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1.00/5.00 - based on 2 reviews


Arizona Transportation Company

MARICOPA, AZ 85138-4063

Tel: (313) 629-7962

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Company Overview

HEAVEN-SENT TOWING is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3233439 in Arizona. It has a total of 0 trucks and 1 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 16-JAN-19.

HEAVEN-SENT TOWING is allowed to operate Intrastate Only (HM) and Intrastate Only (Non-HM). HEAVEN-SENT TOWING is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in HEAVEN-SENT TOWING company drivers travelled 0 miles and had a total of 0 inspections and 0 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 0 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that HEAVEN-SENT TOWING company vehicles passed 0 inspections during the period of their operation. Overall we have 0 traffic violation reports in our system.

Total Trucks 0
Total Drivers 1
USDOT Number 3233439
MCS 150 Year
MCS 150 Date 16-JAN-19
MCS 150 Mileage
Does HEAVEN-SENT TOWING transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation C

Latest Reviews


Rex Capicola reviewed HEAVEN-SENT TOWING

I witness on of your drivers in a F-350 flatbag yelling racist comments on Elliott Road light going eastbound. I was in the middle lane between your driver and the other person Turing to go north. Your driver, a black man, really skinny with thin beard on his chin, was yelling, and I quote verbatim, “ I hate you Mexican MF’ers, go back to Mexico you little dick piece of shit.” The guy in the car looked like a white guy, but your driver thought he was Mexican. Also, I could see the joint in his hand and could smell the marijuana through the windows. I was in a grey BMW so ask your driver if he knows I was listening to his road rage. I don’t know the exact reason your driver was yelling at the other driver, but you might want to get that guy drug tested if he’s on the road. My wife is saying I should report it to the cops, and I may, but with a name like Heaven Sent, your driver isn’t embodying god’s good word.

  • Published: 1 year ago


I was driving in Queen Creek today when a heaven sent towing vehicle pulled up next to me at a stoplight beeping the horn at me yelling at me and flipping me off. I could see if I had done anything maybe to this person and driving that might’ve pissed him off, however I was nowhere near This maniac until they pulled up next to me and began to harass me. I am filing a police report with the Queen Creek Police Department and I hope they take this driver off of the road and take his license away. If it was the owner that was driving that vehicle I hope he loses his business and his insurance coverage

  • Published: 2 years ago

Leave your feedback for HEAVEN-SENT TOWING motor carrier



Rex Capicola reviewed HEAVEN-SENT TOWING

I witness on of your drivers in a F-350 flatbag yelling racist comments on Elliott Road light going eastbound. I was in the middle lane between your driver and the other person Turing to go north. Your driver, a black man, really skinny with thin beard on his chin, was yelling, and I quote verbatim, “ I hate you Mexican MF’ers, go back to Mexico you little dick piece of shit.” The guy in the car looked like a white guy, but your driver thought he was Mexican. Also, I could see the joint in his hand and could smell the marijuana through the windows. I was in a grey BMW so ask your driver if he knows I was listening to his road rage. I don’t know the exact reason your driver was yelling at the other driver, but you might want to get that guy drug tested if he’s on the road. My wife is saying I should report it to the cops, and I may, but with a name like Heaven Sent, your driver isn’t embodying god’s good word.

  • Published: 1 year ago


I was driving in Queen Creek today when a heaven sent towing vehicle pulled up next to me at a stoplight beeping the horn at me yelling at me and flipping me off. I could see if I had done anything maybe to this person and driving that might’ve pissed him off, however I was nowhere near This maniac until they pulled up next to me and began to harass me. I am filing a police report with the Queen Creek Police Department and I hope they take this driver off of the road and take his license away. If it was the owner that was driving that vehicle I hope he loses his business and his insurance coverage

  • Published: 2 years ago