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Trucking Companies in Oregon
Oregon trucking companies do not necessarily have it easy. Despite moving a huge percentage of the goods in the state, it’s also one of the most expensive places (with California and Washington) for commercial heavy vehicle operators.
Almost 20,000 jobs in the trucking industry in this state seems small in comparison to other states. Never-the-less, 1 in 17 people in Oregon are employed in the industry, and it carries $300 billion worth of goods each year, more than the state’s GDP!
So while this may not be the easiest or the largest state for truck drivers, they still play a key part in the economy and help the state thrive.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Oregon
Curious as to how the top 10 trucking companies in Oregon rate against each other? Below we take a closer look at local trucking companies, from freight and refrigerated to flatbed and the many other specialty and cargo truckers who are keeping Oregon standards high:
Nichols Trucking
With a reputation for integrity as well as reliability from each truck driver, there’s little wonder this family-owned firm focuses on hiring CDL drivers with experience, and can even offer fully certified hazardous materials shipping.
Peninsula Trucking Lines
If you’re looking for LTL services in this state, look no further. They’re able to handle hazardous materials as well as regular shipping. They're also dedicated to keeping a fleet in which every driver is an experienced driver, and this company is setting standards among trucking companies in Oregon daily.
PS Trucking Inc
Originally known as Marlton Trucking, each driver is able to help with truckload and LTL, reefer, flatbed, intermodal, and heavy haul- in short, a one-stop destination for everything trucking.
Terminal Transfer Inc
Offering warehousing for shipping companies as well as passenger transportation, they also offer a range of cargo services. Cross-docking and devanning, intermodal transport, LTL, transloading, and special projects can all be covered.
Portland Container
While not strictly a trucking company, this container firm has since branched out into trucking jobs and has developed a great reputation as it does so, with each company driver treating each truck driving job with care.
Backer Trucking Inc
If you’re looking for a family-owned service with professional drivers that can still get results, look no further. Dry vans, flatbeds, curtain vans, and other specialty trucks are also on offer, making them versatile and productive.
Bulk Transportation
Offering intermodal, specialist chemical and tank wash bulk transport services, their safety record speaks for itself.
Beaver Freight
Able to offer you van and flatbed drivers, intermodal, LTL, and even international shipment, this is a great freight partner.
Founded in Oregon City, and still operating from there, this is possibly the state’s oldest firm. Regional and inter-regional operation, truckload and hazardous material services, and much more make this a great choice of cargo partner.
An ethical firm of truckers seeking to balance their work with environmental needs, they can assist with dry bulk, hazardous material, oil field, and heavy haul services.
As with most United States trucking companies, the bulk majority of your permits are annual unless you have a large enough fleet to take advantage of multi-year permits. Don’t forget IFTA reports are due quarterly, however, and you will need to regularly refresh your CDL training!
The overall numbers of heavy haulers here are smaller, as is the entire industry in the state, but they represent a thriving niche that keeps growing, representing about 30% of dedicated firms and many more offering heavy haul as an option in a larger fleet.
Motor Carriers are, to simplify a concept that gets pretty complicated under law, anyone owning, managing, or even leasing, a commercial motor vehicle, whether it carries cargo or passengers.
Your motor carrier number comes from the FMCSA, and then you will register with ODoT for your carrying authority.
Begin at the hub created by the Oregon Health Authority if you’re looking to become a NEMT transportation provider in Oregon, as they have all the resources you need to assist you.
You will begin your trucking business, whether owner operator or full fleet, with a solid business plan and registered company. Then approach the FMCSA for your USDOT, MC number, and certain other permits. You will get your authority to operate from the ODoT, as well as any applicable permits, and they can assist you with IRP and IFTA too.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Oregon
If you’re looking to join our list of trucking companies in Oregon, know that you’re quite lucky- it’s comparatively cheap to register a company here. While you will face a per annum charge of about $100 for reports, you will also only pay $100 to incorporate or register an LLC. This should, of course, be the first step on your journey to registering your own trucking company in Oregon.
The key to running a successful trucking company is organization, and your first test will come when assembling operating permits. While the processes for beginning a trucking company are more or less the same throughout the United States, what will differ is with which institution you will deal.
In Oregon, you will deal with ODoT, the Oregon Department of Transport, which fortunately has some very user-friendly resources at your disposal. You will start, however, at the FMCSA, which oversees some key permits you will need to have before approaching the traffic department. They will issue your USDOT, and your MC number, for a combined cost of around $500, depending on fleet size. IRP and IFTA (IRP variable based on fleet movement, IFTA $150 four times a year) are other key areas of consideration.
You will then acquire your Motor Carrier credentials from ODoT, for a cost of around $80. They can also assist with any special permits, such as for overweight/oversize trucks, Heavy Highway use permits, and whether or not you need to file a BOC-3 to operate interstate.
Altogether, it can cost $5,000-$10,000 to get up and running as a trucking company in Oregon, and you’d be wise to put some thought into having your first few months’ expenses covered too.
Insurance Costs for Oregon Trucking Companies
Insurance coverage for a trucking company in Oregon is fairly kind on the wallet. While some states will pay almost double to keep their fleet insured, here you will only be looking at $8,400-$11,200 on an average tractor trailer in good condition.
Remember that these are only average, and good driving behavior will have a huge impact on what your company is charged. Look for experienced drivers, minimize the risk of a truck accident, and keep your fleet modern and well serviced to get the most favorable premiums possible.
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- 14195 Wildwood Rd
- 41118 Taylor Lane
- 8000 Ne Parrish Rd
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Latest Reviews of Oregon Trucking Companies
Do NOT use this trucking company! If you prefer dishonest, disgusting humans then this is the trucking company for you! The review above is accurate to who these people are.
- Published: 3 weeks ago
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This company did excellent work very friendly on time very fair with prices and new what they where doing would definitely use them again
- Published: 1 month ago
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Steve cooper
Do not use this trucking company at all. The driver will harass you any chance he gets. This company lies, they cause problems for others, there is a granted court order on the male and his woman is currently being looked for by an attorney and an investigator. They cause issues for other businesses as well. Be careful doing any type of business with them.
- Published: 3 months ago
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