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1.00/5.00 - based on 1 reviews


California Transportation Company


Tel: (209) 834-7538

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Company Overview

AMARJIT SINGH is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 1110536 in California. It has a total of 1 trucks and 1 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 26-MAR-20.

AMARJIT SINGH is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). AMARJIT SINGH is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in 2019 AMARJIT SINGH company drivers travelled 112575 miles and had a total of 1 inspections and 1 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 1 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that AMARJIT SINGH company vehicles passed 1 inspections during the period of their operation. Their last vehicle inspection was on 18-OCT-19 Overall we have 1 traffic violation reports in our system. Their last traffic violation was recorded on 18-OCT-19

Total Trucks 1
Total Drivers 1
USDOT Number 1110536
MCS 150 Year 2019
MCS 150 Date 26-MAR-20
MCS 150 Mileage 112575
Does AMARJIT SINGH transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews


Marie Sarver reviewed AMARJIT SINGH

Oct 2019 this driver (owner/operator) was hauling a load for Cisco and wasnt paying attention to his driving (cell phone? or ??? who knows) and he slammed into three vehicles at highway speeds, who were completely stopped to due traffic. One victim lost her leg and was in a coma for months. All six people in the three cars suffered injuries, several of them still affected and suffering from them two years later. This guy lied to people at the accident scene, including other truck drivers trying to help free the victims from their trapped cars. Once of them caught fire. This guy is horrible and you should not hire him. Everyone, including Cisco is being drug into the lawsuit because of is negligence and absolute disrespect for human life.

  • Published: 3 years ago

Leave your feedback for AMARJIT SINGH motor carrier



Marie Sarver reviewed AMARJIT SINGH

Oct 2019 this driver (owner/operator) was hauling a load for Cisco and wasnt paying attention to his driving (cell phone? or ??? who knows) and he slammed into three vehicles at highway speeds, who were completely stopped to due traffic. One victim lost her leg and was in a coma for months. All six people in the three cars suffered injuries, several of them still affected and suffering from them two years later. This guy lied to people at the accident scene, including other truck drivers trying to help free the victims from their trapped cars. Once of them caught fire. This guy is horrible and you should not hire him. Everyone, including Cisco is being drug into the lawsuit because of is negligence and absolute disrespect for human life.

  • Published: 3 years ago