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1.00/5.00 - based on 1 reviews


Texas Transportation Company


Tel: (832) 929-3565

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Company Overview

918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC is a motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 3937814 in Texas. It has a total of 1 trucks and 1 drivers. The company received its MCS number on 18-AUG-22.

918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC is allowed to operate Interstate and Intrastate Only (HM). 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC is not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

According to our records, in 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC company drivers travelled 0 miles and had a total of 0 inspections and 0 out of which were with violations. This transportation company drivers had 0 crashes with 0 crashes involving a fatality.

Our records also indicate that 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC company vehicles passed 0 inspections during the period of their operation. Overall we have 0 traffic violation reports in our system.

Total Trucks 1
Total Drivers 1
USDOT Number 3937814
MCS 150 Year
MCS 150 Date 18-AUG-22
MCS 150 Mileage
Does 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC transport Hazardous Material? No
Carrier Operation A

Latest Reviews


sean celestine reviewed 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC

I won a 2015 taurus police car at auction with a bad water pump. I contracted with Freightsmart Logistics who then subcontracted with 918 ELECS & Company LLC. Upon delivery, the driver parked my vehicle, rolled up the window and closed the door with the vehicle running. After shutting the door, the driver immediately tried to reopen the door, but all the doors were locked. My house is in a rural area 20 minutes from any large city area. Between my driver and my cousin, they couldn't open the car to shut it off. So, I told them to break a window as a window is much cheaper to replace than a head gasket. Well, these guys together decided to break out one of the little back windows (my cousin actually busted the window), soon to find out that a police cars back doors can't be opened from the inside, the driver then pointed out the driver door and my cousin busted it out. I contacted Freightsmart who directed me to contact the company 918. 918 said since their driver didn't physically bust the windows out they weren't liable at all. I pointed out that obvious cost difference between windows and a head gasket job because their driver was initially responsible for locking the keys in the vehicle, but they said they are in no way responsible. Hence, my 1 star rating. I ship enough "stuff" throughout the year that I will NEVER use Freightsmart or 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC ever again. And I will be sure to let others know also.

  • Published: 2 weeks ago

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sean celestine reviewed 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC

I won a 2015 taurus police car at auction with a bad water pump. I contracted with Freightsmart Logistics who then subcontracted with 918 ELECS & Company LLC. Upon delivery, the driver parked my vehicle, rolled up the window and closed the door with the vehicle running. After shutting the door, the driver immediately tried to reopen the door, but all the doors were locked. My house is in a rural area 20 minutes from any large city area. Between my driver and my cousin, they couldn't open the car to shut it off. So, I told them to break a window as a window is much cheaper to replace than a head gasket. Well, these guys together decided to break out one of the little back windows (my cousin actually busted the window), soon to find out that a police cars back doors can't be opened from the inside, the driver then pointed out the driver door and my cousin busted it out. I contacted Freightsmart who directed me to contact the company 918. 918 said since their driver didn't physically bust the windows out they weren't liable at all. I pointed out that obvious cost difference between windows and a head gasket job because their driver was initially responsible for locking the keys in the vehicle, but they said they are in no way responsible. Hence, my 1 star rating. I ship enough "stuff" throughout the year that I will NEVER use Freightsmart or 918 ELECS & COMPANY LLC ever again. And I will be sure to let others know also.

  • Published: 2 weeks ago