsburg
- Star
- Stari
- State Road
- Statesvile
- Statesville
- Stateville
- Stedman
- Stella
- Stem
- Stokes
- Stokesdale
- Stoneville
- Stoney Point
- Stony Point
- Stonypoint
- Stoval
- Stovall
- Sugar Gromve
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Mtn
- Sulisbury
- Summerfeild
- Summerfield
- Sunbury
- Sunset Beach
- Supply
- Surf City
- Sw Concord
- Swan Quarter
- Swannanoa
- Swannawoa
- Swanquarter
- Swansboro
- Sylva
- Tabor City
- Tar Heel
- Tarboro
- Tarheel
- Taylorsville
- Taylorville
- Tayorsville
- Teachey
- Terrell
- Thomasville
- Thurmond
- Tillery
- Timberlake
- Tobaccoville
- Todd
- Topton
- Traphill
- Trent Woods
- Trenton
- Trinity
- Troutman
- Troy
- Tryon
- Tuckasegee
- Turkey
- Tuxedo
- Tyner
- Union Grove
- Union Mills
- Valdese
- Vale
- Valle Crucis
- Vanceboro
- Vandemere
- Vass
- Vaughan
- Vilas
- Vt Supply
- W Jefferson
- W S
- W-s
- Waco
- Wade
- Wadesboro
- Wagram
- Wake Foreot
- Wake Foresdt
- Wake Forest
- Wake Forrest
- Wakeforest
- Walalce
- Walkertown
- Wallace
- Walnut Cove
- Walstonburg
- Wanchese
- Warne
- Warrensville
- Warrenton
- Warrentown
- Warsaw
- Warsaw Nc
- Washingotn
- Washington
- Watha
- Waunesville
- Waxhaw
- Wayne
- Waynesville
- Waynesvulle
- Wearerville
- Weaverville
- Webster
- Weddington
- Welcome
- Weldon
- Welmington
- Wendel
- Wendell
- Wesley Chapel
- West Cove City
- West End
- West Jefferson
- Westfield
- Whisper Pines
- Whisper Pnes
- Whispering Pines
- Whitakers
- White Lake
- White Oak
- Whitesett
- Whitevile
- Whiteville
- Whitsett
- Whitter
- Whittier
- Wilimington
- Wilkerboro
- Wilkesboro
- Willamston
- Willard
- Williamson
- Williamston
- Williston
- Willmington
- Willow Spring
- Willow Springs
- Wilmiington
- Wilmington
- Wilmington Nc
- Wilson
- Windson
- Windsor
- Winfall
- Wingate
- Winnabow
- Winstion-salem
- Winstom Salem
- Winston Salem
- Winston - Salem
- Winston -salem
- Winston Salem
- Winston Salem Nc
- Winston- Salem
- Winston-salem
- Winterville
- Winton
- Wiston Salem
- Wiwinston Salem
- Wls
- Woodland
- Woodleaf
- Wrightsville Beach
- Writsvlle Bch
- Wrrenton
- Yadkinville
- Yanceyville
- Yancyville
- Youngsville
- Younsville
- Zebulon
- Zelbulon
- Zionvilee
- Zionville
- Zirconia
Latest Reviews of North Carolina Trucking Companies
C. Allen
Almost put me into a guardrail today outside of Asheville.
- Published: 1 month ago
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C. Allen
Almost put me into a guardrail today outside of Asheville.
- Published: 1 month ago
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Michael D
Casey Kepley Jr of Kepley Enterprises LLC/INC stole $500 from me without providing the hauling service agreed to. Casey moved a skid steer for me and there were no issues so I also contracted with him to move a backhoe. I paid him $500 via Zelle which was 1/2 the total cost. He then began making excuses and eventually stopped replying to texts and calls. In my opinion Casey is a low-level thief and coward. He also does not have a CDL but heavy hauls across state lines.
- Published: 3 months ago
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