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1.00/5.00 - based on 4 reviews


Alabama Transportation Company

TAYLOR, AL 36301

Tel: (334) 200-3226

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Company Overview

5S TRUCKING LLC is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3339564 in Alabama. It has a total of 1 trucks and 1 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 26-SEP-19.

5S TRUCKING LLC is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). 5S TRUCKING LLC is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in 5S TRUCKING LLC company drivers travelled 0 miles and had a total of 0 inspections and 0 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 0 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that 5S TRUCKING LLC company vehicles passed 0 inspections during the period of their operation. Overall we have 0 traffic violation reports in our system.

Total Trucks 1
Total Drivers 1
USDOT Number 3339564
MCS 150 Year
MCS 150 Date 26-SEP-19
MCS 150 Mileage
Does 5S TRUCKING LLC transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews


Kenneth Spooner of 5s trucking reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

Is a child molester…….needs to be in jail not in a semi…..

  • Published: 2 years ago

Jennifer reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

This man tried to bump me and my kids off a bridge with his semi. If I wouldnt have braked, we would be dead. The following day, I called this “company” turns out I spoke to him. He threatened to send men to rape me in front of my kids because he has my address. Hes words were “ youll know I sent them” This man needs help. Hes not mentally stable.

  • Published: 2 years ago

Ron reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

Driver is very rude, unsafe and cursed my daughter out while she was stopped at a stop sign near her high school in Rehobeth Alabama due to his inability and lack of intelligence to drive a truck! He needs to learn how to make wise turns so he doesn’t drive into other lanes of vehicles. Yes she and her friend that was at the stop sign behind her have recording cameras in their vehicles! Get off the road you have anger issues and should not be on the road! I will report to Department of Transportation!

  • Published: 2 years ago

Leave your feedback for 5S TRUCKING LLC motor carrier



Kenneth Spooner of 5s trucking reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

Is a child molester…….needs to be in jail not in a semi…..

  • Published: 2 years ago

Jennifer reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

This man tried to bump me and my kids off a bridge with his semi. If I wouldnt have braked, we would be dead. The following day, I called this “company” turns out I spoke to him. He threatened to send men to rape me in front of my kids because he has my address. Hes words were “ youll know I sent them” This man needs help. Hes not mentally stable.

  • Published: 2 years ago

Ron reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

Driver is very rude, unsafe and cursed my daughter out while she was stopped at a stop sign near her high school in Rehobeth Alabama due to his inability and lack of intelligence to drive a truck! He needs to learn how to make wise turns so he doesn’t drive into other lanes of vehicles. Yes she and her friend that was at the stop sign behind her have recording cameras in their vehicles! Get off the road you have anger issues and should not be on the road! I will report to Department of Transportation!

  • Published: 2 years ago

:) reviewed 5S TRUCKING LLC

Sent rape threats to my best friend after he tailgates her on a highway

  • Published: 3 years ago