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2.45/5.00 - based on 11 reviews


Illinois Transportation Company

DARIEN, IL 60561

Tel: (630) 362-3753

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Company Overview

LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3018822 in Illinois. It has a total of 19 trucks and 20 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 21-JAN-20.

LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in 2019 LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC company drivers travelled 3192000 miles and had a total of 161 inspections and 64 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 7 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC company vehicles passed 161 inspections during the period of their operation. Their last vehicle inspection was on 31-OCT-18 Overall we have 64 traffic violation reports in our system. Their last traffic violation was recorded on 31-OCT-18

Total Trucks 19
Total Drivers 20
USDOT Number 3018822
MCS 150 Year 2019
MCS 150 Date 21-JAN-20
MCS 150 Mileage 3192000
Does LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews


Mark Chavaria reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

Good place for flatbed

  • Published: 1 year ago

Milo Ramirez reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

Been here for over 5 years now… paid my truck off but im not going anywhere they keep me loaded all the time and my DM is the best. Recommend this company to anyone

  • Published: 1 year ago

Ashley Lauren reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

A Legit Trucking Company with Excellent Service I wanted to take a moment to share our positive experience with LandHawk. My husband has been working for them for over 2 years now, and we couldn't be happier with their service. First and foremost, this company is a legitimate and trustworthy company. They have consistently kept my husband busy with loads, ensuring that he is always on the road and earning a steady income. This level of reliability is something we greatly appreciate. Moreover, Landhawk has been exceptional when it comes to timely payments. They have consistently paid my husband on time, without any delays or issues. This reliability has helped us manage our finances effectively and has given us peace of mind. Overall, we are extremely satisfied with our experience with them. They have proven themselves to be a reliable and professional trucking company that truly cares about their drivers. We highly recommend them to anyone in the industry looking for a trustworthy and dependable company to work with!

  • Published: 1 year ago

Leave your feedback for LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC motor carrier



Mark Chavaria reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

Good place for flatbed

  • Published: 1 year ago

Milo Ramirez reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

Been here for over 5 years now… paid my truck off but im not going anywhere they keep me loaded all the time and my DM is the best. Recommend this company to anyone

  • Published: 1 year ago

Ashley Lauren reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

A Legit Trucking Company with Excellent Service I wanted to take a moment to share our positive experience with LandHawk. My husband has been working for them for over 2 years now, and we couldn't be happier with their service. First and foremost, this company is a legitimate and trustworthy company. They have consistently kept my husband busy with loads, ensuring that he is always on the road and earning a steady income. This level of reliability is something we greatly appreciate. Moreover, Landhawk has been exceptional when it comes to timely payments. They have consistently paid my husband on time, without any delays or issues. This reliability has helped us manage our finances effectively and has given us peace of mind. Overall, we are extremely satisfied with our experience with them. They have proven themselves to be a reliable and professional trucking company that truly cares about their drivers. We highly recommend them to anyone in the industry looking for a trustworthy and dependable company to work with!

  • Published: 1 year ago

Jeremy Lowe reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

Been with them for 3 years now. Best company i ever pulled for i get consistent miles and good pay. pay is a bit wired i get it on Tuesday but the is ok with me thinking about signing a lease with them...

  • Published: 1 year ago


I worked for Tudor a year ago. Been trying to get my money he owes me in the amount of 4562 dollars. Department of labor in Illinois is investigating him in this matter. I warn everyone Google Gretta transportation that is tudors main company he has been sued by 4 different banks in the last year for failure to pay.

  • Published: 1 year ago


This company is horrible my husband was starting for them and he took a truck already loaded for them instead of the bus to go for orientation he got up there on Saturday like he was told to do he stayed in a truck with no air til Monday then sent for drug test then took the same truck to get air fixed so he could take a truck to Florida well truck could not be fixed he was going to have to lay over again he told them he wanted a bus ticket home they s3nt a Uber after him took him to the bus station and dropped him off no bus ticket nor money he worked for free the guy would not even answer his calls but it's ok I have a call in to DOT... they got one star only because I had to rate them they are s***

  • Published: 1 year ago


This place is a joke. Seriously. Wasn't paid in a month only received 2 draws worth $800. Tudor will fuck you and lie to you straight up. He got his ass chewed for not paying me. Next day I. Confiscated the truck while I was in a store. Then lied said it was stolen. All my meds and pass port and. Clothes was in the truck. He.said to police he decided to release me because of how I chewed is ass. And released me. Nothizng said to me before or given the chance to get my things. FBI is after him now for theft of my pass port federal document. Still owes me $3,000 bucks. Russian worthless pieces of shit. Fu king hard working Americans. Don't waste your time seriously.

  • Published: 1 year ago

Maribella reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

TUDORRRR is a lying bastard stealing money from hard working people. Seach the reviews on google. The used to have a different name company the one he is getting sued for stealing money and lying to people. Thats why they have so many trucks. They do not return the deposit that they take from you at the beginning of work and they did not pay you more than 3 thousand dollars that they owed to my husband. They all will lied to you. The distpach the contability lady and everyone in the office working for him. IF YOU THINK IM LYING SEARCH ON GOOGLE. He used to have the company and he is getting SUED..

  • Published: 1 year ago


people, do not be fooled if you want to waste time and have your money stolen from your work, come to landhawk or tkraft, the owner tudor is a son of a bitch who steals your money, he does not pay, do not waste your time, look at the reviews before calling them to Work! The only thing I want is that the money you owe me is not enough for medicines for your children, son of a fucking fagot

  • Published: 1 year ago


Disrespectful 1099 Company and ALL risk out on the driver. There for first day and treated like a nobody. Pay them to drive for them. What a joke! Wasted a day travel and a return trip back home after finding out the Company is not legit! Don’t learn the hard way like I did!

  • Published: 1 year ago

Robert Singleton reviewed LANDHAWK CARRIERS INC

This is the worst company I’ve ever worked for my check was never on time. I had to harass them to get paid and they still owe me money from two weeks ago. I have since been blocked and they also owe me a deposit that they make you pay through your paychecks. They take cheap freight and screw you constantly! Be aware!

  • Published: 1 year ago