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5.00/5.00 - based on 1 reviews


Missouri Transportation Company

25608 E 259TH TER

Tel: (816) 277-9023

Fax: (816) 282-8158

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Company Overview

HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3254934 in Missouri. It has a total of 4 trucks and 4 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 17-JAN-20.

HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC company drivers travelled 0 miles and had a total of 3 inspections and 3 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 0 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC company vehicles passed 3 inspections during the period of their operation. Their last vehicle inspection was on 16-JAN-20 Overall we have 3 traffic violation reports in our system. Their last traffic violation was recorded on 16-JAN-20

Total Trucks 4
Total Drivers 4
USDOT Number 3254934
MCS 150 Year
MCS 150 Date 17-JAN-20
MCS 150 Mileage
Does HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews



I crossed paths with one of your drivers at the Walmart in Salem, Missouri about a week or so ago when he was picking up/ delivering construction for Walmart's remodeling project. I stopped to ask him if I could take pictures of the truck because of the flag and "In God We Trust" painted on the vehicle. I neglected to get his name, but I wanted let you know that he represented your company in a very positive, proud way. That encounter was also part of of what is becoming the grassroots movement "Too Big to Rig" to encourage the "silent majority" to step up and fight for our rights and freedoms as Americans. My phone was messing up so I was a bit preoccupied struggling with it. Thus, I didn't thank the driver for allowing me to snap some shots. If you discover who I talked to, please let him know I appreciate him and didn't mean to be abrupt or less than courteous. May God continue to bless your company and safe travels to all your drivers. Lora

  • Published: 6 months ago

Leave your feedback for HUNTER'S PRIDE CONSTRUCTION INC motor carrier




I crossed paths with one of your drivers at the Walmart in Salem, Missouri about a week or so ago when he was picking up/ delivering construction for Walmart's remodeling project. I stopped to ask him if I could take pictures of the truck because of the flag and "In God We Trust" painted on the vehicle. I neglected to get his name, but I wanted let you know that he represented your company in a very positive, proud way. That encounter was also part of of what is becoming the grassroots movement "Too Big to Rig" to encourage the "silent majority" to step up and fight for our rights and freedoms as Americans. My phone was messing up so I was a bit preoccupied struggling with it. Thus, I didn't thank the driver for allowing me to snap some shots. If you discover who I talked to, please let him know I appreciate him and didn't mean to be abrupt or less than courteous. May God continue to bless your company and safe travels to all your drivers. Lora

  • Published: 6 months ago