There are no Safety Measurement System (SMS) records associated with
There are no Crash data associated with DANIEL L MARKS INC.
Inspection #1 | |
Unique ID | 585171423 |
Report Number | A163724632 |
Report State | CA |
USDOT Number | 2604531 |
Inspection Date | 24-OCT-18 |
Inspection Level ID | 1 |
Inspection State | CA |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 1 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 1 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | FORD |
License | 8T68835 |
License State | CA |
VIN Number | 1FDWF36598EB08091 |
Decal Number | 26305640 |
Type 2 | |
Make 2 | |
License 2 | |
State 2 | |
VIN 2 Number | |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | Y |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 1 |
Unsafe Violations | 0 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 1 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Inspection #2 | |
Unique ID | 588532473 |
Report Number | A163724816 |
Report State | CA |
USDOT Number | 2604531 |
Inspection Date | 10-DEC-18 |
Inspection Level ID | 1 |
Inspection State | CA |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 0 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 0 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | MITS |
License | 37518F2 |
License State | CA |
VIN Number | JL6CRE1A8HK003761 |
Decal Number | 26304301 |
Type 2 | |
Make 2 | |
License 2 | |
State 2 | |
VIN 2 Number | |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | Y |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 0 |
Unsafe Violations | 0 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 0 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Violation #1 | |
Unique ID | 585171423 |
Inspection Date | 24-OCT-18 |
USDOT Number | 2604531 |
Violation Code | 39375A3 |
Name | Vehicle Maintenance |
OOS Indicator | Y |
OOS Weight | 2 |
Severity Weight | 8 |
Time Weight | 1 |
Tot Severity Wght | 10 |
Viol Value | 10 |
Violation | Tire-flat and/or audible air leak |
Violation Group | Tires |
Vehicle Unit Violation | 1 |