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5.00/5.00 - based on 1 reviews


Oregon Transportation Company

SWEET HOME, OR 97386-9519

Tel: (541) 760-4242

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Company Overview

CNC MOTORS LLC is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3327715 in Oregon. It has a total of 1 trucks and 8 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 27-AUG-19.

CNC MOTORS LLC is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). CNC MOTORS LLC is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in CNC MOTORS LLC company drivers travelled 0 miles and had a total of 1 inspections and 1 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 0 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that CNC MOTORS LLC company vehicles passed 1 inspections during the period of their operation. Their last vehicle inspection was on 27-AUG-19 Overall we have 1 traffic violation reports in our system. Their last traffic violation was recorded on 27-AUG-19

Total Trucks 1
Total Drivers 8
USDOT Number 3327715
MCS 150 Year
MCS 150 Date 27-AUG-19
MCS 150 Mileage
Does CNC MOTORS LLC transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews


todd lowary reviewed CNC MOTORS LLC

great experience purchasing from CNC Motors! Felt like buying private party. went to look at a excellent high mileage truck, price right. They also had a good deal on a fifth wheel trailer. i ask for a package deal, and got a price that i couldn't pass on! It was very easy to to do business with this company and would recommend them for sure. CNC Motors doesn't have a lot of inventory as they seem to cherry pick select RV's and trucks from around the country. Repos , and auctions i would guess. I feel that it was a win win buying from this company. i don't do reviews, but this company earned it! Todd

  • Published: 2 years ago

Leave your feedback for CNC MOTORS LLC motor carrier



todd lowary reviewed CNC MOTORS LLC

great experience purchasing from CNC Motors! Felt like buying private party. went to look at a excellent high mileage truck, price right. They also had a good deal on a fifth wheel trailer. i ask for a package deal, and got a price that i couldn't pass on! It was very easy to to do business with this company and would recommend them for sure. CNC Motors doesn't have a lot of inventory as they seem to cherry pick select RV's and trucks from around the country. Repos , and auctions i would guess. I feel that it was a win win buying from this company. i don't do reviews, but this company earned it! Todd

  • Published: 2 years ago