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Trucking Companies in Texas
Are you looking for the very best trucking companies in Texas? Then look no further- when it comes to the low-down on local trucking companies, we have all the information you need. Texas industry produces a ton of export value a year, so it’s hardly surprising that trucking is big business here.
Moving everything from coal to cattle, trucking companies in Texas are among the most numerous in the country- we found over 180 registered! So when we went looking for the top 10 trucking companies in Texas, we had many quality companies to choose from.
Top 10 Trucking Companies in Texas
So, what criteria were we looking for when we decided on our top 10 trucking companies in Texas? On-time deliveries from the truck driver, great customer service, honesty, reliability, and, of course, competitive rates for the Texas trucking industry were key. Here are ten companies that really stood out from the rest:
Core Trucking Company of Texas
Specializing in LTL, intermodal, and truckload services, this Texas trucking company is also certified for hazardous materials and has a great track record.
Lonestar LLC
Lonestar LLC specializes in moving all types of cargo, both between states and worldwide, with the right equipment for any job-including flatbed trucking- and friendly staff too.
Empire Truck Lines
This trucking business can help with container yard, domestic, intermodal, and even maximum payload services, is equipped with full EDI capabilities, and customers can monitor each driving job remotely.
Redbird Trucking
Redbird Trucking is the first specialist business on our list, offering soil stabilization services and delivering ready-mix plants, portable soils, and oil fields with precision.
Fields Trucking
Fields Trucking transports construction materials through 5 states, keeping an immaculately upgraded fleet and top-of-the-line equipment.
Hot Shot Trucking
Delivering great service throughout the US in a diverse fleet ranging from cars to pickups, vans, and both flatbed and trailer trucks, they can also help with car carriers and refrigerated trucks.
Stevan’s Trucking
Possibly the largest refrigerated fleet in Texas, they proudly maintain a reputation for excellence among company drivers, smart tech, and on-time delivery.
Summit Trucking
Summit Trucking comes out tops for great customer service, running their fleet with a variety of class 8 services and a growing body of satisfied customers.
United Freight & Logistics
You don’t need a large fleet to offer fantastic service, be it freight, building or hazardous materials, metals, machinery, containers, or anything else, and they prove it.
Central Freight Lines
Their long list of awards for safety speaks for itself, as despite being a rather large fleet Central Freight Lines still manages to have great customer service and take pride in their work.
IFTA reports must be filed quarterly. Most other permits, including your professional driver permits, are annual. Larger trucking companies in Texas can also access multi-year packages to cut down on admin.
Well over 100 companies on the Texas trucking companies list offer heavy haul.
A motor carrier is someone who controls or owns a commercial motor vehicle (passenger or freight) for use in commerce both inter and intrastate.
You can find all information on how to get a motor carrier number in Texas here.
You can approach the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership for more information on becoming a transportation provider in Texas.
Once you have a solid business plan and startup capital, Texas trucking companies need to legally establish themselves as an LLC, obtain necessary permits like those we looked at above, buy or lease the equipment, and arrange insurance to protect you in event of a truck accident before you trade.
Trucking Company Registration Costs in Texas
Are you thinking of joining the flourishing list above and forming a transportation company of your own? Whether you're a truck driver or investor, one of the most important parts of setting up your fleet will be getting legally compliant.
You should start by forming a registered company to operate each truck driving job under, usually an LLC. In Texas, LLC and incorporation filing fees are both $310. If you are an owner-operator, you also need to ensure your commercial trucker's license and endorsements are in order and paid up.
Now you will need to apply for the necessary licenses and permits. Texas requires a USDOT number, which is applied for directly from the FMCSA and will set you back $300. Your MC number needs another $100, plus $10 for every truck in the fleet. You may then need commercial fleet registration or unified carrier registration ($69) and to decide if oversize/overweight permits apply. You will also need an International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) ($600 a year) if you will go inter-state.
You may be able to use TxPROS to file some of these permits yourself. The Texas DOT works closely with the Texas DMV, and you can find more info on both sites. You will want to budget $5000-$10000 to get started, depending on your fleet size.
Insurance Costs for Texas Trucking Companies
Insurance will be another critical step in setting up a trucking company in Texas. Commercial trucking insurance coverage will vary marginally by the provider, but most policies offer similar types of coverage against a truck accident while on the job:
- Commercial liability insurance to protect each driver
- Physical damage coverage, including comprehensive theft, vandalism, collision, and non-collision
- Uninsured motorists coverage in case an uninsured driver hits your fleet
Factors such as your business type, service radius, the vehicles in your fleet, your location, your chosen coverage, and the driving history of each truck driver you employ will all impact your cost. Smaller local trucking companies with a great safety history will pay about $5000-$7000 per truck per annum, whereas larger tractor-trailers will pay $10000-$15000 each.
Browse trucking companies in Texas
Select a city in Texas to see registered motor carriers
- 200 Dallas
- 2057 E Hebron Parkway
- 409 Cheyenne Ave
- 4903 Byton
- 517 12th Ave N
- 5713 3rd Street
- 7135 Chickory Woods Ln
- 77864
- 78357
- A Sherton
- Aarlington
- Ab Ilene
- Abbott
- Abeline
- Abernathy
- Abielne
- Abilebe
- Abilene
- Abiline
- Abliene
- Academy
- Ackerly
- Addison
- Adkins
- Adrian
- Agua Dulce
- Ahice
- Alamo
- Alamo Heights
- Alba
- Albany
- Albilene
- Albon
- Aledo
- Algoa
- Alice
- Alice Tx
- Alief
- Allen
- Alleyton
- Allison
- Alpine
- Alrington
- Altair
- Alto
- Alton
- Alvarado
- Alvardao
- Alvardo
- Alvin
- Alvord
- Amariillo
- Amarillo
- Amarilo
- Amherst
- Amrillo
- Anahauc
- Anahuac
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Angelton
- Angleton
- Anna
- Annona
- Anson
- Anthens
- Anthony
- Anton
- Apple Spring
- Apple Springs
- Aquila
- Aquilla
- Aquillo
- Aransas Pass
- Archer City
- Archercity
- Arcola
- Argle
- Argyle
- Arington
- Arlighton
- Arlignton
- Arligton
- Arliington
- Arlington
- Arlington S
- Arlinton
- Armarillo
- Arp
- Art
- Arthur
- Arthur City
- Asherton
- Asherton -
- Aspermont
- Atacosa
- Atascocita
- Atascosa
- Atascosca
- Ataslosa
- Athens
- Atkins
- Atlanta
- Aton
- Aubrey
- Aurora
- Austin
- Austin Tx
- Austwell
- Autin
- Avalon
- Avery
- Avinger
- Avlin
- Avoca
- Axtell
- Azel
- Azle
- Bacliff
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Baird
- Baker
- Balch Springs
- Balch Spring
- Balch Springs
- Balch Springs Rd
- Balchsprings
- Balcones Heights
- Baldwell
- Baleh Springs
- Ballard
- Ballinger
- Balllinger
- Balmorhea
- Bandera
- Bangs
- Banquete
- Bardwell
- Barker
- Barksdale
- Barnhart
- Barry
- Barstow
- Bartlett
- Bartonville
- Bastrop
- Batesville
- Batson
- Bay City
- Bay Citgy
- Bay City
- Bay Town
- Baycity
- Bayou Vista
- Bayside
- Baytown
- Baytwon
- Bayview
- Beach City
- Beasley
- Beaumont
- Beaumony
- Beaumount
- Bebe
- Beckenridge
- Beckville
- Bedford
- Bedias
- Bee Cave
- Beeville
- Beeyille
- Belaire
- Bellaire
- Bellare
- Bellevue
- Bellmead
- Bells
- Bellville
- Belmede
- Belmont
- Belton
- Ben Franklin
- Ben Wheeler
- Benavides
- Benavidez
- Benbrook
- Benbrooke
- Bend
- Benjamin
- Beport
- Berclair
- Bergheim
- Bernard
- Bertram
- Bertran
- Besoto
- Big Foot
- Big Lake
- Big Sandy
- Big Spring
- Big Springs
- Big Wells
- Bigfoot
- Bigs Springs
- Bigspring
- Birome
- Bishop
- Bivens
- Bivins
- Blackwell
- Blanco
- Blanket
- Bledsoe
- Bleiblerville
- Blessing
- Bloomburg
- Blooming Grove
- Blooming Grv
- Bloomington
- Blossom
- Blue Mound
- Blue Ridge
- Bluff Dale
- Bluffton
- Blum
- Bmt
- Boerne
- Bogata
- Boham
- Boling
- Bon Weir
- Bon Wier
- Bona
- Bonham
- Bonney
- Bonwier
- Booker
- Borger
- Bovina
- Bow
- Bowie
- Bowling
- Boyd
- Boys Ranch
- Bracken
- Brackettville
- Bradford
- Brady
- Bran
- Brand Prarie
- Brandon
- Brashear
- Brazoria
- Breakingridge
- Breckenridge
- Breham
- Bremond
- Brenham
- Briarcliff
- Bridge City
- Bridgeport
- Briggs
- Briscoe
- Broaddus
- Brock
- Brokshire
- Bronson
- Bronte
- Brookeland
- Brookesmith
- Brookland
- Brookshield
- Brookshier
- Brookshine
- Brookshire
- Brookshite
- Brookside
- Brookside Village
- Brookston
- Brownfeild
- Brownfield
- Brownsboro
- Brownsfield
- Brownsville
- Brownville
- Brownwood
- Brownwwood
- Browsnville
- Browsville
- Bruceville
- Bruni
- Bryan
- Bryan Texas 77803
- Bryant
- Bryson
- Buchanan Dam
- Buckholts
- Buda
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Gap
- Bullard
- Bulverde
- Buna
- Buns
- Burkburnett
- Burke
- Burkett
- Burkeville
- Burlesom
- Burleson
- Burlesson
- Burlington
- Burnet
- Burnett
- Burton
- Bushland
- Bustrop
- Byers
- Bynum
- Byran
- Cactus
- Cacus
- Caddo
- Caddo Tx 76429
- Caddo Mills
- Caldwell
- Caliham
- Call
- Callaham
- Calliham
- Calvert
- Calvet
- Calwell
- Camanche
- Camden
- Cameron
- Camp Wood
- Campbell
- Campbellton
- Campwood
- Canadian
- Candian
- Canton
- Canutillo
- Canyon
- Canyon Lake
- Canyon Lk
- Caolorado City
- Carbon
- Carbon Tx
- Carizo Springs
- Carl Corner
- Carlbad
- Carlsbad
- Carlton
- Carmine
- Carollton
- Carrizo Spgs
- Carrizo Spings
- Carrizo Springs
- Carrollton
- Carrolton
- Carroltton
- Cartage
- Carthage
- Cason
- Castle Hills
- Castoville
- Castrovile
- Castroville
- Cat Spring
- Cat Springs
- Catarina
- Ceader Park
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Hill
- Cedar Hill Tx
- Cedar Hills
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Lane
- Cedar Pak
- Cedar Park
- Cedarhill
- Ceder Hill
- Ceder Park
- Cee Vee
- Celeste
- Celina
- Center
- Center Point
- Centerville
- Chandler
- Chanel View
- Chanelview
- Channel View
- Channeliview
- Channelview
- Channing
- Channleview
- Chaparral
- Chapel Hill
- Chapman Ranch
- Chappel Hill
- Chappell Hill
- Charlotte
- Chatfield
- Cherokee
- Chester
- Chesterville
- Chico
- Chicota
- Childress
- Chillicothe
- Chilton
- China
- China Grove
- China Spring
- China Springs
- Chireno
- Chriesman
- Christi
- Christine
- Christoval
- Chrstine
- Cibolo
- Cisco
- Clarendon
- Clarksville
- Claude
- Clayton
- Cleaveland
- Clebur
- Cleburn
- Cleburne
- Cleveland
- Cleverland
- Clifton
- Clint
- Cliveland
- Clute
- Clyde
- Coahoma
- Cockrell Hill
- Cold Spring
- Cold Springs
- Coldspring
- Coldsprings
- Colege Station
- Coleman
- College
- College Sta
- College Station
- College Stattion
- Colleyville
- Collinsville
- Collinsville Tx
- Colmesneil
- Colmsneil
- Colony
- Colorado City
- Colubus
- Columbus
- Comache
- Comanche
- Combes
- Combine
- Comfort
- Commanche
- Commerce
- Como
- Comstock
- Con Roe
- Concan
- Concepcion
- Concore
- Conro
- Conroe
- Conroes
- Conror
- Conrow
- Convers
- Converse
- Cookville
- Coolidge
- Cooper
- Copeville
- Coppell
- Coppelli
- Copper Canyon
- Copperas
- Copperas Cove
- Copperascove
- Corinrh
- Corinth
- Corisicana
- Corith
- Coroe
- Corp Christi
- Corpes Christi
- Corpus Christi
- Corpus Chrisit
- Corpus Christ
- Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christie
- Corpus Christy
- Corpus Chrsiti
- Corpus Chrsti
- Corpus Church
- Corpus Cristi
- Corpus Cristy
- Corpuschristi
- Corrigan
- Corringan
- Corsicana
- Corsicanna
- Corsicna
- Cost
- Cotton Center
- Cottonwd Shrs
- Cotula
- Cotulla
- Coupland
- Court
- Cove
- Covington
- Coyanosa
- Cpyress
- Crandall
- Crane
- Cranfills Gap
- Craowley
- Crawford
- Creedmoor
- Creedmoore
- Creemoor
- Cresson
- Crockett
- Crosby
- Crosbyton
- Cross Plains
- Cross Roads
- Crossroads
- Crowell
- Crowley
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal City
- Cuero
- Cueto
- Cumby
- Cunningham
- Cushing
- Cut And Shoot
- Cypres
- Cypress
- Cypress Mill
- Cypress46
- D Hanis
- D'hanis
- Daingerfield
- Daisetta
- Dalas
- Dale
- Dalhart
- Dalhat
- Dallas
- Dallas 75254
- Dallas Tx
- Dallass
- Dalllas
- Dalls
- Dallsa
- Damon
- Danbury
- Danciger
- Danevang
- Dangerfield
- Darrouzett
- Davin
- Dawn
- Dawson
- Dayton
- De Berry
- De Kalb
- De Leon
- De Rio
- De Soto
- Deanville
- Dear Park
- Deberry
- Decator
- Decatur
- Deer Park
- Deer Park
- Deerpark
- Dekalb
- Del Rio
- Del Rio Texas
- Del Rio Tx
- Del Vale
- Del Valle
- Del Valley
- Deleon
- Dell City
- Delmita
- Delrio
- Delvall
- Delvalle
- Denison
- Dennison
- Denton
- Denver
- Denver City
- Deport
- Derby
- Des Demona
- Desdemona
- Desdemonia
- Desoto
- Desoto Tx 75115
- Destoto
- Detroit
- Devers
- Devine
- Dew
- Deweyville
- Dfw Airport
- Dhanis
- Diana
- Diboll
- Dickens
- Dickenson
- Dickinson
- Dike
- Diley
- Diller
- Dillex
- Dilley
- Dilly
- Dime Box
- Dimebox
- Dimmit
- Dimmitt
- Dipping Springs
- Dle Valle
- Dobbin
- Dodd City
- Dodge
- Dodson
- Donie
- Donna
- Doole
- Dorchester
- Double Oak
- Double Oaks
- Doucette
- Dougherty
- Douglas
- Douglass
- Douglassville
- Driftwood
- Dripping Spgs
- Dripping Spring
- Dripping Springs
- Driscoll
- Dublin
- Dumas
- Dunca
- Duncancville
- Duncanvill
- Duncanville
- Duncaville
- Dunlay
- E Bernard
- E Texas Ctr
- Eagle Pass
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Pass
- Eagle Passs
- Eaglelake
- Eaglepass
- Early
- Earth
- East Benard
- East Bernard
- Eastland
- Ector
- Ed Couch
- Edcouch
- Eddy
- Eden
- Edenburg
- Edgecliff
- Edgecliff Village
- Edgewood
- Ediinburg
- Ediingburg
- Edimburg
- Edinbgurg
- Edinburg
- Edinburgh
- Edinburh
- Edingburg
- Edinway
- Edmonson
- Edna
- Edouch
- Edroy
- Eduburg
- Educouch
- Egypt
- El Paso
- El Camp
- El Campo
- El Cenizo
- El Dorado
- El Indio
- El Lago
- El Maton
- El Paso
- El Paso Texas
- Elain
- Elbert
- Elcampo
- Eldorado
- Electra
- Elgin
- Eliasville
- Elk Hart
- Elkhart
- Ellinger
- Elm Mott
- Elmaton
- Elmendorf
- Elmview
- Elpaso
- Elsa
- Elysian Fields
- Elysian Flds
- Emory
- Encinal
- Encino
- Endinburg
- Energy
- Ennis
- Enochs
- Eola
- Era
- Escobares
- Espantosa Subd
- Estelline
- Etoile
- Etter
- Eula
- Euless
- Euless Tx
- Eustace
- Evadale
- Evandale
- Evant
- Evany
- Everman
- Evermen
- Ew Braunfels
- F0rt Worth
- Fabenes
- Fabens
- Fair Oaks
- Fair Oaks Ranch
- Fairfield
- Fairview
- Falcon Heights
- Falfurrias
- Falls City
- Famers Branch
- Fannin
- Farewell
- Farmer
- Farmer Branch
- Farmers Branc
- Farmers Branch
- Farmers Brnch
- Farmersville
- Farmerville
- Farnsworth
- Farwell
- Farwell Tx
- Fate
- Fayetteville
- Federicksburg
- Fentress
- Feris
- Ferris
- Ferrris
- Fieldton
- Fiendswood
- Fischer
- Flat
- Flatonia
- Flint
- Flomot
- Florance
- Florence
- Florence Tx
- Florestville
- Floresvilee
- Floresville
- Flower Mand
- Flower Mound
- Flower Mount
- Flowermound
- Floyada
- Floydada
- Fluvanna
- Flynn
- Fm 1945
- Follett
- For Worth
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Forestburg
- Forney
- Forreston
- Forsan
- Fort Stockton
- Fort Worth
- Fort Davis
- Fort Hancock
- Fort Hood
- Fort Mckavett
- Fort Orth
- Fort Stockotn
- Fort Stockto
- Fort Stockton
- Fort Stockton Texas
- Fort Worh
- Fort Worht
- Fort Wort
- Fort Worth
- Fort Worth Tx
- Forth Arthur
- Forth Worth
- Forthworth
- Fortwort
- Fortworth
- Fortwortk
- Fowlerton
- Francitas
- Franklin
- Frankston
- Fred
- Fredericksbrg
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericksubrg
- Fredonia
- Fredricksburg
- Freeer
- Freeport
- Freer
- Frenso
- Fresno
- Freson
- Friendswood
- Frienswood
- Frindswood
- Frio Town
- Friona
- Frisco
- Fritch
- Frost
- Frot Worth
- Fruitvale
- Ft Worth
- Ft Hancock
- Ft Sam Houston
- Ft Stockton
- Ft Worth
- Ft Worthg
- Ftworth
- Fuller Springs
- Fulshear
- Fulsher
- Fulshur
- Fulton
- Gail
- Gain0esville
- Gainesville
- Gaineville
- Gainsville
- Galand
- Galeana Park
- Galena
- Galena Park
- Galena Pk
- Gallatin
- Galveston
- Galviston
- Ganado
- Garciasville
- Garden Cith
- Garden City
- Garden Ridge
- Gardencity
- Gardendale
- Garland
- Garrison
- Garwood
- Gary
- Gatesville
- Gause
- Geogetown
- Georetown
- George Town
- George West
- Georgetown
- Georgetownn
- Gerogetown
- Gholson
- Gidding
- Giddings
- Gilchrist
- Gilemr
- Gillett
- Gillette
- Gilliland
- Gilmer
- Gilmer Tx
- Gladewater
- Gladwater
- Glaveston
- Glen Flora
- Glen Heights
- Glen Hieghts
- Glen Rose
- Glenn Heights
- Glenn Hts
- Glennheights
- Glidden
- Godley
- Goergetown
- Goldsboro
- Goldsmith
- Goldthwaite
- Goliad
- Gonzales
- Gonzalez
- Goodrich
- Gordon
- Gordonville
- Goree
- Gorman
- Goudlbusk
- Gouldbusk
- Grad Prairie
- Graford
- Graham
- Grainesville
- Gran Prairie
- Granburry
- Granbury
- Granbuy
- Grand Prairie
- Grand Paririe
- Grand Praierie
- Grand Praire
- Grand Prairi
- Grand Prairie
- Grand Prairie-dallas
- Grand Prarie
- Grand Priaire
- Grand Priairie
- Grand Prierie
- Grand Saline
- Grand View
- Grandberry
- Grandbury
- Grandfalls
- Grandiew
- Grandprairie
- Grandsaline
- Grandview
- Granger
- Grangerland
- Granite Shls
- Granite Shoals
- Gransp Prairie
- Grape Vine
- Grapeland
- Grapevine
- Grapvine
- Greeenville
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Gregory
- Gri
- Grland
- Grnad Prairie
- Groegetown
- Groesbeck
- Groom
- Groves
- Groveton
- Grulla
- Gruver
- Guatemala
- Guatemala City
- Guemado
- Gun Barrel
- Gun Barrel City
- Gun Barrel Cy
- Gun Barrell
- Gunbarrel City
- Gunter
- Gustine
- Guthrie
- Guy
- Hackberry
- Hale Center
- Halecenter
- Halletsville
- Hallettsville
- Hallettsvville
- Hallsville
- Haltom
- Haltom City
- Haltomcity
- Halton
- Halton City
- Hamilin
- Hamilton
- Hamlin
- Hampshire
- Hamshire
- Hankamer
- Happy
- Hardin
- Hargill
- Harker Heights
- Harker Hts
- Harleton
- Harligen
- Harlinge
- Harlingen
- Harlingent
- Harper
- Harris
- Harrold
- Hart
- Hartley
- Harwood
- Haskell
- Haslet
- Haslett
- Hastle
- Hawkins
- Hawley
- He Woolands
- Hearne
- Heartland
- Heath
- Hebbonville
- Hebbronvill
- Hebbronville
- Hebronville
- Hedley
- Hednerson
- Heidenheimer
- Helotes
- Hemphill
- Hempstead
- Hempsted
- Hemstead
- Henderson
- Henrietta
- Hereford
- Hermleigh
- Hewill
- Hewitt
- Hext
- Hice
- Hickory
- Hickory Creek
- Hico
- Hidalgo
- Hideaway
- Higgins
- High Island
- Highland
- Highland Village
- Highland Vlg
- Highlands
- Hiilsboro
- Hillboro
- Hillister
- Hillsboro
- Hillsoro
- Hillster
- Hilltop
- Hilltop Lakes
- Hiltop Lakes
- Hitchcock
- Hius
- Hobson
- Hockely
- Hockey
- Hockley
- Hoffman
- Hoiuston
- Holiday Lake
- Holiday Lakes
- Holland
- Holliday
- Hollister
- Holly Lake Ranch
- Holly Lk Rnch
- Hondo
- Honey Grove
- Honeygrove
- Hooks
- Horizon
- Horizon City
- Horizon City Tx
- Horseshoe Bay
- Hoston
- Hosuton
- Hou
- Houdton
- Hous
- Houson
- Housotn
- Houstin
- Houstion
- Houstn
- Housto
- Houstohn
- Houston
- Houston Tx
- Houstonh
- Houstons
- Housyon
- Houton
- Howardwick
- Howe
- Hpuston
- Hubbard
- Hudson
- Hudson Oaks
- Huffman
- Huffmn
- Hughes Spgs
- Hughes Spribgs
- Hughes Springs
- Hull
- Humble
- Humble Tx
- Humble Tx 77338
- Humblle
- Hungerford
- Hunstville
- Hunt
- Huntesville
- Huntington
- Huntsville
- Huoston
- Hurst
- Huston
- Hutchins
- Hutichins
- Hutto
- Hutton
- Hye
- Idalou
- Ikaty
- Imperial
- Industry
- Inez
- Ingleside
- Ingram
- Iola
- Iols
- Iowa Colony
- Iowa Park
- Ira
- Iraan
- Iredel
- Iredell
- Irene
- Irivng
- Irviing
- Irvin
- Irving
- Irving Tx
- Italy
- Itasca
- Itaska
- Ivanhoe
- Jacinto City
- Jacksboro
- Jacksonville
- Jacksoville
- Janbon
- Jaraand
- Jarell
- Jarrel
- Jarrell
- Jasper
- Jasper Texas
- Jayton
- Jbsa Fsh
- Jefferson
- Jeresy Village
- Jermyn
- Jerrell
- Jersey Village
- Jersey Villiage
- Jersey Vlg
- Jewett
- Jewety
- Joaquin
- Johnson City
- Joinerville
- Jonesboro
- Jonestown
- Joquin
- Josephine
- Joshua
- Joslin
- Josua
- Jourdanton
- Jourdenton
- Junction
- Justiceburg
- Justin
- Kamay
- Karnack
- Karnes
- Karnes City
- Kathy
- Katie
- Katty
- Katy
- Kaufman
- Kawfman
- Keamh
- Keene
- Keenedale
- Keller
- Keller Tx
- Kemah
- Kemp
- Kempner
- Kempt
- Kendalia
- Kendelton
- Kendleton
- Kenedy
- Kennard
- Kennedale
- Kennedy
- Kent
- Kerens
- Kermit
- Kermith
- Kermt
- Kerrick
- Kerriville
- Kerrville
- Kidman
- Kildare
- Kileen
- Kilgore
- Killeen
- Killen
- King Wood
- Kingsbury
- Kingsland
- Kingsvill
- Kingsville
- Kingwood
- Kirby
- Kirbyville
- Kirvin
- Klondike
- Knippa
- Knollwood
- Knott
- Knox City
- Kopperl
- Kosse
- Kountee
- Kountz
- Kountze
- Kounzte
- Kress
- Krugerville
- Krum
- Kyle
- La Blanca
- La Coste
- La Feria
- La Grande
- La Grange
- La Grulla
- La Joya
- La Marque
- La Mesa
- La Porte
- La Presa
- La Pryor
- La Verna
- La Vernia
- La Villa
- La Ward
- Lacaster
- Lacoste
- Lacy Lakeview
- Ladonia
- Laferia
- Laferta
- Lago Vista
- Lagrange
- Lagrulla
- Laguana Heights
- Laguna Heights
- Laguna Park
- Laguna Vista
- Lake Bridgeport
- Lake Brownwood
- Lake City
- Lake Creek
- Lake Dallas
- Lake Hills
- Lake Jackson
- Lake Kiowa
- Lake Worth
- Lakecreek
- Lakehills
- Lakeside
- Lakeview
- Lakeway
- Lakewood Village
- Lamarque
- Lamesa
- Lampasas
- Lancaster
- Landcaster
- Laneville
- Lantana
- Laport
- Laporte
- Lapryor
- Lardo
- Laredo
- Laredo Tx
- Lareo
- Larue
- Las Colinas
- Las Yescas
- Lasara
- Laughlin
- Laughlin Airforce Ba
- Lavernia
- Laviania
- Lavon
- Laward
- Lawn
- Lazbuddie
- League
- League City
- Leakey
- Leander
- Leandet
- Leauge City
- Lebelland
- Ledbetter
- Leesburg
- Leesville
- Lefors
- Leggett
- Lelia Lake
- Lemesa
- Leming
- Lenorah
- Leon Valley
- Leona
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levalland
- Leveland
- Levelland
- Lewis
- Lewisvill Tx
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Liano
- Liberty
- Liberty Hill
- Liberty Hills
- Lilian
- Lillian
- Lincoln
- Lindale
- Linden
- Lindsay
- Lingleville
- Lipan
- Lipscomb
- Lissie
- Little Elm
- Little Elm
- Little River
- Little River Acad
- Little River Academy
- Little River Ace
- Littlefield
- Live Oak
- Liverpool
- Livingston
- Llano
- Lockart
- Lockey
- Lockhart
- Lockharth
- Lockney
- Lodi
- Log Cabin
- Lohn
- Lolita
- Lometa
- London
- Lone Oak
- Lone Star
- Lonestar
- Long Branch
- Long Mott
- Longbranch
- Longveiw
- Longview
- Longview Tx
- Lonview
- Loop
- Loop Spring
- Lopeno
- Loraine
- Lorena
- Lorenzo
- Lorenzo Tx
- Los Botines
- Los Fresno
- Los Fresnos
- Los Indios
- Los Indois
- Lott
- Louise
- Louisville
- Lovelace
- Lovelady
- Loving
- Lowa Park
- Lowake
- Ltl Rvr Acad
- Lubbcok
- Lubbock
- Lubuck
- Lucas
- Lueders
- Lufkin
- Lufkin St
- Lufkinn
- Luling
- Lumberton
- Lyford
- Lyndale
- Lyons
- Lyte
- Lytle
- M Urchison
- Mabank
- Macallen
- Macdona
- Madisonville
- Magmolia
- Magnoila
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Spgs
- Mailroute
- Malakoff
- Malone
- Manbel
- Manchaca
- Manor
- Mansfied
- Mansfiel
- Mansfield
- Mansifield
- Manuel
- Manvel
- Manvel Tx
- Manvell
- Maple
- Marathon
- Marble
- Marble Falls
- Marblefalls
- Marfa
- Margargel
- Marietta
- Marion
- Markham
- Marlbe Falls
- Marlin
- Marquez
- Marrion
- Marsahll
- Marshall
- Mart
- Martindale
- Maryneal
- Mashall
- Masnsfield
- Mason
- Masterson
- Matador
- Matagorda
- Materson
- Mathi
- Mathis
- Maud
- Mauriceville
- Maxell
- Maxwell
- May
- Maypearl
- Mc Allen
- Mc Camey
- Mc Dade
- Mc Gregor
- Mc Kinney
- Mc Queeney
- Mcallen
- Mcamey
- Mcbank
- Mccallen
- Mccamey
- Mccaulley
- Mccook
- Mccoy
- Mcdade
- Mcgregor
- Mckinney
- Mckinney 75070
- Mckinny
- Mclean
- Mcqueeney
- Mcquenney
- Meadow
- Meadowlakes
- Meadows Place
- Medina
- Medow
- Megargel
- Melissa
- Melon
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Menard
- Menchaca
- Mentone
- Mequite
- Mercedes
- Mereta
- Meridian
- Merit
- Merkel
- Mertens
- Mertzon
- Mesqite
- Mesquite
- Mesquite Rd
- Mexia
- Meyersville
- Miami
- Mickinney
- Mico
- Midand
- Midfield
- Midkiff
- Midlan
- Midland
- Midland Texas
- Midlothian
- Midolothian
- Midway
- Milam
- Milano
- Miles
- Milford
- Millersview
- Millet
- Millett
- Millican
- Millsap
- Milsap
- Mineola
- Mineoloa
- Mineral Wells
- Mingus
- Minneola
- Mioland
- Misquite
- Missioin
- Missiom
- Mission
- Mission Texas
- Missiorri City
- Missiouricity
- Missori City
- Missouri
- Missouri City
- Missouricity
- Mixco
- Mneral Wells
- Mobeetie
- Mobettie
- Monahahs
- Monahan
- Monahanas
- Monahans
- Monohans
- Mont Belvieu
- Mont Belviue
- Montagne
- Montague
- Montalba
- Montaque
- Monte Alto
- Montgomery
- Moody
- Moore
- Moran
- Morgan
- Morgan's Point
- Morgans Point
- Morse
- Morton
- Moscow
- Moulton
- Mound
- Mount Enterprise
- Mount Belvieu
- Mount Calm
- Mount Enterprise
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasent
- Mount Plesant
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain City
- Mountain Home
- Mt Pleasant
- Mt Calm
- Mt Ent
- Mt Enterprise
- Mt Pleasant
- Mt Vernon
- Muenester
- Muenster
- Muldoon
- Muleshoe
- Muleshore
- Mullin
- Munday
- Munenster
- Munster
- Murchison
- Murphy
- Mustange Ridge
- Myra
- N Hillsboro
- N Inspiration Rd
- N Richland Hill
- N Richland Hills
- N Richland Hls
- N Richlnd Hills
- N Richlnd Hls
- Nacadoches
- Nacagdoches
- Nacodgoches
- Nacodoches
- Nacogdoches
- Nacogdoches Tx
- Nacogpoches
- Nacosdoches
- Nada
- Naples
- Nash
- Natalia
- Navarro
- Navasota
- Navosota
- Nazareth
- Neches
- Nederland
- Needville
- Nemo
- Nevada
- New Boaron
- New Boston
- New Branfels
- New Braunfel
- New Braunfels
- New Braunfls
- New Braunsels
- New Bruanfels
- New Brunfels
- New Candy
- New Caney
- New Caury
- New Deal
- New Fairview
- New Home
- New London
- New Summerfield
- New Summerfld
- New Ulm
- New Waverly
- Newark
- Newcastle
- Newton
- Niederwald
- Nixon
- Nocona
- Nolanville
- Nome
- Nordheim
- Normangee
- Normanna
- North Richland Hills
- North Cumby
- North Heights
- North Richland
- North Richland Hills
- North Richlandhills
- North Richlnd Hills
- North Zulch
- Northlake
- Norton
- Notrees
- Novasota
- Novice
- Nrh
- Nursery
- O Brien
- O'brien
- O'donnell
- Oak
- Oak Leaf
- Oak Ln
- Oak Point
- Oak Pt
- Oak Ridge
- Oakhurst
- Oakville
- Oakwood
- Odell
- Odem
- Odesa
- Odess
- Odessa
- Odonald
- Odonnell
- Odssa
- Oesoto
- Oglesby
- Oilton
- Oklaunion
- Old Ocean
- Old River
- Old Rvr Wnfre
- Olden
- Olin
- Olinick Acres
- Olmito
- Olney
- Olton
- Omaha
- Onalaska
- Onley
- Orange
- Orange Crove
- Orange Grove
- Orchard
- Ore City
- Orla
- Otto
- Ovalo
- Overton
- Ovilla
- Oyster Creek
- Ozona
- Padadena
- Paducah
- Paerland
- Paige
- Paint Rock
- Palacios
- Palacious
- Palenstine
- Palestine
- Palistine
- Palm Hurst
- Palm View
- Palmer
- Palmhurst
- Palmview
- Palno
- Palo Pinto
- Palview
- Pampa
- Pandhandle
- Panhandle
- Panna Maria
- Panorama Village
- Pantego
- Paradise
- Paris
- Park Row
- Parker
- Pas
- Pasadena
- Pasadena Texas
- Pasadenz
- Pasadina
- Pasandena
- Pasapena
- Pasture
- Pattison
- Pattonville
- Pawnee
- Peakland
- Pearland
- Pears All
- Pearsall
- Pecan Gap
- Peco
- Pecos
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penitas
- Pennington
- Pep
- Perland
- Perrin
- Perrynton
- Perryton
- Petersburg
- Petrolia
- Pettus
- Petty
- Pfflugerville
- Pflugervile
- Pflugerville
- Pflugervlle
- Pfluggerville
- Pharr
- Pickton
- Pierce
- Pike Creek
- Pilot Point
- Pinehurst
- Pineland
- Piolit Point
- Pipe Creek
- Pipe Crrek
- Pipecreek
- Pittsburg
- Pittsuburg
- Placedo
- Placido
- Plain View
- Plains
- Plainview
- Plaiview
- Plano
- Plantersville
- Pleasanton
- Pleasanton Rd
- Pledger
- Pluegerville
- Plugerville
- Plum
- Pobox 1006
- Point
- Point Blank
- Point Comfort
- Point Venture
- Pointblank
- Pollock
- Pollok
- Ponder
- Pontotoc
- Poolvile
- Poolville
- Pope Creek
- Port Aransas
- Port Arthur
- Port Authur
- Port Bolivar
- Port Isabel
- Port Lavaca
- Port Neches
- Port O Connor
- Port O'connor
- Porte
- Porter
- Portland
- Portlanda
- Post
- Poteet
- Poth
- Pottsboro
- Pottsborro
- Powderly
- Powell
- Poynor
- Praireview
- Prairie Hill
- Prairie Lea
- Prairie View
- Premont
- Presidio
- Presido
- Price
- Priddy
- Primera
- Princeton
- Princeton Tx
- Proctor
- Progeso Lakes
- Progreso
- Progreso Lakes
- Progreso Lks
- Progresso
- Progresso Lakes
- Propsper
- Prosper
- Prospr
- Providence Village
- Providence Villiage
- Providnce Vlg
- Prudon
- Purdon
- Purmela
- Putnam
- Pyote
- Quail
- Quanah
- Queen City
- Quemado
- Quero
- Quilan
- Quinlan
- Quinlan Tx
- Quitaque
- Quitman
- R
- Rainbow
- Rains
- Ralls
- Ramondville
- Rancho Viejo
- Ranchos Penitas West
- Ranger
- Rangerville
- Rankin
- Ransom Canyon
- Ratcilff
- Ratcliff
- Ravenna
- Raymondville
- Raymondvillet
- Raymonville
- Raymoundville
- Raywood
- Reagan
- Realitos
- Red Oak
- Red Rock
- Refugio
- Reklaw
- Rendon
- Reno
- Revenna
- Rhame
- Rhome
- Ricahrds
- Ricardo
- Rice
- Richards
- Richardson
- Richarson
- Richland
- Richland Hills
- Richland Hls
- Richland Spgs
- Richland Springs
- Richmond
- Richmond Tx
- Richmong
- Richrdson
- Richwood
- Ricihmond
- Riesel
- Riichmond
- Ringgold
- Rio Bravo
- Rio Frio
- Rio Grand City
- Rio Grande
- Rio Grande City
- Rio Grande Cy
- Rio Hondo
- Rio Medina
- Rio Vista
- Rising Star
- River Oak
- River Oaks
- River Rd
- Riverside
- Riviera
- Roakoke
- Roanoke
- Roans Prairie
- Roaring Spring
- Roaring Springs
- Robert Le
- Robert Lee
- Robestown
- Robinson
- Robstolon
- Robstown
- Robtown
- Roby
- Rocharon
- Rochelle
- Rochester
- Rock Island
- Rock Port
- Rock Rock
- Rock Wall
- Rockdale
- Rockland
- Rockport
- Rocksprings
- Rockwall
- Rockwell
- Rockwood
- Roeo
- Rogers
- Roma
- Roman Forest
- Romayor
- Rome
- Ronaoke
- Roosevelt
- Ropesville
- Rosanky
- Rosco
- Roscoe
- Rose Bud
- Rose City
- Roseberg
- Rosebud
- Rosember
- Rosemberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenburg
- Roshanon
- Rosharon
- Rosharron
- Rosneber
- Ross
- Rosser
- Rotan
- Roun Rock
- Round Mountain
- Round Mtn
- Round Park
- Round Rock
- Round Top
- Roundroc
- Roundrock
- Rouns Rock
- Rowena
- Rowett
- Rowlet
- Rowlett
- Roxton
- Royce
- Royce City
- Royce City Tx
- Royse
- Royse City
- Roysecity
- Rule
- Runaway Bay
- Runge
- Rusk
- Rye
- S Houston
- S Padre Isle
- Sa
- Sabinal
- Sabine
- Sabine Pass
- Saches
- Sachsc
- Sachse
- Sacul
- Sadler
- Sagerton
- Saginaw
- Saint Hedwig
- Saint Jo
- Saint Joe
- Salado
- Salem
- Salt Flat
- Saltillo
- Sam Antonio
- San Antonio
- San Angelo
- San Angeo
- San Angleo
- San Anotnio
- San Anotonio
- San Ant
- San Antanio
- San Antioni
- San Antionio
- San Antiono
- San Antoino
- San Antomio
- San Antoni0
- San Antonia
- San Antoniio
- San Antoniko
- San Antonio
- San Antonio Texas
- San Antonio Tx
- San Antono
- San Antontio
- San Antordnio
- San Augustine
- San Benito
- San Bentio
- San Bentito
- San Carlos
- San Diego
- San Elizario
- San Elizaro
- San Elzario
- San Felipe
- San Isidro
- San Juan
- San Leon
- San Marco
- San Marcos
- San Marcus
- San Perita
- San Perlita
- San Saba
- San Santonio
- San Ygnacio
- Sanantonio
- Sanderson
- Sandia
- Sandigo
- Sandy Point
- Sanford
- Sanger
- Sanmarcos
- Sansom Park
- Santa Anna
- Santa Clara
- Santa Elena
- Santa Fe
- Santa Maria
- Santa Rosa
- Santo
- Saragosa
- Saratoga
- Sargent
- Satin
- Savannah
- Savoy
- Schertz
- Schulenberg
- Schulenburg
- Schwertner
- Scotland
- Scottsdale
- Scottsville
- Scroggins
- Scurry
- Seabrook
- Seadrift
- Seadrise
- Seagoville
- Seagraves
- Sealey
- Sealty
- Sealy
- Sebastian
- Seguin
- Segun
- Selma
- Selman City
- Seminole
- Seogoville
- Sequin
- Seven Points
- Seymour
- Shady Shores
- Shadyshores
- Shallowater
- Shamrock
- Shavano Park
- Sheffield
- Sheffieldq
- Shehandoah
- Shelbyvill
- Shelbyville
- Shellytown
- Shenandoah
- Shepard
- Sheperd
- Shephard
- Shepherd
- Sheppard Afb
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Shiner
- Shiro
- Shulenburg
- Sidney
- Sierra Blanca
- Silsbee
- Silsbet
- Silver
- Silverton
- Simms
- Simonton
- Sinton
- Siverton
- Skellytown
- Skidmore
- Slabon
- Slaton
- Slidell
- Smiley
- Smithille
- Smithville
- Smyer
- Snook
- Snyder
- Snyder Tx
- Socoro
- Socorro
- Somerset
- Somerville
- Sommerville
- Son Aoyelo
- Sonora
- Sour Lake
- South Brookshire
- South Henderson
- South Hou
- South Houstion
- South Houston
- South Lake
- South Longview
- South Padre Island
- South Plains
- South San Augustine
- South Santa Fe
- Southhouston
- Southlake
- Southland
- Spade
- Spearman
- Spendora
- Spicewood
- Splendora
- Splendora Texas
- Spokane
- Spring
- Spring Branch
- Springbranch
- Springlake
- Springs
- Springton
- Springtown
- Sprintown
- Spur
- Spurger
- Sspringtown
- St Paul
- St Bnito
- St Hedwig
- St Paul
- Stafford
- Stagecoach
- Stamford
- Stanford
- Stanton
- Staples
- Star
- Stephenvile
- Stephenvill
- Stephenville
- Sterling City
- Stinnett
- Stockdale
- Stonewall
- Stowell
- Straford
- Stratford
- Strattford
- Strawn
- Streetman
- Sudan
- Sugar Land
- Sugarland
- Sugerland
- Sul Springs
- Sulfer
- Sulfur Springs
- Sullivan
- Sullivan City
- Sulohur Springs
- Sulpher Springs
- Sulphur Bluff
- Sulphur Spgs
- Sulphur Springs
- Summerfield
- Summerville
- Sumner
- Sundown
- Sunnyvale
- Sunray
- Sunrise Beach
- Sunset
- Suplphur Springs
- Surry
- Sutherland Springs
- Sweeney
- Sweeny
- Sweet Home
- Sweetwate
- Sweetwater
- Sylvester
- Taft
- Tahoka
- Talco
- Talpa
- Talty
- Tarzan
- Tatum
- Taylor
- Teague
- Tearkana
- Tecpan Guatemala
- Tehuacana
- Telephone
- Telferer
- Telferner
- Tell
- Temple
- Tenaha
- Tenn Colony
- Tennaha
- Tennessee Colony
- Terlingua
- Terrel
- Terrell
- Tetple
- Texakarana
- Texarkana
- Texas
- Texas City
- Texhoma
- Texline
- The Colony
- The Woodlands
- Thicket
- Thomaston
- Thompsons
- Thorndale
- Thorndall
- Thornton
- Thorntonville
- Thrall
- Three Rivers
- Throckmorton
- Throndale
- Tilden
- Timpson
- Tioga
- Tivoli
- Tolar
- Tom Bean
- Tomaball
- Tombal
- Tomball
- Tool
- Torneillo
- Tornillo
- Tow
- Toyah
- Tremton
- Trent
- Trento
- Trenton
- Trinidad
- Trinity
- Trinty
- Troop
- Trophy Club
- Tropy Ciub
- Troup
- Trout
- Troy
- Truscott
- Tuleta
- Tulia
- Tumble
- Turkey
- Tuscola
- Tx
- Tye
- Tyler
- Tyler Texas
- Tylerl
- Tynan
- Ueless
- Uhland
- Universal City
- Universal Cty
- Utopia
- Uvalde
- Valentine
- Valle De Oro
- Valley Mills
- Valley Spring
- Valley View
- Valley View Road
- Valleymills
- Van
- Van Alstyne
- Van Court
- Van Horn
- Van Ormy
- Van Vleck
- Vancourt
- Vanderbilt
- Vanderpool
- Vega
- Venus
- Veribest
- Vernon
- Vernon Texas
- Victora
- Victoria
- Victoriia
- Vidor
- Village Mills
- Vinton
- Viuda
- Voca
- Volente
- Von Army
- Von Ormy
- Vonormy
- Voss
- Votaw
- W Lake Hills
- W Odessa
- Waco
- Wadsworth
- Waelder
- Waka
- Wake Village
- Wall
- Waller
- Wallis
- Wallisville
- Walnut Spgs
- Walnut Springs
- Warren
- Warthon
- Warton
- Washington
- Waskom
- Waskon
- Wastherford
- Watauga
- Water Valley
- Watt
- Wavo
- Waxachachie
- Waxachie
- Waxahache
- Waxahachie
- Waxahacie
- Waxahatchie
- Waxahaxchie
- Waxahchie
- Waxhachhie
- Wayside
- Wazahachie
- Weatherford
- Weathorford
- Webberville
- Webster
- Weesatche
- Weimar
- Weimer
- Weinert
- Weir
- Welaco
- Welasco
- Welch
- Wellborn
- Wellington
- Wellman
- Wells
- Welmar
- Weslace
- Weslaco
- West
- West Columbai
- West Columbia
- West Lake Hills
- West Orange
- West Point
- West Tawakani
- West Tawakoni
- West Tawkoni
- Westbrook
- Westhoff
- Westlake
- Westminster
- Weston
- Weston Lakes
- Westworth Village
- Westworth Vlg
- Wetherford
- Wharton
- Wheeler
- Whichita Falls
- White Deer
- White Oak
- White Settlement
- White Wright
- Whiteface
- Whitehouse
- Whiteright
- Whitesboro
- Whitesburg
- Whitesettlement
- Whitewright
- Whithouse
- Whitney
- Whitsett
- Whitt
- Whitwright
- Wht Settlement
- Wht Settlemt
- Wichita Fall
- Wichita Falls
- Wickett
- Wiemar
- Wiergate
- Wihita Falls
- Wilderado
- Wildorado
- Wildoraod
- Wiley
- Will Point
- Willis
- Willis Point
- Willow City
- Willow Park
- Wills Point
- Wilmer
- Wilson
- Wimberely
- Wimberley
- Wimberly
- Windcrest
- Windcrest Tx
- Windhorst
- Windom
- Windthorst
- Winfield
- Wingate
- Wink
- Winnaboro
- Winnie
- Winnsboro
- Winona
- Winters
- Witcha Falls
- Witchata Falls
- Witchita Falls
- Wller
- Wolfe City
- Wolfforth
- Wolforth
- Woodlake
- Woodlands
- Woodsboro
- Woodsn
- Woodson
- Woodville
- Woodway
- Wortham
- Wxahachie
- Wylie
- Wyllie
- Yancey
- Yantis
- Yoakum
- Yokum
- Yorktown
- Ysleta Sur
- Zapara
- Zapata
- Zavalla
- Zephyr
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