Safety Measurement System (SMS)
SMS #1 | |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Total Inspections | 4 |
Total Driver Inspections | 4 |
Total Driver OOS Inspections | 0 |
Total Vehicle Inspections | 3 |
Total Vehicle OOS Inspections | 1 |
Unsafe Driving Inspections with Violations | 2 |
Unsafe Driving Measure Value | .2 |
Unsafe Driving Acute/Critical Indicator | N |
Inspections with Violations | 0 |
Driving Measure | 0 |
Hos Driv Ac | N |
Driver Fitness Inspections with Violations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Measure | 0 |
Driver Fitness Serious Violation Indicator | N |
Controlled Substances Inspections with Violations | 0 |
Controlled Substances Performance Measure | 0 |
Contr Subst Ac | N |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspections with Violations | 2 |
Vehicle Maintenance Measure | 5.66 |
Vehicle Maintenance Acute/Critical Indicator | N |
There are no Crash data associated with CENTERLINE SOLUTIONS LLC.
Inspection #1 | |
Unique ID | 581301576 |
Report Number | 4B04000711 |
Report State | CO |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Inspection Date | 17-SEP-18 |
Inspection Level ID | 3 |
Inspection State | CO |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 0 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 0 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | TRUK |
License | BPF304 |
License State | CO |
VIN Number | 3C7WRLFL6GG209495 |
Decal Number | |
Type 2 | |
Make 2 | |
License 2 | |
State 2 | |
VIN 2 Number | |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 1 |
Unsafe Violations | 1 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 0 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Inspection #2 | |
Unique ID | 594155403 |
Report Number | DPD0410513 |
Report State | CO |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Inspection Date | 25-FEB-19 |
Inspection Level ID | 1 |
Inspection State | CO |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 0 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 0 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | FORD |
License | ROQ765 |
License State | CO |
VIN Number | 1FT7X2BT2FED16332 |
Decal Number | |
Make 2 | PARM |
License 2 | OQL449 |
State 2 | CO |
VIN 2 Number | 4P5L61826G1253681 |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | Y |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 0 |
Unsafe Violations | 0 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 0 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Inspection #3 | |
Unique ID | 573780033 |
Report Number | 3153004800 |
Report State | FL |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Inspection Date | 23-JUN-18 |
Inspection Level ID | 1 |
Inspection State | FL |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 1 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 1 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | DODG |
License | BKNM56 |
License State | FL |
VIN Number | 3C7WDNFL2CG260349 |
Decal Number | |
Make 2 | TRLR |
License 2 | 255WEG |
State 2 | FL |
VIN 2 Number | 4P5F8202171089880 |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | Y |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 4 |
Unsafe Violations | 1 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 3 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Inspection #4 | |
Unique ID | 598084848 |
Report Number | SPE0270770 |
Report State | NY |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Inspection Date | 08-APR-19 |
Inspection Level ID | 1 |
Inspection State | NY |
Time Weight | 1 |
Driver OOS Total | 0 |
Vehicle Oos Total | 0 |
Total Hazmat Sent | 0 |
OOS Total | 0 |
Hazmat Oos Total | 0 |
Hazmat Placard Required | |
Make | FORD |
License | 37629MH |
License State | NY |
VIN Number | 1FD8W3HT5GEB19852 |
Decal Number | 27222407 |
Type 2 | |
Make 2 | |
License 2 | |
State 2 | |
VIN 2 Number | |
Decal Number 2 | |
Unsafe Inspection | Y |
Fatigued Inspection | Y |
Driver Fitness Inspection | Y |
Substances/Alcohol Inspection | Y |
Vehicle Maintenance Inspection | Y |
Hazmat Inspection | |
Basic Violations | 2 |
Unsafe Violations | 0 |
Fatigues Vilations | 0 |
Driver Fitness Violations | 0 |
Substances/Alcohol Violations | 0 |
Vehicle Maintenance Violations | 2 |
Hazardous Materials Compliance Violations | 0 |
Violation #1 | |
Unique ID | 573780033 |
Inspection Date | 23-JUN-18 |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Violation Code | 3922C |
Name | Unsafe Driving |
OOS Indicator | N |
OOS Weight | 0 |
Severity Weight | 5 |
Time Weight | 1 |
Tot Severity Wght | 5 |
Viol Value | 5 |
Violation | Failure to obey traffic control device |
Violation Group | Dangerous Driving |
Vehicle Unit Violation | D |
Violation #2 | |
Unique ID | 581301576 |
Inspection Date | 17-SEP-18 |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Violation Code | 3922SLLS2 |
Name | Unsafe Driving |
OOS Indicator | N |
OOS Weight | 0 |
Severity Weight | 4 |
Time Weight | 1 |
Tot Severity Wght | 4 |
Viol Value | 4 |
Violation | State/Local Laws - Speeding 6-10 miles per hour over the speed limit. |
Violation Group | Speeding 2 |
Vehicle Unit Violation | D |
Violation #3 | |
Unique ID | 598084848 |
Inspection Date | 08-APR-19 |
USDOT Number | 2359816 |
Violation Code | 39311 |
Name | Vehicle Maintenance |
OOS Indicator | N |
OOS Weight | 0 |
Severity Weight | 3 |
Time Weight | 1 |
Tot Severity Wght | 3 |
Viol Value | 3 |
Violation | No or defective lighting devices or reflective material as required |
Violation Group | Reflective Sheeting |
Vehicle Unit Violation | 1 |